disclaimer- woots i dont own Soul Eater! :P
Black Star had his feet on the deak, hands behind his hand, looking bored out of his mind. Tsubaki sat next to him. She had her head proped up with her hands, sighing. Patty was sort of just sitting there like the ditz she was, for some reason looking totally interested in what Professor Stein was saying. Death the Kidd was having another of his symitry freak outs. Enough said. Liz was picking at her nail-buds, that is until she heard Maka. She looked over and just sighed.
Soul was doing something to make Maka giggle like crazy which earned her enough stares from the small amount of students that were in class that day. Not to mention the countless glares from Professor Stein.
"All right! Because I can't take much more of this and its the last half hour to class, go a head a write what happened this weekend." Professor Stein said smacking his hands on his deak which had the remains of a disections on it.
Half of the class groaned at this, but did what they were told. Everyone pulled out a pen or pencil and paper.
Liz looked over at Maka and Soul. She was supprised that they were actually doing the assignment. Well, then again it was no supprise if Maka made Soul stop whatever he was doing since she was the top of the class.
Liz turned her attention back to her notebook. All she could do was sigh and laugh to herself out of the stupidity as she remembered what took place that weekend.
woots :P so yeps each chapter is going to be the main character's point of veiw about the weekend. I hope it doesnt bored you! D: