
The first time they kiss, she is blind.

Her headband fastened around her eyes.

Only three days ago she had been running free with her fellow shinobi.

Now she sits, handcuffed to a wall in that underground lair.

She knows she cannot escape on her own.

She hears the door to her cell open and shivers, her chains clinking together.

A hand strokes her cheek, calloused and rough…yet gentle.

He steals her first kiss, leaving her breathless before he vanishes.

He does not return.

The second time they kiss, her hair is black and her eyes glow gold.

His hands are wrapped around her as they sit, alone in a deserted mansion.

He only blinks when she brings a knife against his throat.

She exhales, her locks turning pink and her eyes back to green.

The knife falls to the floor, forgotten.

She wakes the next morning as the rising sun spills over her.

Alone, with only a hard bench between her body and the cold ground.

She cries when he is nowhere to be found.

The third time they kiss, she is dressed all in white.

Confetti and flower petals rain down around them.

Wedding bells chime in the background, mixing with joyous cheers.

Her friends clap for her with forced enthusiasm.

They told her he is no good for her.

He cannot love her, they said.

She will prove them wrong.

He merely holds her hands, a traitor no longer, and she holds his back.

He does not smile.

But she does, because he is contented.

The fourth time they kiss, he is bleeding.

Her hands, drained dry of healing energy, cling to him as her voice cries out.

Her pleas echo hollowly back at her as she begs him not to leave her.

Rain drips from his ashen hand as it strokes the growing bump under her navel.

He asks her to take good care of his child, and his eyes close.

She screams his name, and nobody listens.

The fifth time they kiss, her pink tresses have faded to snow-white.

His once-ebony locks hang gray before his dulled, unseeing eyes.

His worn, aged hand grips hers, feeling her fading pulse.

She looks up from where she lies, and smiles at her son and two daughters.

Smiles at the tiny babies in their arms, whose growing up she won't live to see.

Smiles for him, her husband for so many years.

As her eyes close, her breathing ceases.

Their children gaze at the tears falling from his eyes.

They had never seen him cry before.

The sixth time they kiss, the sun is shining.

His gray spikes are midnight-black once again, his lost vision restored.

Her coral-colored hair flows down her back, her eyes sparkling like emeralds.

She smiles, her cheeks rosy as he holds her, the grass below tickling bare feet.

He whispers to her as the soft wind blows, fluttering through her white kimono.

She closes her eyes, and she is contented.

"I love you too, Sasuke-kun."

Whoaaaaa, angst. Hope you liked :D