I am so sorry, ithas been forever!!!! This is by far my fav chapter. But it is a little bittersweet...

Tell me what you think!!!! ...Please?

Riku: Great, is she STILL after us?

Namine: Yep. You think she totally messed up?

Riku: Yes.

Larka: I OBJECT!!!!

Riku and Namine: Shut up.

*Huffs* Tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: Guys, come on. If I was supreme queen of the universe, Disney would STILL beat me off with a stick when I try to claim KH. I have BRUISES!!!!! jk.

Namine's POV

I stood, frozen, in that corner. A tear slid down my cheek as I realized that Riku wasn't even objecting to Kiki's touch.

I walked calmly out to the garden outside the glass doors and sat down. My chest felt empty, and I felt cold.

So cold…

I was right about Riku when I was younger: he's a total jerk.

Another tear trickled down my face.

Or is this just how heartbreak feels?

I wiped my eyes and clenched my fists.

I was done crying over Riku; he was probably unreachable.

But that didn't mean Kiki couldn't be damaged.

So cold…

I tore my mask off, and stomped on it.


I walked purposefully towards the group of girls that were Kiki's most devoted followers. If I was about to wage war, I might as well have allies. When I reached them, they sneered, and one girl with mousy brown hair and blue eyes stepped forward, and said with sickly sweetness,

"Princess, we didn't see you…" She stopped as I glared at her, exuding coldness like a chill breeze.

"There?" I finished coolly.

She took a step back and looked around.

"You seem…different." She said carefully. I narrowed my eyes.

"Obviously. Now," I said, looking around, "You are Riku's fan club?"

There was a flurry of nods and 'yes's. I folded my arms.

"So Kiki said you'd get Riku somehow, I presume." There was more nods and 'yes's. "Interesting. So why is it that Kiki and Kiki alone is the one with Riku right now?"

The girl who had first spoken bit her nail.

"W-well," She stammered, "She will come back eve—"

"She's not coming back." I said flatly, matching her gaze for gaze. "Ever. She's used you. Once she's pressured Riku into obliging her, she's never going to look at you, let alone help you." The girl nodded, her eyes calculating.

"Ladies?" She asked turning to her friends. Each of them, one by one, inclined their heads. The girl stuck out her hand.

"My name is Selphie Marisola." She told me, as I shook her hand. "But my friends," she smiled, "and allies call me Selphie." I nodded. She smiled sharply. "We will bring Kiki down." She informed me, "And if you want Riku after that, you may take him. But if you use us the way Kiki has, you will wish you died as a child, Princess."

I think I like this girl. I thought.

"Fair enough, and please call me Namine." I told her. I addressed all of them. "Anyone for revenge?"

The only response was a round of dark laughter, which would be enough to terrify anyone against them.

But I still only felt the coldness.

Riku's POV

I tried to track Namine with my eyes, but I lost sight of her when she left the room. I hoped that she didn't think I went with Kiki because I wanted to.

I saw her come in again, and I smiled when she didn't seem like she was crying.

"Something happy, honey?" Kiki asked sweetly. I glared at her.

"Do not call me honey." I said through gritted teeth. She only smiled, and put her hand in mine. I stepped away, and she stepped towards me.

Does she really think she's going to get anywhere with this?! I fumed.

She started to say something when a thin girl with white-blonde hair and piercing green eyes framed by black wire glasses walked over to us.

"Ah, Beka," Kiki said, somewhat angrily, "What on earth are you doing here dear?" She jerked her head towards me and hissed, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

The girl she called Beka smiled, took her glasses off, and began to polish them.

"The rest of us were wondering when you were going to come back and give someone else a chance at flirting with Riku." She said, squinting at her lenses. "Seems to me that the ball," she took a look at the clock on the far wall, "Is almost over." She giggled. "It's going to take much longer than the time we have left to give everyone a turn, Kiki." Her expression turned dangerous. "You weren't using us to pressure Riku, I hope."

Kiki's expression was like a thundercloud.

I could barely contain a smile. I swear; the person who started the rebellion among fan girls deserves to be a saint.

"Of course I'm not!" She spat, her eyes burning. "Get back to the group, and we'll talk!"

Beka tsked, and put her glasses on.

"You've been pushed aside Kiki." She said blandly. Kiki opened her mouth, like a fish, her eyes bugging out, but Beka continued, "Sadly, we have found a NEW leader…with Selphie as Second in Command, of course."

"I see," Kiki growled, she pulled her long red hair back from her face, and continued, "And who is the wench who DARES to replace me?" She asked icily.

Beka smiled slowly.

"I believe you know her. My Lady Commander Namine is a wonderful leader, and," her smile grew, "I think she might even be colder than you are Kiki."

My heart froze. Namine, the sweet, beautiful girl that I fell in love with, now cold and unfeeling? How was that even POSSIBLE?!

"Where is she?" I demanded; my eyes boring into Beka. "Where?!" I roared. She shook her head.

"Sorry Prince Riku," She said coldly, "But I don't think she'll want to see you right now." She turned away, and I called to her back,

"Wait, what do you mean?!" She looked back at me.

"Do you really not know?' she asked, an eyebrow raised. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists.

"No, I really don't know!" I growled. "Now tell me!" Beka laughed coldly.

"You broke her heart when you chose Kiki. You should see her eyes now…they're like chips of ice."

I stood, frozen in horror as Beka walked away. Kiki snorted, and stomped off, probably to pretend that she's not hiding.

I really didn't care.

I had to find Namine.


Namine's POV

I stood beside Selphie in a corner of the room and watched as Beka delivered my message to Kiki. I smiled grimly; I knew Kiki was going to be in shock when she heard that a girl she thought was a little mouse had just taken over her organization.

"Namine?" I raised my eyebrows coolly at Selphie and nodded at her. Selphie sighed, and rubbed her forehead.

"What comes after this?" She asked. "I've always followed Kiki—always. I…I don't know what'll happen after this is over. She's not going to like me anymore, and she used me." She sniffled slightly, and despite the emptiness in my chest, I felt a flicker of compassion.

"You'll have me, Selphie. And you can make friends. You'd be surprised how easy it is if you aren't trying to intimidate people." Selphie smiled slightly, and then turned to the returning form of Beka.

"Well?" I asked, "How'd she take it?" Beka smiled savagely.

"She was furious." She purred. I nodded, and smiled slightly at her.

"Good job, Beka. Get ready for Mission PRETTY, please." Beka nodded at me and Selphie, and then walked out to the other girls.

"Mission PRETTY should work." Selphie said, tapping her chin. "But if it doesn't…?"

"It will." I assured her. "I'll make sure of it." With that, I walked out of the room, heading to the currently empty War Room that no one EVER used; a horde of my allies on my tail.


I leaned back in my comfortable chair, and cast a lazy gaze around the room. The girls who now followed me were sitting around the table, their gazes riveted on me.

"Ladies." I greeted them, standing up and brushing down my silvery-blue dress. "You all know why we're here. Or at least I hope you know why we're here, because otherwise you're going to be lost, and lost is NOT the place to be when taking revenge."

There were a few solemn nods. I smiled.

"Now, we are going to bring Kiki down. She still has followers—of that I'm sure. They'll need to be taken down first. Are you ready?"

There was a thin chorus of 'yes's. I sighed dramatically, and pinched the bridge of my nose. I collapsed in my chair, and said,

"Well aren't you the essence of enthusiasm." I commented dryly. I leaned forward, and pressed my palms to the table. "Come on girls, are you in or not?!"

"YES!" The sound of the female voices nearly shook the table.

I smiled.

They were ready.

I stood once again, and Selphie passed out the mission forms.

The girls filed out once they had their missions, leaving Selphie and I alone.

"That was good." Selphie said suddenly. I smiled.

"Thanks." Selphie twirled a finger.

"But…Namine…don't forget who you are." I raised an eyebrow at Selphie. She was blushing ever so slightly, but looked me steadily in the eyes. "You can't be the Ice Bitch for the rest of your life—you have to remember the girl that fell in love with Riku, the girl that would laugh…someone who was…happy."

I sighed.

"That girl's pretty far away, Selphie. But I know what you mean. And thank you."

"No prob, Boss."


Selphie's POV

Having Namine in the position of leader was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. And probably for her as well. Honestly, the girl was a woman scorned, and a princess at that. Ruling was in her blood, along with revenge.

But it wasn't her time to rule yet, let alone over an organization of fan girls that her nemesis created.

But, anyway. Back to Mission PRETTY.

I padded behind Namine as we walked to Kiki's room. I heard Diana and Kitty join us silently. Namine raised her eyebrows.

"Done already?" She asked, still looking forward.

"We handed out the strawberries as planned, Boss." Kitty reported, "Jin, Zira, and Talli are on the roof above the balcony entrance, while Kila, Sahara, and Fleur are spying on Kiki." Namine nodded once.

"Where is she now?" she asked, only I seeing her hands clench into fists.

"In her room, Boss." Diana replied. I smiled at them, and jerked my head. They gave a half-bow to me, and a full one to Namine, and then pelted off to the adjoining hallways.

Namine smiled, and offered me a bag of squishy strawberries.

I smiled, and taking them, said,

"Are you going to force her into an agreement, then?"

Namine laughed shortly, and then replied, "Right Selphie! Kairi's going to die when she finds out that she gave me the idea for threatening Kiki."

"Strawberries?" I asked wryly.


"She'll give up all claims to any female/male organization within this kingdom…and leave Riku alone." She said, satisfied. This was the closest I had seen her to happy.

"So you get Riku, then?" I asked, smiling. The smile dropped off her face.

"No." she said bitterly, "That's his decision, and," she held out her arms, and spun around in a graceful circle, "I'm not sure if he'd want this version of me."

I sighed as we reached Kiki's door, and the six girls surrounding it.

"Don't count on it."


General POV

Namine knocked, and the girls heard an answering shriek. Namine tsked her tongue.

"Didn't anyone teach you to use your inside voice, Kiki?" She laughed as another shriek ripped through.

"Apparently not." Selphie said, as she sauntered forward. She raised her foot. "May I?"

Namine smiled and nodded. "Be my guest."

Selphie delivered a swift kick to the door handle, causing it took shake, and another kick caused the wood surrounding it to crack, enabling Selphie to disable the lock.

"Hell, I rock." She said, grinning. Namine giggled, and pushed the door open.

Kiki stood in the center of her room, the picture of beauty, marred only by her furious expression.

"You bitches!!!" She screamed, "I almost had everything! You can't just barge in here and…and…be…uh…"

"Bitches?" Beka suggested. Kiki shot her a poisonous look. She turned towards the balcony to look for a means of escape, but three former fan girls dropped down in front of her. She finally turned to Namine.

"What do you want, PRINCESS?" She hissed.

"A full abdication of your leadership," Namine said promptly, "and absolutely no claims to Riku."

A funny look came over Kiki's face.

"Aw, upset that he turned you down sweetie?" She purred, flexing her hand.

Namine stiffened.

"He didn't turn me down."

Kiki tutted, and replied,

"Tsk tsk, lovie, in denial? He chose me. ME. Not you. Now, what would he want with an icy little princess? He never wanted you before, did he?"

"Shut up!" Namine screamed. Kiki smiled predatorily.

"Ooh, I hit a chink in that exterior of yours." She sighed, "What a shame."

Namine shook her head, and said,

"Keep dreaming." Kiki giggled, and launched herself at Namine, her fingers curled into fists. Namine delivered a roundhouse kick to her stomach. Kiki neatly dodged, and slapped Namine across the face. Namine punched Kiki in the stomach, and kicked at her knees for good measure.

Kiki yelped, and dropped, dragging Namine by the hair down with her. The two girls clawed and kicked each other hard.

Namine eventually got the upper hand, and sat on Kiki's back with the girl's arms behind her back.

"Give up?" She gasped.

"Newah!" Kiki shouted, her face pressed against the floor. A couple girls snickered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that." Namine said, taking an offered strawberry and crushing it against Kiki's hair.

"Ack!!! Okway, jwust lwet me wup! Shweesh! I gwive!" Namine got up, and offered her hand to Kiki. Kiki smirked, and took it. She got up, and pulled the worst of the strawberry from her hair.

"Well, that's done. Thanks girls." Namine said, brushing imaginary dust off. The ex-fan girls laughed and eventually dispersed, going back to the party or some other place. Selphie left as well, smiling at Namine as she left.

Kiki and Namine were left alone.

"Well, wasn't expecting this." Namine said, looking at the red head. Kiki sighed, and then declared,

"Well, I had fun. I haven't had that much fun in the mortal realms in ages. You were a good enemy, princess."

Namine's jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?" she gasped, "Mortal realms?" Kiki shook her head gently, and a low shine appeared in her red hair; her green eyes took on a fey look.

"It's interesting enough, what happens here. My name is Kiki, but…I'm a, well, mischievous nymph."

"So you didn't technically have to stalk Riku?"

"Er…" Kiki coughed, "He is…well…" she trailed off, rubbing her neck apologetically.

"Yeah, he is." Namine sighed, rubbing her eyes. All of the action of the night was catching up to her. Kiki smiled, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Go to the party. You aren't doing anyone good alone here." Namine crossed her arms.

"I hate parties."

Kiki rolled her eyes. "No, you don't. Go on, shoo." On the last word, she disappeared in a slight shimmering green light.

Namine was left alone in the room. She looked around, and then asked a bird that was perched on the balcony,

"What kind of world is this?!"


Riku's POV

I had been searching the entire castle when I heard the fan girls disperse. A bunch of them walked past me, but none of them talked to me.

I searched the crowd, but there was no sign of Nami. Finally, I saw Beka in the crowd.

"Beka!" I yelled, waving at her. Beka looked at me, rolled her eyes, and turned to walk away. I jumped in front of her.

"Riku, what the hell are you doing here?" She asked coldly, raising an eyebrow.

What's her problem? I wondered.

"Where's Namine?" I asked, crossing my fingers for luck behind my back. Beka shook her head.

"She's with Kiki, right now." She answered, and tried to step around me. I blocked her again, and then demanded

"Where's 'with Kiki' exactly?" Beka glared at me.

"Kiki's room, two rights and a left, watch for crushed strawberries."

"Strawberries?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

Beka shook her head, and replied feelingly,

"You really DO NOT want to know." With that, she pushed past me. I ran down the hallways she had indicated, and stepped around the multitude of splattered strawberries on the floor.

"What the hell?" I muttered as I dodged yet another strawberry.

I followed the trail of crushed strawberries to a dark wooden door. I took a deep breath, and pushed it open. It swung soundlessly open, and I stepped in.

The room was dark, illuminated only by moonlight and a single flickering lamp. I peered around the room, finally seeing Namine sitting on the floor of the balcony, with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head pressed to one of the cold stone guardrails.

I walked up to the entrance to the balcony, and hesitated, not sure what to say.

I mean, I had just effectively abandoned her on the dance floor, and chosen a bitch over her. What the heck do you say after that?

Namine spoke first, her face still facing forward.

"Selphie, I really don't want to talk."

I cleared my throat nervously.

"It's not Selphie."

Namine's head whipped around, and for the first time I saw the tear tracks on her face shining in the silver moonlight. My heart clenched.


Namine's POV

I sat on the balcony floor, my head against one of the guardrails. Despite what Kiki had said, she hadn't changed the fact that Riku had chosen her over me.

Why? I thought, the first tears trickling down my face. I knew that I shouldn't be letting this bother me; when I was in my ice shield, I was strong.

And this isn't strong.

I heard footsteps, and without turning around, I said,

"Selphie, I don't want to talk."

I heard someone clear their throat, and reply,

"It isn't Selphie."

I whipped my head around so fast my neck cricked. But I ignored the pain, and my heart tightened as I saw Riku behind me. His silver hair glowed in the moonlight, and I was suddenly aware that I was curled up on the floor of a balcony like an idiot. I looked at the floor, and turned away from him.


He sat down next to me, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Namine…" He said again.

"That's my name." I tried to snap, but it came out weak and slightly nervous sounding.

Riku reached out to touch my arm, and I slid away. He crossed his arms and stared out at the view.

"Guess it won't help to say I'm sorry?" he asked.

I looked coolly at him.

"Guess not then." He sighed. "Listen, Namine, I really am sorry—"

I turned to look at him head on, and locked my sapphire eyes on his aqua ones.

"Sorry?" I asked incredulously, "Sorry? Well, why the heck do you feel sorry, Riku? Is it because just after we had made up as friends, you, out of nowhere, ditch me for Kiki, just because she asks you to! And I noticed that you didn't seem to mind dancing with her! You knew that she was horrible! Or are you sorry that I'm not good enough for you? Huh? Well, answer, dammit!!!" My voice cracked and rose on the last word.

Riku glared at me.

"First off, if you think I wanted to go with Kiki? She is a bitch, and I went so that her fan girls wouldn't go after you because I decided to stay with you!"

"How noble of you." I snapped, crossing my arms. He can't just crawl back like this!

Riku clenched his fists. "Why are you so mad?" He demanded, "This goes way beyond jealously!"

I felt my anger ebb a little, and sighed, leaning my face on my fist. "I wasn't going to just walk around, idiot. I was about to tell you that I was falling in love with you…but then you took Kiki's hand." Another tear leaked down my face.

Riku's POV

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.


Well, I guess she explained that pretty well.


How the heck am I going to get her to forgive me?

Namine's POV

I stood up shakily, and turned to leave. Riku reached out and took my hand.

"Wait, Nami, I didn't—" He looked at me pleadingly. "Just let me explain!"

I pulled my hand out of his grasp, feeling my heart tear a little bit more, and said slightly sadly,

"Sorry Riku. It's just too late."

I walked away.

Riku's POV



Namine's POV

I walked into the ballroom again, and was immediately pounced upon by Kairi.

"Namine!" She hissed, "I have heard stuff about fan girls, a fight over Riku, and strawberries! What the heck is going on???"

I looked at her dully, and replied,

"It was crushed strawberries. Took a leaf out of your book."

"Yeah, well—are you okay?" She asked, looking intently at me.

I looked straight ahead. "I just shredded my heart into a thousand shreds, and I feel like crap. Aside from that…" I stopped as Kairi gave me a slight hug.

"Sorry." She whispered. She looked around. "He coming in here?"

I shook my head.

"I have no idea."
We walked to the emptier section of the ballroom, and waited for something exciting to happen.


Riku's POV

I stood alone on the balcony for a while, listening to Namine's footsteps recede.

I had thought I would be able to fix this.

Apparently, I couldn't. I stared out to the dark palace gardens and the flickering lights of the town beyond.

Finally, I turned and walked down to the ballroom myself. The lights were a little to dark, the music was a little too loud, but I didn't mind. People didn't notice me as much.

Then I saw Namine, and started towards her.

God, I am so masochistic.


Namine's POV

Okay, to explain exactly why my life is so sucks right now:

I was just abandoned by the guy I was completely in love with, and then told him it was too late when he tried to explain his reasons to me.

And my dad would be really angry with me.

According to him, princesses must be angelic and modest, sweet, but distant too.

Okay, so I moderated from that ideology.

Screw that, I stomped on it and threw its bleeding carcass to the proverbial wolves.

In other words, my dress was definitely not suitable for my father's idea of a princess.

Sparkling blue with silver threads, it reached two inches above my knees, and had spaghetti straps. Its neckline wasn't low, but it wasn't high, either, and it revealed the swan necklace I hadn't thrown out yet.

Damn. I hope Riku doesn't notice it.

I tried to melt into the shadows behind Kairi, avoiding any passing glances.

Suddenly, Kairi elbowed me, and hissed,

"Nami! Look ou—"

"What?" I asked, stepping out from behind her, and looking around "What—" My breath stuttered to a stop as I found my face a scant three inches from a certain silver-haired boy's. I clenched my fists. "I thought I told you to leave me alone."

Riku rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Technically, you said that it was too late, not that I should leave you alone." He retorted, "And, I am going to be tortured and picked at for the rest of my life if I ask you this but…" He gave me puppy dog eyes, "Dance with me?"

I felt like the bottom of my stomach had dropped out. I dropped my gaze to the floor, and pressed my cold hands to my burning cheeks.

Kairi glared at Riku, and said

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want—"

"Yes!" I tried to choke the word back, but it slipped out somehow. Riku looked shocked, and a grin grew on his face.

"Really?" He asked, his face glowing.

I glared at him, but I smirked a little.

"Okay Romeo," I said, "let's go before I change my mind." He laughed, and grabbed my hand to pull me out to the dance floor. I closed my eyes, and sighed as he put a hand to my side.

I am going to seriously regret this.

I looked into his aqua eyes and everything fell away—and I lost all will to stay away from him. I held his hand tighter as the music swelled.

Ugh…I'll regret it later.






"Aren't these parties great?" Larxene asked from beside me, "I swear everything's perfect. Everyone who matters showed up, and,"

Ugh. So much for mature queens. I tuned her out and frowned as I thought about my daughter. Namine was well mannered, and the perfect princess, but she was absolutely NOT cooperating with my plans for her future.


Of all things, why can't she listen to me in the romance department.

Through my thoughts, I vaguely noticed that the dance floor was clearing up. Soon there were only two figures dancing.

Larxene gasped.

"What is it now?" I asked tiredly, expecting to hear some rant on how SHE should be dancing or some twaddle.

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

"Give you three guess who they are, and the first two don't count." She said weakly.

I peered down, and gaped as I recognized the familiar golden hair and cerulean eyes.

I nearly had a heart attack when I realized that she was dancing with a certain silver-haired prince.

And I nearly had an apoplexy when I noticed…



Riku's POV

I noticed that Namine and I were the only ones on the dance floor.

"And this isn't embarrassing at all." I muttered, glaring at the shocked figure of my mom at the end of the hall. Namine laughed quietly,


I rolled my eyes, and said playfully, "I'm terrified."

She sighed, and spun in a quick pirouette.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked quickly. The music was beginning to slow, and I didn't want her to reject me again. She lifted our entwined hand to her cheek, and then stood on her tiptoes to kiss me swiftly.

When she pulled away, I raised an eyebrow.

"I think so." She said slowly as Ansem began to storm down to us. "That okay?"

I gripped her hand tightly as a grin broke out across my face. "That's okay. You have no idea how okay that is."


Namine's POV

I sighed as Father came closer. I noticed that his face was bright red.

"Crap." I muttered, and tried to hide behind Riku. However, he tightened his hold on me, and pinned me to his side. I glared up at him, and said,

"You are so pushing it." His eyes glittered.

"I'm trying to save you, Nami."

"What?!" I hissed, stiffening.

He bent slightly so his brushed my ear; my eyes widened.

"Be quiet." He breathed. I huffed, and crossed my arms.

"You're totally controlling, anyone ever tell you?"

"Nope, sorry." He smirked.

Grr. Stupid controlling...what the hell, I'll think about this later…

Ansem's POV

I stormed to my daughter, my eyes fixed solely on her.

"Namine Tsunami!" I yelled.

Everyone turned their heads to watch us. Namine flushed, but did not look down.

I only realized the strangeness of that later.

"What in the name of all powers are you wearing?!" I roared.

She lifted her chin and looked me steadily in the eyes. I started.

What on earth…

"I am wearing a dress, Father." She said steadily, her blue eyes not moving from mine. "I think it is high time to have some independence, and wear what I like."

I began to splutter, but she held up a hand, stopping me.

Who the hell is this, and what ha she done with my daughter?

"If you say that being my father entitles you to be able to dictate what I eat; what I wear; what I do every day and night, what then, father, would happen when I am queen?" Her eyes turned steely, and I felt a grudging respect grow for her.

"Will I be subject to the whims of advisors who will surround me? Will I never make my own decision, please tell me Father, what would you have me do, exactly?"

I smiled and shook my head, my expression evidently taking her by surprise.

"You have changed, Namine." I said softly, "And I suppose it's in a good way, but it is hard to see, all the same."

I looked again at her short blue dress and scowled,

"Although I can't say I'm impressed with your fashion choices."

There was a roll of laughter throughout the room, and I realized with a jolt that everyone had been listening in on our conversation.

I then looked around, and saw that Riku and Namine were holding hands.

I will never understand them, ever.


Namine's POV

I skipped around the gardens, and ran with my arms outstretched, laughing as the wind embraced me. Flowers blew into my hair, and my hair became windblown, but I could care less.

I was in love.

I only wish I could have enjoyed it more when it lasted.

Riku's POV

I laughed as I saw Namine dance in the garden. I was inside, but leaning on the rails next to the stairs leading down to the garden.

"Having fun?" I called, the wind blowing at my hair. She giggled, and jogged up to me, I caught a brief glimpse of joyful eyes before she leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Yep." She laughed when she pulled away. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward onto my elbows.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked curiously. She shrugged, and jumped up on the rail to sit down.

"Don't know." She said, shrugging. She touched my hand lightly. "But I think it has something to do with being in love."

"Hmm…guess I can deal then." I said, and placed a hand behind her head to draw her into another kiss.



The Lady of Love, Aphrodite stood next to a redheaded nymph as they looked .

"Kiliama, honestly, did you have to mess with them?" She asked fondly, casting a glance at her friend.

Kiki snorted, and expertly flipped her hair over her shoulder,

"Not to give offense, my lady, but those two were made for each other. And call me Kiki." She crossed her arms, and Aphrodite's face filled with something akin to uncertainty.

"Yet their story is one of much trial." Both immortals turned to see a white-blonde female nymph with icy blue eyes.

"Beka?" Kiki asked with surprise, "You're an immortal?"

Beka laughed dryly, and she began to glow with a cold white light.

"I'm a seer, something akin to a witch." She replied, joining them in looking at the two mortal teens far below. "And their trials haven't yet begun."

"Will you quit talking in riddles?" Kiki asked irritably. Beka glared at her while Aphrodite laughed.

"I mean," She began loftily, holding her chin higher, "That they will go back to be apart once again within the month, and—"

"WHAT?!" Kiki shrieked, her eyes beginning to glow. Aphrodite frowned, and tugged on Kiki's sleeve. Kiki growled, and her eyes ceased to glow. Beka continued,

"Their story is one of fairy tales and legends; this brief calm of peace and love will soon be tested—by a mere mistake by the queen, and a fear of the princess."

"Right little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" Kiki asked gloomily, "You and the three Fates should get together sometimes and create the end of the world."

Beka waved a hand.
"I've already done that," She said snottily, "but enjoy this love while it lasts, which it won't for much longer." With that she turned on her heel and walked out of the room.

"I was enjoying this." Aphrodite said sadly,

Kiki nodded, and leaned her head on her face.

"There are so few true love stories, aren't there?" She asked sadly.

Aphrodite sighed.

"So true."


General POV

Larxene walked steadily through the halls, and smiled as she saw the princess walking through the hall, singing.

"Princess Namine," She called, linking her arm through the girl's. "Walk with me, talk with me!"

"Um, okay…" Namine said uncertainly, and allowed herself to be towed along.

"So, I've been planning." Larxene announced, smiling. Namine smiled back,

"Planning what?" She asked, rolling her eyes, "Please don't say another party, I'm sick of them!"

Larxene's eyes gleamed,

"Not at all my dear, I've been planning your wedding."

Namine stiffened. "What?" She croaked, "Wedding?"

Larxene nodded energetically.

"I've been thinking of maybe white and yellow roses for the flowers, and you could wear a nice white dress, with not too much lace…" She continued, but Namine's mind had shut down after a few sentences.

Married? It was too much to take in.

"I'm only fifteen." She whispered. Larxene looked down in confusion.

"So?" She asked, an eyebrow raised, "Girls get married when they're younger than that."

"But, your majesty, no…no, I can't!" Namine protested, " Please! I am not ready, I cannot—"

"Yes, you can." Larxene said severely, "And on top of that—"

Namine broke from the queen's hold and raced away, back to her room.

Riku's POV

I was humming when I walked down the corridor, and I accidentally collided with Namine.

"Nami?' I asked, concerned as I noted the tearstains on her cheeks. "What's wrong?"

She viciously wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

"Your mom is planning our wedding, apparently." She said angrily. I shook my head.

"She's nuts." I said, rolling my eyes. I looked again at her red eyes, and put an arm around her. "Namine, you don't really believe we'll get married, do you? You're only fifteen, and I'm only sixteen. It'd never go through."

She buried her face in my chest.

"She'll make it go through." She said, her voice muffled. I stroked her hair as she cried.

"Shh…it's all right…" I comforted her. I felt angry at my mother. She knew that Namine still felt like she needed a life; why would she force her into a decision she didn't want to make?

Namine pushed away from me.

"No, no it isn't all right." She said grimly. I looked at her, an eyebrow quirked.

"What do you plan to do about it?" I asked, a slight smile on my face.

Shutters closed behind her eyes, and my smile faltered. I was painfully reminded of her expression when she thought I left her for another. She was ice.

"I love you Riku, but…goodbye."


Namine's POV

I stood next to my father as I watched Riku mount his black stallion. I walked over to him, and held his stirrup. He swung into the saddle with a graceful ease that made me envious.

"Be safe." I told him, smiling. "Don't run into ogres or anything."

He snorted.

"As if anything could be worse than that ogress." He said, jerking his thumb towards his mother, who was helped into the saddle by Axel. His eyes looked into mine, and I quickly looked down.

There was no sense in reminding myself that I still loved him. I might say something I would regret later.

"Namine." His tone was gentle, and so was the hand that guided my head up to look at him. "We don't have to do this."

"We do." I said sadly, holding his hand for the last time. "I'm sorry." He sighed, and shook his head.

"I still love you, no matter what." He told me severely. "And I know you love me too, no matter what you say."

"You know me too well." I replied, shaking my head.

"RIKU! Time to go!" Larxene yelled. I stepped back.

"Bye." I said softly. Riku turned his horse around.

"Goodbye Namine." He called back.

I waited until he was out of sight before sprinting to my room to unleash my tears.

I love you too, Riku.


"Definitely the best love story in the universe." Kiki said in disgust.

Aphrodite nodded.

"Somebody should slap Larxene silly." She said.

Kiki jumped up and down

"Ooh! I volunteer!" She squealed. Aphrodite grinned evilly.

"Or we could send Cupid after Axel and Her Majesty." Kiki stopped jumping up and down.

"I like that idea." She ran out of the room. "CUPID!!!"

Aphrodite laughed.

Well? In case any one is wondering about my fixation with greek legend...well, I have a fixation with greek legend. Hehe.

Adios me amigos!