Hey, peoples! This is my first ever fanfic, so go easy on the flames, huh? The idea just popped into my head during social studies, so here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
READ! - If you want more of my stories, come to my friend's and my site- h t t p : / / h o m e t o w n . a o l . c o m / k a s a d i a 8 8 / m y h o m e p a g e / n s y n c . h t m l (without the spaces this is the only way I could get it downloaded)! I will be posting more of my stuff on that web page. Read my story I Don't and give me new story ideas to write!
IMPORTANT: a CHILL PILL is NOT a drug! Got it? OK!
Disclaimer: Poor little me doesn't own anything except the plot. Sniff sniff. The great JK Rowling owns everything. Lucky!!!
Fred and George Weasley were bored. So far that Saturday they had set up Dungbombs in Filch's office, blown up a toilet, and sent Draco Malfoy's broom flying around the Great Hall. But now there was nothing to do. They didn't even have Ron to bug. But they did, however, have Hermione. She was always an easy target.
"Pssst...Fred!" George hissed.
"Yeah?" Fred asked quietly.
"How about we go give Hermione one of our new Psychedelic Pastries?" George suggested.
"Yeah! Great idea!"
"Hey, Hermione?" George asked innocently.
"Yes, George?" Hermione asked, looking up from her book.
"Do you want a candy?"
"From you? I don't think so."
"Aww, come on…it's safe. Don't you trust me?" George asked, pretending to be offended.
"Fine. But if it turns me into a slug…you're going to get it!"
"No slugs…promise!" Fred said with an evil grin.
"No animals!"
"No animals," George repeated.
"Okay, fine. Give me the candy."
Fred handed her the candy. Hermione popped it in her mouth. Immediately, her hair turned lime green, then flashed to hot pink, then to blue.
"It works, it works!" Fred and George yelled.
"What worked?!" shrieked Hermione.
The twins were doubled over with laughter.
"Y…you…your hair!" George managed to get out.
"Okay, guys, I'm calm. See? Now tell me what happened to my hair or I'LL CUT OUT YOUR THROATS!" Hermione screamed.
"Ok, ok, calm down. We just turned it pretty colors. See? Isn't it beautiful?" Fred asked.
"You did WHAT to my hair?"
Hermione conjured up a mirror.
"My hair is yellow! Purple…blue…red…turquoise. Boy, I look good in turquoise. Wait! That's not the point!"
"It'll stop in a few second…see there it goes. All better. Okay?" George said hesitantly.
"Yeah, ok. But I'm still mad at ya'll for tricking me. Leave me alone."
"Okay," they said quickly.
Fred and George raced up to their room.
"Whew. Her temper almost matches Ron's," Fred said.
"Yeah. She went nuts!" George replied. "Hey, I've got an idea for a new trick. Let's make a chill pill! We can give it to Hermione so she'll chill for a month!"
"Yeah! That would be awesome!" Fred exclaimed. "Let's make one. Just one problem…what's a chill pill?"
"It's a pill-shaped candy that makes you use the other half of your personality. In Hermione's case, she will become more carefree. She might have lapses of memory because she has her carefree half is so well hidden, but she will remember everybody."
"Whoa…stop it! You sound like Percy! It's scary!"
"I know…heh heh heh," George cackled evilly. "Anyway, let's make it!"
"Okay. Just one question. Why the name chill pill?"
"Because I like the name! Why else?"
"Arrgh. Those guys give me such a headache!" Hermione muttered.
Fred and George made their way down the stairs.
"Hermione?" George said hesitantly.
"What?" she snapped.
"Ummm, well, we're really sorry, so we got you a headache pill."
"This isn't a trick?"
"No, no trick," Fred said.
"Okay. But I will turn you guys into toads if this is," Hermione said as she took the pill.
Fred and George exchanged a nervous glance.
"If this pill works, she won't care," George though. "I hope it works."
Hermione swallowed the pill.
Her face turned blue, then purple, then turquoise.
"Wow!" she exclaimed. "I feel much better! Let's go set off some Filibuster Fireworks to celebrate!"
"You want to set off FILIBUSTER FIREWORKS!" Fred exclaimed.
"Duh! Let's go!"
"Okay!" the twins exclaimed together. The chill pill had turned Hermione past a regular person into a Weasley twin-type! She was downright fun!
Later, Fred, George, and Hermione returned, laughing and panting. Filch had almost caught them setting off fireworks in a hallway.
"Hermione?" Harry said incredulously.
"Yes, ha ha, Harry?" Hermione asked, still giggling.
"Ummmm…are you ok?"
"I'm, hee hee, fine." Why?"
"You seem a little different."
"I don't seem different, do I George? Fred?"
"Nope, not at all!" George replied, smiling broadly.
"You seem the same to me," Fred said innocently.
"Okay, what did you do?" Harry asked suspiciously.
"What makes you think we did anything?" George asked.
"Because Hermione seems, I don't know, happier. More laid-back I guess."
"First of all, she's normal, second of all, why would that be bad?"
"What's going on? I'm not different Harry."
"Hermione, have you finished your homework yet?"
"Harry, its only Saturday! I can do it tomorrow night!" Hermione exclaimed. "Why would I want to do it early?"
Fred and George looked away and whistled as Harry looked at them again.
"What?" asked George.
"Can I talk to you?" Harry said.
"Sure. Be right back." George said to Hermione and Fred.
Harry and George went over to the corner.
"Okay. What did you do?"
"Nothing! She just decided to chill out! How she's just like us! Isn't it great?"
"Whatever." Harry replied, disbelievingly.
"She does seem happier this way. Oh well." Harry thought.
"Hey, George! Let's go get some food from the kitchen and have a party!"
"Cool! I'm coming! Bye, Harry!"
As Hermione, Fred, and George headed down to the kitchen, George thought about how much he liked the new Hermione. She was cool, funny, happy, exciting, and, he didn't know why he had never noticed before, pretty. Very pretty, in fact. Her eyes were a deep forest green with gold specks in them. (AN: I know Hermione has brown eyes, but hey this is MY story.) Her hair was a wavy brown with, what the, red highlights!
"Hey, Hermione," George started. "Where did you get the highlights?"
"Oh, I did that in the bathroom when you guys were running away from Filch. Do you like?" Hermione asked, twirling to show them off.
George gulped. Man, she was hot! "Yeah, they're cool!"
"Very nice," Fred commented.
They arrived at the kitchens. As they walked inside, all the house elves gasped and hurried out of the way. Whispers of SPEW could be heard all around the kitchen.
"Spew? What's Spew? And why are the house elves running away?" Hermione asked, confused.
"Umm…nothing. House elves, Spew exists no longer. We will not try to free you," Fred called to the cowering elves.
"Yyyeeeaaa!!!" the house elves cheered and immediately went to get food for the three teens.
Fred and George themselves had never gotten such a load from the elves! They seemed to love Hermione's new friendly personality.
"No more SPEW! Thank you, Hermione! Thank you!"
"Uhh…George? What's Spew?" Hermione asked as they left the kitchens.
"Just a house elf they didn't like," George replied, thinking quickly.
"Oh…then why are they thanking me?"
"Because the house elf didn't like you and left because of you."
"Oh, poor Spew!"
"It's okay. He found a job somewhere else, I'm sure."
"Thanks George."
They arrived at the Fat Lady.
"Spoiled cabbages," Fred said.
As they stepped into the common room, they met an astonished Ron.
"Hermione? You went to the kitchens? To get food?"
"Yyeeaahh. Why?"
"What about SPEW?"
"Oh, he left."
Ron took Harry aside.
"You're right. She's gone bonkers!"
"Yeah. I wonder what happened to her?"
"Ph, well, she's probably fine. She doesn't look sick! And she's more fun!"
"Yeah! Let's paaarrrttyy!!"
George was hyper. He had had about fifteen Butterbeers that night. The sugar was starting to get to him. He felt slightly tipsy, even though the Butterbeers were non-alcoholic. It was two-o'clock in the morning, but he didn't feel like sleeping. Only him, Fred, and Hermione were left.
"I'm going to bed, guys," Fred called as he walked up the stairs to his dorm.
"'K," Hermione called back. "Hey, George, are you tired? I'm not in the least."
"Me either. Let's stay up longer."
Hermione and George continued to dance. When they were both too tired to stand up, they plopped down on the couch.
"That was fun!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Yeah, it was," George replied. Suddenly he realized how close he was to her. She was beautiful and fun. He couldn't believe how nice Hermione had turned out to be.
Suddenly, he kissed her. Her lips were warm and inviting, and he found himself falling into the kiss. The kissed deepened slowly. His lips were on fire, and his heartbeat was speeding up. Then he realized what he was doing. He pulled back.
"I…I'm s-sorry," he stammered.
"It's okay," Hermione replied, not looking shocked at all. "No biggie."
"Oh…okay." George was surprised she could just brush an earth-shaking kiss off like that. He had kissed quite a few girls, but none of the kisses were like hers.
"I'm going to bed, George. George? George!"
"Huh? Oh, sure, okay. See you tomorrow."
"You mean later today!"
George sat there, now alone in the common room, for another hour, just thinking.
"Why did I pull away? Why did I kiss her? And I liked it. Oh my God, I like kissing Hermione!"
So there's the first chapter. What do you think? Please review!!! I'm not going to be one of those "I won't continue unless I get this many reviews", but it would be nice to get some encouragement!
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