
Unseen Love.


Truth or Dare


I just walked around the outside of the school thinking quietly to myself. I've been working with Zero for a while now. I think I trust him the most out of all the other black nights. Even though I, myself would like to know his true identity as well.

I just kept those thoughts to myself. I would never admit that I actually might've fallen in love with Zero. It was a stupid idea to think that Zero could ever love me like I did him.

I had heard the first bell ring meaning if I don't hurry up I'll be late for class. "Crap! If I'm late one more time its detention!" I cursed to myself.

I ran through the halls I had finally reached my class. I reached for the knob but instead the door came rushing after me! The door opened up slamming right into my face!

I remember falling backwards and blacking out. I didn't know how long I was out for; I just knew that when I opened my eyes I was in a white room and everyone staring at me.

"W-What happened?" I asked while everyone backed away to give me some room. Everyone shared glances from one to another till all there eyes fell upon Lelouch he just smiled.

"Sorry, it was and accident." He said with a smile and shrugged. I just rolled my eyes at him; of course it would be Lelouch who got me stuck in the hospital. "Forgive me." He said with an innocent look.

"Whatever." I said not really caring for Lelouch's apology. Of course Shirley swooned over his apology; she was madly in love with him. What was so special about him any ways? Zero was ten times better.

I just jumped out of the nurse's bed but was not quiet myself yet, I wobbled over and fell but Lelouch cached me. 'That was weird, he was fast. Really fast?' I thought to myself while raising an eyebrow.

I didn't even remember him moving. I had burly noticed the closeness between us and backed away quickly. I blushed very forcefully. "I should go back to class." I said as I graved my clothes.

"Um Kallen, school is over..." Nina said quietly to herself while tugging on her skirt. Millay just smiled and put her arm around me which made me look at her weirdly.

"Don't worry kid you didn't miss anything special." Millay said as she looked down at my chest. "Nice wrack, bigger then Shirley's, that's a shocker." She said with a smile that just sent shivers down my spine.

"Th-thanks, I think?" I said awkwardly, Millay just smiled. They all left leaving Lelouch and I alone. "What." I said bluntly staring at Lelouch he just smiled and sat down on the bed.

"Nothing, just seeing if you're going to be alright, that's all." He said with his alluring smile. His voice was so familiar to me it sounded so much like someone I knew he sounded like--"Zero."

"W-what!?" I said as Lelouch had said that. He just looked at me and put his hands behind his head and laid down on the bed I quickly picked up my feet and pressed them against my chest.

"Zero, what do you think about him?" He asked me, I just blushed, what was I supposed to say to that. What would Lelouch think? Its not so easy expressing my feelings toward someone that I don't even know what he looks like.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked him acting like I didn't know what he was trying to get at. I just stared down at my feet then looked up at Lelouch whose face was inches away from mine. 'How'd he do that?' I thought. I didn't even remember feeling the bed move.

"You know, how do you feel about what he is doing, do you think he's doing good or bad?" He asked me. I didn't know what to answer. If I approved he would think I was lying and if I disapproved he would know I was lying

"Um, I really don't know, I guess it's not that bad, he's just trying to help the Japanese." I said with a shrug, I just waited to see his reaction but he didn't give one he just nodded his head and laid back down.

"True, he is, I actually respect him." When he said that, he actually got a reaction out of me. My eyes had widened a Britannia actually respected Zero. "I think what he is doing is good, so there would be no more war." I just nodded my head in agreement. "But what's your honest opinion of him."

"Huh?" I asked he just looked at me and smiled and I knew what he meant. "I don't know I don't even know who he is." I said with a shrug. He just nodded in agreement.

"So, who do you like?" He asked, I just sweat dropped why was he interrogating me like this! I had no clue why he was asking me. "You know, it doesn't seem like you like anyone at school, or do you?" he asked while raising his eyebrows.

I shook my head rapidly. "I don't know." I said truthfully. "I think I might be in love with this person I work with." I said he just looked at me and I looked at him. It was so awkward.

"Who is he?" He asked. I just blushed and laid down. "Don't worry I wont tell." He said with a reassuring smile. But luckily Shirley came bursting through the door. Lelouch and I just stared at her with weird expression.

"There's been a crisis!" She said and graved Lelouch's arm and dragged him away. I just sighed in relief and graved my clothes and changed.

Later on that day:

It turned out that the emergency was that someone maxed out the school credit cards on pizza. I just rolled my eyes and laughed at that, it wasn't even the much of a big deal.

I just walked around the school, I visited my classes I missed and they gave me my homework. I just walked around the school with the gardening club guys behind me, but I had to go to a council meeting.

I had to hurry because according to the president it was an urgent meeting. So I decided to run to the meeting. Well that and the gardening club were still following me.

I had finally reached the council meeting I found the first open seat available which sadly was right next to Lelouch. I just rolled my eyes. "I knew you couldn't stay away from me." He said to me, I just rolled my eyes this guy was so vain.

"What's this urgent meeting about?" Lelouch asked. We all just nodded our heads in agreement. But sadly Millay wasn't there so we would have to wait till she got here.

Suddenly the doors were bursted open and Millay came in with cards in her hands and passed them out to all of us. We all just opened them and read them out loud.

You're invited!

You are to attend Millay's Birthday Party.

When: This weekend.

Where: In her room.

Why: because she's the president and said so.

There will be games and fun stuff so come!

My eyes twitched, this was the urgent message, that we were getting invited to her party! I just grimaced. I looked around Shirley and Nanaly looked happy, the boys did too. Nina just smiled innocently.

"You all are coming right?" Millay asked us we just nodded are heads in agreement. "Good, I'll see you guys later then." She said and then dismissed us all for the rest of the day.

I couldn't really tell her I couldn't go because of 'Zero' business. What would they think of me? So I just agreed but when it the day comes I'll just say I'm sick. That was a good plan. I got my stuff and headed out towards home.

"So are you really going?" Lelouch asked me. I just nodded my head. "Alright then I should warn you though." He said and I just stopped and stared at him. "I thought that would catch your intension." He said and smiled. "Let's just say the president's party's are...wild." He said with a smile.

"Whatever." I said and started walking again. He just followed me from behind me. I got frustrated and turn around. "What!" I yelled but he wasn't there? I just shrugged it off and turned back around but he was in front of me now. "What the hell." I said and raised my hand up to slap him but he graved it.

"Aha. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He said with a smile and walked away. 'What the hell was that all about?' I thought angrily and stormed off. I then received a phone call from Zero.




"Our meeting is to be canceled this weekend."

"What! Why?"

"I just found out I'm very busy this weekend."


"Is there a problem with the new arrangements?"

"No Sir, understood."

"Okay then Kallen. Oh, and uh, one more thing."

"Um...Yes sir?"

"Have fun."


The phone call got disconnected. What did Zero mean by 'Have fun.' This confused me. I just stared at my phone the number was a blocked one. I just closed it and put it back in my pocket.

The day of the Party:

I was the last person to attend her party but it hadn't started yet. I gave her, her gift and walked over to the others. Everyone had really pretty clothes on, so I felt underdressed. I had a blue colored shirt on with a black vest with denim skinny jeans.

Everyone just greeted me. I walked over to Nina and started a conversation mostly her talking about how thankful she was to Princess Euphilia. Millay called us all together to sit around in a circle.

"Okay, were going to play a game." She said with a sinister smile. We all just looked at each other unaware of what wee going to do.

"It isn't illegal now is it lady president." Lelouch asked her. She just shook her head with a smile. "Or something embarrassing." He asked. She took a short pause then shook in head no again.

"We are playing...Truth...or Dare." Millay said with a sinister smile everyone just stared at each other. "C'mon don't be wusses! It will be fun!" She said we ill just agreed, we probably didn't have any choice either way.

We all sat in a circle one-by-one we got called on. It was Millay's turn to pick somebody; so far everyone's picked truth scared of what she would dare them to do.

It was Lelouch's turn when Millay picked him. But instead she changed it up a bit she added new ones or you could do truth and dare at the same time. That's what Lelouch picked. "Finally someone who isn't a wuss!" Millay said with a fist in the air.

"Can we just hurry up?" Lelouch asked while tilting in his chair. I just rolled my eyes he's such a pain sometimes, always wants things his way and never thinks of others, he's nothing like Zero.

"Alright then, first is true."


"Do you find Kallen...attractive?"


"How attractive?"

"You already asked me my truth question."

"Damn true!" Millay cursed out loud. Luckily Lelouch covered Nanally's ears. I couldn't believe Lelouch found me attractive, it was completely bizarre. Even Shirley couldn't believe it; she still looks like she's shocked.


"Huh? Um...'Kiss' Kallen."

"Um Alri--"

"I'm not done! For two minutes!"

My eyes widened. Didn't I have a say in anything I didn't want to share my first kiss with Lelouch! I wanted it to be with Zero! I could not believe what was happening. I braced myself and closed my eyes as Lelouch got closer; he was so close to me I could feel his breath.

Are lips were about to touch but then--"PIZZA!!" One of the maids yelled as everyone got up and rushed out of the room. I just sighed in relief, when I opened my eye's Lelouch was still in front of me.

"What." I said annoyed then all of a sudden he graved both his hands, cupped them around my face, and kissed me. The kiss lasted exactly two mins. I couldn't believe what he was doing. I could tell my face was flushed because I could feel how warm it was getting.

"There, I completed my dare." He said with a smile and got up. He put his hand out for me to take it. I did and when I got off the floor I was completely out of it and didn't know what was going on or where I was. I just lifted my hand and smacked him hard across Lelouch's face.

"Jerk." I said under my breath and walked past him. He just looked at me in awed of what I did. I really couldn't care less. We joined the others and they just stared at us.


(Okay this is my FIRST Code Geass story that I've EVER made! so PLEASE be nice! no flames and review! and I'm sorry it's really short! I hate short stories! And also read my other stories like 'Two weeks in Hawaii' or 'I write sins not tragedies.' But yea Review please!)
