YAY! My second story. I hope your readers like it. I always had this idea in my mind and I always wanted to write it, but was too lazy. Now I am, finally.
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.
Chapter 1 Crash
Haruka was speeding down the highway in her motorcycle. Thankfully to her, there weren't many cars on it because she was going about ninety-five miles per hours.
"Damn it! I'm so late. Michiru's going to kill me. I can't believe I let the guys talk me into staying longer at the after party. I'm two hours late." She whimpered.
"HELL YEAH! Congratulations Haruka-san on winning the Grand Pre!" One of her crew yelled at her, as he patted her back.
"Yeah, if anyone was going to win it, it'd be you. You gotta come to the after party to celebrate your victory." Another crewmember yelled at her.
"Heh, heh, of course I'm coming! Let me just go tell Michiru and I'll meet you there!"
She smiled brightly and ran to were Michiru was.
Michiru was sitting with Setsuna and Hotaru when Haruka came running to them.
"Hey sweetie!" Michiru called to her lover, giving her a hug and a soft kiss on her lips. "Let me guess, your going to the after party."
Haruka nodded.
"Ok, I'm fine with it. Have fun, just promise me two things: First you can drink, but you can't get drunk. You get pretty stupid when you're drunk. Second, you must be home be 9:30 pm so we can celebrate too, ok?
Haruka nodded and asked, "Wait, why aren't you coming with me to the party?"
"Oh, Haruka, you know I get so bored at those parties. Not to mention, Hotaru hasn't finished her homework and today's Sunday. We'll see you when you come home. Bye."
"Ok, bye." Haruka said and with one more kiss, she left.
-At a bar, 8:45 pm-
"Ok guys, I got the get going." Haruka said to her crew and teammates.
"Aw come on Tenoh. Just one more game of pool and then you can go. Come on you, already kept your promise to not get drunk and you'll keep this one too." One of her teammates said.
"Hmm." Haruka looked at her watch. "Ok but, just one more game."
-End of flashback-
"Damn it! Shouldn't have played that last game. How was I supposed to know it was going to drag on for that long?"
Haruka sighed as she came closer to her home.
She was only about a mile away and was getting off the highway.
She rode to an intersection where she had the right away, but there was another car driving to the right of her, passing the intersection too. The driver had his headlights off so Haruka couldn't see him and…
Haruka rode right into it, when she was going about fifty-five miles per hour. Her bike was stoped be the side of the car, but she wasn't. She flew over the car, about seven feet in the air and twenty feet away from the car.
She fell, head first into the pavement, cracking her helmet in half. She lay motionless on the ground.
-At a hospital. One-week later-
Haruka stirred and awoke to an empty hospital room.
She sat up and said, "Ahhhh. I feel like I just got hit by a truck…oh not wait, I got hit by a car." She was speaking in an oddly girlish tone.
She noted the bandage on her head and stood up. She stumbled a little and noticed Michiru's purse on the chair next to her bed.
"Oh dear me, Michiru must have been so worried. How dreadful!" Haruka gasped and put her hand over her mouth.
She then walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror where she gasped girlish again.
"Oh no, this wont due! My face is a mess!"
And indeed it was. It was filled with cute and burses.
"Oh, I know! MAKEUP! A girl's best friend!" She said posing and she walked out of the bathroom.
She walked out of the bathroom and to Michiru's purse, picking it up. She was just about the walk back to the bathroom when she saw two sets of clothes lying on another chair.
One set was her clothes, consisting of boy slacks and a button-up T-shirt.
The other set was Michiru's clothes, which were a baby-blue skirt and a pink blouse.
Haruka looked at her clothes and said "Pants! Why would I ever want to wear pants?! Pants are for boys and tomboys. I am not a tomboy. I am Haruka Tenoh, girly-girl."
She picked up the skirt and blouse and walked into the bathroom.
When she came out, she had the skirt on and she had makeup on.
At that moment, Michiru walked into the room and noticed Haruka.
"Oh, me God, Haruka! Are you ok?! What…?" Michiru was ecstatic upon seeing Haruka up and ok. She ran up and embraced her blonde lover.
After a few moments, it donned on her what Haruka was wearing.
"Haruka…why are you wearing my shirt?…Why are you wearing a skirt at all?"
"Michiru, honey, baby, sweetie! You know me. I always were a skirts and dresses."
Haruka squealed like a schoolgirl and kissed Michiru on her cheek and Haruka's leg popped.
Before Michiru could say anything else, Hotaru came running into the room. She ran right up to Haruka and hugged her leg.
"Haruka-papa, Haruka-papa! You're awake! YAY!" she screamed.
Haruka bent down and picked her up, hugging her.
"Aw, my little girl. I missed you so much!…but why are you calling me papa? You should call me mama. That's much better."
Hotaru paused upon hearing this. She looked down and said, "Haruka-papa? Why are you wearing Michiru-mama's skirt?"
"Yes, that's what I would like to know." Setsuna said, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
"Yeah, I asked that too. I also want to know why Haruka is acting so girly and I mean really girly?" Michiru chimed in looking suspicious at Haruka.
Haruka giggled, putting down Hotaru and skipped to the door saying, "Oh, you three are silly! I've always acted and dressed like this. Setsuna, be a dear and get me things."
Haruka looked at her fingernail and said, "Oh fiddle-sticks, I broke a nail!" She walked out.
Michiru, Setsuna and Hotaru were left staring at the door with a shocked expression and their mouths slightly open.
Authors notes: I hope you liked the first chapter. Chapter two is already done; all I have to do is type it.