Authors notes: HERAY!! Thank you for all your reviews and comments. I love them. Ok so here's the last chapter. I know short story, sorry but I didn't really want to make it any longer. So enjoy
Chapter 3 Michirus Fed Up
-One week later, Sunday-
Michiru walked into the kitchen and slumped into a chair. She put her elbows on the table and held she head within her hands. Her hair fell over her face, leaving little of it seen.
She let out a loud sigh and said out loud, "What I'm I going to do?"
Right when she said that, Setsuna walked in and sat across from Michiru. A knowing smile played on her lips.
Michiru looked up at Setsuna and asked, "Where's Hotaru?"
She knew what Setsuna was thinking. It was all over the women's smile.
"At Usagi's, playing with Chibiusa, but that's not what you wanted to say, nor ask me, is it?" Setsuna replied, her knowing smile grew wider.
"Oh Setsuna! I don't know what to do. Haruka is out of control. This week has been hell for me. I don't like to be the guy in the relationship. You have to help me Setsuna!" Michiru pleaded, as she reached across the table and grabbed Setsuna's shirt, shaking her a little.
"Ok, ok, I'll help you. Why don't you tell me what happened during the week?"
Setsuna said, prying Michiru's hands away from her shirt.
"Ok first on Monday…" Michiru stared.
"I was in the music room, practicing me violin, when Haruka walked in."
"Hotaru was at school and I assume you were at work. I didn't think any of it when Haruka walked in so I turned around and greet her."
"But when I turned around, she was wearing a really short skirt and a really tight shirt that only covered her boobs. Her whole stomach was showing. Oh and get this, she wasn't wearing a BRA!"
"All she did was walk in and, kiss me on the lips…lightly, I might add and walked out the door.
"I couldn't concentrate on my practicing all day. I swear every time I saw Haruka, all I wanted to do was: throw her down, rip off her clothes and have my way with her. I know that's not me, I don't act like that, but I cant help it."
"Then, that night, since all day she sent my hormones off the walls, I wanted a little loving, and all she was…"
"Oh not tonight, Michiru, I have a headache."
"I was so in shock, I screamed in my head, 'ALL DAY SHE'S BEEN TEASING ME AND NOW SHE WONT LET ME MAKE LOVE TO HER!' She did all that on purpose."
"Then on Wednesday…"
"We went out to a movie. It was an early show so there weren't that much people. It was just a simple date with lunch afterwards, but when we were there, two guys come up to us and starting flirting with us."
"I expected Haruka to snap at them and tell them to piss off but oh no. This is what she said."
"Oh, you boys are so cute. Maybe if you buy us lunch afterward. I'll let you get to know us better."
Setsuna suppressed a giggle from hearing Haruka's statement.
"Can you believe that?! She flirted right back at then. She doesn't do that. I was so angry I told them to piss off and dragged Haruka away."
"Now." Michiru said, calming down from her outburst, "I'm use to her flirting with girls. In fact, most of the time I find it amusing, but I can't stand it when guys flirt with her."
"AHHH, just thinking about it is getting me angry!"
"…wow…so what else happened?" Setsuna asked.
"Well then on Friday…"
"We were having a really stupid argument on what she's been wearing the past week."
"Haruka, put on some clothes that actually cover your body. You've been really distracting me lately."
"Haruka smirked and walked up to me, all the while swaying her hips. She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms saying."
"Aw that's too bad, but you know what? I know that you love it. I see the way you look at me so I'm not going to change. I like the way you've been looking at me."
"You know what Haruka, until you change your clothes and your attitude, you can just sleep on the couch." I said getting fed up with this new change in her.
"Oh no Michiru. I'm not the one who will be sleeping on the couch, but if you don't believe me, we'll see tonight." Haruka said, her smirk growing even wider.
"Yes, we'll see. I wont be the one sleeping on the couch." I said.
-Friday night-
"I can't believe I ended up sleeping on the couch."
"I said that night." Michiru said, with a sigh. "And that's all the stuff that happened during the week." Michiru continued, slumping deeper into her chair.
"Damn, that's ruff, but to be honest, I don't know how to get Haruka back to her old self." Setsuna said as she gazed at the aqua-haired girl in front of her.
"OK, GIRLFRIENDS! I'm off! I think its time I went back to work!" Haruka said brightly, as she twirled and skipped out of the front door.
The blonde was wearing a yellow summer dress and pink high-heels.
"Ok see you later." Michiru said not really paying attention to what Haruka just said.
It didn't don on Setsuna either because she was think about Michiru's problem at hand.
-One minute of silence-
"HARUKA'S GOING BACK TO WORK!?" They said in allusion.
"No, she can! Most of her teammates don't know she's a girl!" Michiru said, standing up and running out the front door, with Setsuna close behind her.
Haruka's car was already gone so they took Setsuna's car. They sped threw the highway.
"Damn, Haruka drives so fast!" Setsuna said, as she increased her speed.
Ten minutes later they saw Haruka's car parked and they skidded right next to it. They hurriedly got out and ran towards the garage where they saw Haruka closing in on it.
Haruka came up on the entrance, where the cars come out, and shouted. "Hi boys! Long time no see!"
Fortunately for everyone, all the guys' backs were turned to her as they worked on different cars. They stood up straight and just as they were turning around…
Setsuna and Michiru both tackled the blonde out of sight and away from the entrance. Haruka flew and stumbled to keep her balance, but failed and fell down with both girls on top of her. When she landed, her head hit a rock and she fell unconscious.
-The next morning-
Haruka woke up rubbing her head. "Whoa, I had the strangest dream."
She got up and went to her closet. She got out of her pajamas and put on a pair of slacks and a button up T-shirt.
Michiru walked in and squealed in delight, when she saw Haurka dressed in boy's clothes. She ran up and hugged Haruka tightly, who in turn hugged her back.
"Oh, I'm so glad you back to normal. I don't have to be the guy in the relationship anymore!"
"What, you mean that it wasn't just a dream. I really acted and dressed like a girl?"
Michiru nodded.
"Well I'm glad I'm back to normal too." Haruka said lifting Michiru's chin and kissing her lips.
"Common Haruka, lets go get some breakfast."
"Ok right behind you." Michiru smiled and left the room.
Under her breath Haruka said, "Ha, I didn't get in trouble for being late after that party"
Haruka smirked and followed Michiru.
The End.
Authors Notes: Sweet another story done. Ok I know Haruka was a total bitch when she acted like a girl, but I think that's what she would be like. I hope you liked the story. Sorry about making Michiru lose all her grace.