Hi. This is my first Yami x Yugi story. Don't like don't read. Anyway may I please remind you that if you have a review that takes up a lot of space and is a flame send it me though a private message. It will be easier that way.

I don't own Yugioh.

Yugi Motou sat quietly in the corner reading as per-usual. Yugi wasn't the type who socialises well with others. He was the shy and keep to yourself type of person. The a shadow cast itself over Yugi's petite body. Yugi looked upo and saw him... Atemu Yami. Everyone called him 'Yami' because it suited him better. Random people went up to them and asked if they were twins. Ther couldn't be more wrong. Yami was taller, more muscular and was the complete opposite of Yugi when it came to personality.

Yami smirked as he pulled up the chair next to Yugi. Yugi's blush was so bright, girls on the other side of the room were giggling over it. Yugi had always thought Yami was attractive. Sure they were friends but Yugi never thought of the as more. "Yugi?" Yami asked.

Yugi turned to him, "Yes?"

"I was thinking would you like to go out with me tonight, say seven?" Yami said straight up.

Yugi's breath slow and heavy. He nodded rapidly. "Great see you at lunch," Yami stood up and kissed Yugi's cheek.

Yami smirked as Yugi's blushed deepened. He made his way back to his own sit, delighted he had a date with the cutess boy in school.

The class settled down as the bell rang. Their teacher, Mr. Nakano, was followed by a tall, slim girl with short brown hair. "Class this is your new class mate, Miss Tea Gardner. Please help her in anyway you can."

The girls began to whisper whilst the boys whistled. One boy even shouted, "Hot stuff."

A new girl? thought Yugi.This could get interesting.

--During Dinner--

At dinner time Yugi was talking to Yami about tonight, when Tea came up. "Hi," she waved. "Can I sit with you?"

Yami and Yugi nodded in unison.

"So what are your names?" Tea asked.

"Sorry I forgot," Yugi said reather embrassed.

"What your name?" Yami asked sacastically. Yami laughed loudly and so did Tea, starring lovingly at him.

"I'm Yugi," Yugi said blushing.

"And you?" Tea said licking her lips and still looking at Yami.

"Y-YA-YAMI," Yami yelled the last part because Tea was rubbing her leg against Yami's. "Please move your leg."

Tea pulled her leg away. "So...you single?"

Yami blushed as he looked at Yugi.

By now Yugi was getting really ticked off and yelled, so loud the whole room heard it, "No he isn't. He and I are going out!!"

Tea and Yami's eyes widened. Yami coughed and calmed Yugi down. "Yugi, come on we don't need the whole school knowing," Yami whispered in Yugi's ear.

Sorry," Yugi apoligised.

Tea was fuming. How can that little runt get someone as hot as Yami? she thought. Well wiat little Yugi because your life is going to be come Hell!

What did you think? Please review. I've redone this chapter. (Well I've fixed the mistakes.)