A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a loonnng time now, so I'm really excited to finally put it up

A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a loonnng time now, so I'm really excited to finally put it up! Well um….. I have nothing else to say. TITLE MAY CHANGE

Disclaimer: :


Naruto sat on his knees in front of the council. He was being held down by heavy chains that wrapped all around his tired body and down to even heavier weights. He had two jounin guards on either side of him. His usual spiked blonde hair was messy and damp with nervous sweat. He looked up and glared at the council. Both hatred and fear evident in his big cerulean eyes. His usual orange jumpsuit was replaced by dull prisoner rags.

Yes, he was in court. But he didn't do any thing wrong. But the council had finally snapped. They were looking for any way to…..

"Uzumaci Naruto. You are hereby convicted of using the Kyuubi's power and sentenced to death." Said the head elder

Naruto's tears made a way down his cheeks as his head came to rest on some sort of cutting bored. The executioner walked towards him. The large knife he carried seemed to taunt him.

"B-but it isn't fair. I can't control it." Naruto cried as the person who would bring his death sharpened his sword.

"It isn't fair that you killed my family!" shouted one of the villagers in the back.

The rest of the village started to shout things like;

"Kill it!"

"He doesn't have the right to live!"

Naruto shook uncontrollably as he sobbed until he heard a few people shouting;


"Let him go!"

"He's not the monster!"

Naruto looked over to see all of his friends trying to protest his death. He held a weak but meaningful smile. But it didn't last long. The executioner brought down his sword.

Naruto woke up with a start as he shot up from his hospital bed. His heart was pounding so hard in his head that he could only hear the fast beeping noises of the heart monitor next to him. It wasn't two seconds until Tsuande and Kakashi ran into the room.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Kakashi asked

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. It was just a n-nightmare." Naruto said shakily

Tsuande let out a breath of relief. "You gave us a scare there brat." She said as she walked out with Kakashi.

Naruto brought his forearm to his face and wiped away the tears that threatened to fall

"Oi, Naruto." Sasuke called

Naruto looked over at the boy in the hospital bed to his left. The very same boy he had stopped from making the biggest mistake he could make just a day earlier.

"Yeah?" naruto asked

"I just wanted to say….. thanks."

Naruto was stunned. The great Uchiha Sasuke was thanking him.

"The Curse seal may have clouded my rational thinking, but a still did what I did. I abandoned everything and tried to kill you for… power." He said with disgust in himself as he gripped his bed sheets. "I know you might not be able to forgive me."

"Sasuke, even if you had left, I still would have forgiven you if you had eventually come home." He looked Sasuke in the eyes. "You're like a brother to me. I won't give up on you that easily." He smiled

"Thanks. Even though I would have never admitted it before, you're like a brother to me too, dobe." He teased


Sakura leaned over the bridge, staring at her reflection in the calm water. She didn't know how ling she had been there. She had lost track since there was only one thing on her mind.

"You're really pathetic Sakura."


Sakura looked up to see Ino running towards her

"They're back!" she called


Sakura stood frozen in front of the door. She had been told by the nurse at the front desk that who ever she was looking for would be in this room. She just didn't say who was in there. Was it just Naruto? Did he bring Sasuke back…. Alive? Was it just Sasuke? Did he kill Naruto but was stopped by the rest of the team? Did both of them come back? Or the worst case scenario…… was neither of them in there? Maybe the nurse was thinking of Shikamaru or Neji that she was visiting. So many things ran through her head. So many things could have happened. Sakura felt she couldn't move. She thought of just running. Maybe coming back later when she was ready. But she would find out sooner or later. So she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Her breath was caught in her throat. There they were, just sitting in their hospital beds. They weren't glaring at each other. They were just….. talking. Wrapped up in bandages and eating some soup.

"Hey Sakura-chan!" Naruto greeted

"H-Hi." She stuttered

Sasuke turned away. He felt terrible about what he did to her. A knot formed in his stomach with every step closer she came. She stopped a mere few inches from his bed. Sakura raised her hand sharply in a threatening manner.


She slapped him across the face. "That's for leaving" she said with a tiny hint of anger. It's not like Sasuke was going to stop her, because he could. He knew he deserved that. But the next thing he knew, she had her arm wrapped around him in a heartfelt hug. "And this is for coming back." she whispered and then pulled back. She sat down on a chair in between the two beds. It was awkward for a while considering everything that's happened. Finally Naruto decided he wanted to say something.

"Hey, guys." He said

"Yeah?" Sakura asked

"I have something really important to tell you. And you can't tell anyone." He said

This caught their ears. They looked at him attentively.

"I had a nightmare that the council wanted to…..kill……me." he said choking on the last words

"Okay." Sasuke said, not really seeing the importance.

"They wanted to kill me because……" Naruto lifted off his shirt and turned to face his friends. He sat crossed legged and put his heads into the tiger seal. He focused his chakra and soon enough his sealing mark appeared on his stomach. He glanced up to see the look on his friends faces.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he recalled the memories of their fight. "That chakra……and…….you…you have the nine tailed fox……. Don't you." He asked

Naruto sighed. "That's why the villagers hate me. That's why I'm afraid of the council."

Tears started to form in Sakura's eyes. "Oh Naruto….."

Naruto's head shot up. "Oh God, you don't hate me do…?" he didn't have the chance to finish his sentence. Sakura already had her arms around him.

"No! I just….. I'm so sorry. I've always treated you like trash because my parents and… I just figured that there must have been a reason….. I…….I shouldn't have said all those things to you." She cried

Naruto pulled on a small smile and looked her in the eyes. "It's okay. I was use to it. At least now there aren't any secrets." He said

Sakura sniffed and wiped away her tears. "Right." She smiled. "I'll come back tomorrow. My mom is going to want me home soon. Bye" she said as she shut the door behind her.

Naruto sighed. "Well, I'm tired. G'night." Naruto said as he lay back down.

"Yeah. Goodnight." Sasuke said as he too layed down.

"Oh and Sasuke." Naruto called

"Yeah?" Sasuke asked

"You look really ugly in second state." Naruto laughed


YAYAYAYAYAAAAA!! Next chapter will have ITACHI IN IT! I promise! I hope you liked this little Team 7 fluffies. I just love writing them! It's adorable! Remember! Reviews make me happy! And when I'm happy, I write better!