New Story


Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Please be gentle, this is my first Death Note story. So please excuse me if L, BB, and Light are OOC.

Ch.1 – Disturbing News (prologue)

The Task Force was once again working for clues to find Kira. L and Light were sitting in their usual spot, going over records on their computers and flipping through old police files when L's phone rang, startling everyone in the room.

L answered in his usual weird way.


He was quiet for a minute before his wide eyes widened even more and the hand on his knee clenched, immediately catching everyone's attention.

"Thank you for the information." He said before hanging up. Ignoring the questioning looks aimed at him, he pressed a button on his keyboard to contact Watari.


"Yes, L?"

"We have a problem."

The seriousness on his face told them that this was no joke.

