Sorry it's been umm yeah a while but a lot has happen to me so yeah I'm back XD Anyway if you haven't read previous chapters I've updated them. Emi is now Heba. The reason is at the end of this so please for now just enjoy.
Seto groaned down to the phone and Heba contuinued to talk about Sieji being a homophobic git and how much of a bad brother he was. Sure he loved the family but Heba was certainly annoying at the best of times. "Heba, why hasn't Sieji even moved out yet?" Seto asked.
"No he hasn't," Heba replied. "I really can't wait for Atemu to move back home with us. I really want to go to their University but with Sieji always looking over my back I can't work. Hey are you coming this weekend?"
"You mean the ball?" Seto asked. "I don't have a date."
"What about Joey?"
Seto practically chocked on his coffee. Joey had been working in his business for about sixth months now, just so he can raise more money for his own apartment. Sure, Seto had been infactuated with the man for a while now but it would ruin his image as the president. "Heba stop being so rediculous," Seto demanded over the phone. "Look I have to go now, just try and get some studying done okay?"
"Okay cousin. Speak to you soon," Heba sighed, hanging up the phone. Seto couldn't believe that he and Joey would ever stand a chance against the press and keeping a love life private.
Yugi completed his packing within an hour. He knew it wouldn't be long before he was back at Yami's house. Wait, he was still calling him 'Yami.' That's not even his real name. Why wasn't Yami letting him call him "Atemu?" By his name? It was hard for him,. Ever since he first set his eyes on Yami his heart would skip a beat. He didn't know what made Yami aask him out that day but all he knew was that day and why Tea had such a problem with him.
Yami emerged from the bathroom. Yugi was sat on the bed, staring at his hands that was in his lap. "Yugi, what's wrong?" He asked kneeling in front of Yugi.
"Do you actually like me?" Yugi asked, causing Yami to stare wide eyed.
"Of course I do," Yami replied. "I like you so much."
"Then why can't I call you Atemu?" Yugi cried. "Is it because you don't want people to know Atemu Kinjo huh? That's why you prefre Atemu."
"No it's not like that at all," Yami snapped. Yugi jumped in surprise. "It's because that's what you called me the first time you ever talked to me."
Flash Back 4 years ago
Yami walked down the halls of Domino Private High School. He simply looked cool, calm and collected. Although he really wasn't. It was the anniversary of his mother's death. It was a sad time for his family. They should have had the day off from school reallybut Yami saw no point in the matter. His grades were bad as it was so he saw it didn't matter whether he was their or not.
Suddenly Yami felt a heavy weight against his back. He turned and heard the groan of a young boy. This boy was beautiful. Hair similar to his own but amaing purple eyes. "O I'm so sorry," Yami apologised helping the boy to his feet.
"It's okay, I wasn't looking were I was going," The boy replied. Suddenly their eyes met. If only for a second. "Hey your eyes are darker then mine. Their like a dark crimson. Like Yami."
"Yami..." Yami asked.
"Yeah it means dark. Oh sorry my name is Yugi," The boy introduced.
It was from the moment their hands meet in a and shake that Yami knew just who he would love. Now and frever.
"Y-you nevertold me that before," Yugi stuttered.
"You were so cute I could not correct you," Yami laughed. "Besides that gives the name more meaning now. A meaning that I like. To you I always want to Yami."
"Yami, I love you," Yugi said, tears forming in his eyes. "I always have."
"I love you to Yugi."
Yami placed a gentle kiss upon Yugi's lips. Even thought Yami meant dark, in his heart and the future was certainly light.
what can I say? I've been gone for way to long now. Please give me reviews guys. I've missed doing this story.
Heba's Bio (In the anime if she ever was)
Red hair and yellow bangs
Red eyes
Atemu's younger sister
mother died three days after giving birth to her
Took the throne as Pharaoh after Seth became ill and died, leaving no children behind
Emi's Bio (If she was ever in the anime)
Yugi's little sister by like six/seven months (it can happen i've read about it) so it makes them in the same high school year
The reincarnation of Heba
Has Heba's memories up until the days that take place in the memory arc in the series
Brown hair yellow bangs
Blue eyes
Obbessed with all things Egyptian
That's there bios so i wanted to change it to suit the story and my characters.