Just a quick thing: there are a few things referenced in this fic from my other one, Our Song. So, unless you enjoy being confused, I advese you to just read that one first. XP


"Frailty! Thy name is woman!"

- William Shakespeare


"We should give her an exotic name!" squealed Sakura. The wife of the infamous Sasuke Uchiha currently had an international baby names book propped up on her enlargened belly, flipping through the pages. Occasionally, she would yank Sasuke down as he passed by the sofa she was sitting on when she found a name. He was vaccuuming. Oddly enough, even though he was a pretty smart and logical man, both being an Anbu captain, fluent in Anbu-speak and normal Japanese, and an Uchiha, he didn't really catch the fact that if he were to pass by the sofa, he'd get pulled down fiercely and have his perfectly shaped nose shoved into the pages of a used and abused book from the library. So, currently, he was in the exact position described previously, nursing a bruising forearm whilst trying not to gag at the smell of used and abused book from the library. Because it was in his nose and all. His perfect nose, might I add. Oh yes, and the vaccuum was on.

"What's wrong with a normal name?" he asked, turning the cleaning appliance off.

"Yeah. I mean, she's gonna be your guys' kid. She might as well have at least one thing normal in her life," Sai's head popped up from behind Sasuke, who, in turn, slightly jumped from the surprise. But of course, he wouldn't admit to jumping in surprise! He was in Anbu, dammit! And yes, he always said he was in Anbu and worked that achievement into every conversation he could, but hey! It was something to be proud of, right? At least he wasn't a Genin instructor. Like Kakashi. If he ever ended up with a job like that. It wouldn't be enjoyable, to say the least.

"I'd need a lot of spare shoes," said Sasuke. Sakura and Sai looked at the male-Uchiha (because Sakura was technically one, now). Even their unborn demon-spawn was staring at Sasuke and his crazy JD-esque outburst. You know, from Scrubs?


"Anyway," emphasized Sakura. Being a woman, she hated not being the center of attention. You know how that goes! You know you do! "ANYWAY, I'm really warming up to the European names!"

"Ehehe, European," chortled Sai. Oh you immature feind, you! Inwardly, Sasuke was laughing as well. I mean, come on, who wouldn't laugh?

European? Ur-a-peein?

Funny. Obviously, Sakura did not find this humorous at all. "I'll name her Svetlana if you two don't stop you're feministic giggling." Yes, that stopped them both in their tracks. Was it the fact that they were accused of having a womanly giggle-fest, or that she threatened to name the first child of the Uchiha clan (in a long time) Svetlana?

Svetlana Uchiha. Uchiha Svetlana.

"No," said Sasuke. He wouldn't have it. Not like he had anything against any Svetlanas out there, but an Uchiha named Svetlana? Not gonna happen.

"You're right," said Sakura. Sasuke perked up at this as he hadn't heard those words coming from her mouth in a long time without not in between them. Yes, kids, that would mean that she always told him he was not right. This time, however was different, as the not was not present! Yay! "We should name this baby together! She's gonna be our family, after all!"

Sakura patted her belly and smiled softly at her husband. He would have returned the smile, but, Sai was there and he, being an asshole, couldn't risk looking like a pansy.

"Sasuke, you can smile back if you want. We already know how whipped you are. Sakura talks about you all the time." Kakashi waved from his descent down the staircase, coming from upstairs. He was acting as if this were the most normal thing anyone could be doing on a day like this. Seriously.

"Kakashi. What the hell?"

"Oh! That? Well, I didn't want to disturb anything by coming in through your front window, plus I know how you like to leave knives in your kitchen sink. I couldn't risk landing on them and cutting myself had I decided to use the window in there, could I? So. Using my super-awesome abilities to walk on air, I went through your bedroom window and, well, here I am!"

Sakura had returned to looking through the baby names book as she didn't really care for Kakashi's methods on breaking into her house but, SASUKE. He cared. He. Cared.

"That's retarded." Yes. He cared enough to us the word retarded as a synonym for stupid. That is type-A caring.

"Anyway, being your former sensei who has guided you through the hard and difficult--"

"Hardly," interrupted Sasuke.

"--times of your young genin-hood, I have taken it upon myself to assist in the joyous times of the naming of the female child, spawned from your burning...youth." Kakashi cleared his throat and stared at the index card given to him by none other than Gai himself. Why he had let himself be stopped on the street on the way over, interrogated, and forced to read this, he didn't know. He could have just easily thrown this out. But no. If he did, he'd feel bad. So much for being an emotionless ninja. Damn you Obito! Kakashi randomly shook his fist in a damn-you-Obito type of manner to emphasize his damning thoughts.

"I recommend the name Kakasha," he said, finally, in his own words that were not written by the crazed Green Beast of Konoha.

"I say Sai!" said Sai. LOL!


Naruto Uzumaki stormed in from the kitchen, punching the air with his fist at the clever female rendition of his name.

"No," said Sakura and Sasuke. Simultaneously.

"And seriously, who would name their child Kakasha?" Sakura turned to her former sensei and gave him the look. Beads of sweat trickled down the side of Kakashi's face as he underwent a serious stare-examination. He had never felt so naked in his life!

"Sakura, you are making me uncomfortable," he said.

"Well, have you any other recommendations?" She crossed her arms expectantly and her left eyebrow twitched up.



"Hell no," put in Sasuke.


"Stop joking around."


"Hahaha, you should totally name your kid that. That's hysterical!"

"Naruto, you think this is a joke?" Sakura rounded until she was facing the Uzumaki and grabbed the front of his shirt. Her eyes just screamed, 'I'M UNSTABLE!'


Sakura's tightly bunched fists were shaking violently, causing tremors to go through Naruto.

"Is Naruto trying to speak Anbu again?" whispered Sai to Kakashi.

"No. It's Sakura that's causing the shaking, this time," Kakashi replied.

Sasuke was eating popcorn.

"And what do you suppose Sasuke and I name our child?" asked Sakura after a few tense moments, filled with Anbu-to-Anbu whispers and the sweet crunchy sound of popcorn being eaten.

"H-how about...Sasumomo?"

Sasuke was eating popcorn. And now he was choking.

"Ok, no, no. I lied! I lied! Sakurako?"

Sai was preforming the Heimlich Maneuver on Sasuke, which proved to be a stuggle seeing as he had no idea what it was!

"Get out of my house!" Sakura threw an unworthy Naruto who went sailing through the large glass window that was oh-so-conveniently placed and all the way in the Hyuuga complex.

She sighed and smiled pleasantly. "Sai? Have you any--what are you doing to Sasuke?"

From her perspective, Sai looked like he was getting a tad frisky. Since he was previously attempting the Heimlich Maneuver (to no avail) he was currently spooning Sasuke, his hands tightly around the poor man's chest and whatnot. Kakashi stood idle.

"I'm preforming a maneuver!"

"Sasuke, is there something you want to tell me?"

Unluckily for him, the piece of popcorn that had been lodged in his throat was no longer present, so Sasuke had no reason not to answer. Not that he had any surprising answer anyway.


"Then why're you and Sai about to have gay buttsex?" she asked.

"We're not! I was choking and Sai...is now spooning me for some reason." Sasuke turned his head in Sai's direction. "Sai, why're you spooning me?"

"It's a maneuver!" he replied.

"Maneuver my ass!" shrieked Sakura.

"Hahahaha, that's so funny!" laughed Kakashi. Except, seeing as he was idle and fortunately not involved, he silently laughed in Anbu-speak.

Crazy Sakura turned towards the jovial shinobi and snarled. She grabbed him and heaved him over her shoulder and swiftly made her way over to Sai. The Sasuke-spooning-maneuver-man. She had really had enough of these three men who always seemed to be present during the most important decision making moments of her life!

Grabbing him as well, she hurled them out through the already broken window and they disappeared off towards the Hyuuga complex with a small sparkle and ting sound in the sky. LIKE TEAM ROCKET!

Sakura sat down. "Now, where were we? Oh yes! I think we should give her an exotic name!" she smiled.

"Yes, whatever you say, Sakura."


Several days later...

"Oh, Sasuke-dear! We have mail!" Sakura bounded over to her husband waving the parcel in his face as if they never got mail. Ever.

"From the Hyuugas?" he looked curiously at the envelope and quickly opened it, scanning the letter enclosed:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha,

The Hyuuga's kindly insist that Sakura stops hurtling animate and inanimate objects alike into our complex. We have put up with this behavior tolerantly, but, as of last week have reached our limit. Neji's cabbage garden is in ruins now. We hope you are satisfied!


The Hyuuga Clan


Ah yes, violent Sakura XP

I'm thinking there will be a part two, yes?

Hope you enjoyed and tell me what you think!

And I hope I don't offend any Svetlanas who might read this. I happen to love that name.
