HI!! Teehee! Sorry just really cheerful! Anyhow this is going to be my last SUMMER update (cries) yeah I only have 2 days left of my summer, so it's pretty sad. BUT I wanted to give you all a new chapter before I'm overly busy with, school, cross country, and cooking lessons with my friend (Sigh) it's going to be a very long year people. But I will work my absolute hardest to give you all updates.
Secondly I just wanted to dedicate this to my 4 reviewers for my last chapter!
Thank you guys so much for the reviews!!
Chapter 9
"You're telling me that all this stuff that has been happening to Bella is because of Tanya!?" Edward screamed. I sat there silently rubbing my belly and stared at it.
"Yes…Edward, we have to do something fast. She's watching Bella's every move, and we don't know how, because you should have been able to read her mind or sense her presents around the house. I've just sort of know her plans because she had told us them before to try and kill Bella." Jasper was trying to calm and figure out with Edward how this all is happening to me. The storm. The walk. It had to be all because of Tanya. And now because of that walk, I can't leave Edward's sight.
"She has to be watching some how through us or something. BUT HOW!?" Edward stood up screaming to Jasper. I winced from the loud noise and his anger. He then sat down silently and kissed my forehead and I relaxed. I got up from the kitchen table where Jasper, Edward, and I were sitting. I was really thirsty and wanted to stretch my legs. I started walking towards the stove when Edward grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"Where are you going?" he asked curiously, and still as over protective as ever.
"I'm thirsty, and I'm going to make some tea." Edward then got up and started walking towards the stove. "No." I stopped him, and tired to push him back to the table, but of course him being a vampire and all, I couldn't.
"I'm going to make it." He told me, and then pushed me back to the table and sat me down. I just stood back up.
"Edward, I need to stretch my legs, or they'll fall asleep, like my feet are now." I saw him sigh and walk back to the table.
"Fine, but I'm keeping my eyes on you at all times." I smiled and walked over to the stove. The kettle had some water in it already, but I dumped it and filled it with some new water.
"So Jasper what is our grand master plan?" Edward asked him sarcastically.
"Well we can't make a plan until…" Jasper trailed off, and smiled. Surprisingly he jumped from his seat and stated what was on his mind, but when I looked at Edward, his eyes widened. He must already know. "THAT'S IT! Carlisle and Esme we're watching Bella the whole time!" The cup I was holding fell to the floor and broke into a million pieces. Edward ran towards me and lifted me away from the broken glass. I looked at him with a shocked expression. He smiled at me.
"Your just too clumsy aren't you." I don't think that was it. Because after he said that I still didn't change my expression. He then looked at me worried. "Are you ok Bella?" I nodded stiffly. He put me down away from the glass, and I watched him sweep it up. He finished in a flash and I walked back to the hot water.
"Edward…um. Where is the-" He handed me my favorite tea. "Thank you" he kissed my head and walked out of the kitchen to where the family was sitting except for Carlisle and Esme. I was surprised he had left me alone. He had just claimed to not leave me alone…
I was just finishing up making my tea with some sugar and honey, when the babies started to kick me really hard again. I quickly put the cup on the counter and held my stomach.
"Ow.Ow.Ow" I chanted softly to my self. It was stronger then any other one that I had felt before; there was this constant burning where they kicked me, this electric shock that ran to my skull at the same time.
"Bella! We need you out here to –" Edward walked into the kitchen and ran over to me. "Bella! Are you ok? !" I nodded, but that was a big fat lie, I was ready to scream my lungs out from the pain, but I couldn't. I didn't want Edward to blame him self for this.
"Please just take me up stairs to rest, I'll be better I promise." Edward picked me up and grabbed my tea, and took me upstairs to our room. He lay me down and pulled the covers over me. I was getting tired anyways and could really use some sleep.
I slowly walked back down stairs to where everyone was sitting.
"Is she ok?" Rosalie asked. I just nodded and sat back down on the coach. Rose's arm was healing pretty well, and Emmett was still worried as ever about her, and feeling guilty.
"Esme and Carlisle will be back in 5 minutes and Carlisle has a plan." Alice told us. I nodded to her, and we waited for their arrival. As we waited we heard the footsteps of the two of them. They gracefully walked into the doors, and starred at all of us.
"Hello" Carlisle said to us. Esme ran over to us, and hugged each of us.
"I missed you both" I said.
"Us too. Now how is Bella doing? Are you too doing well at keeping her alive and well?" he looked at Emmett and I. We nodded, and Carlisle walked upstairs to my bedroom, or so I read in his thoughts. I walked with him silently. When we arrived, Bella was just getting out of bed. I walked over to her, and helped her.
"Hi there" She said shyly to me. She looked behind me and smiled. "Carlisle is so great to have you back!" I smiled to her.
"So where were you planning on going?" I asked.
"Well I was hoping to have a nice human moment, and then going back to sleep, but I now have this feeling in my gut that I won't be going back to sleep, and I'm going to be tested for the rest of the day" I smiled.
"How did you know?" I asked sarcastically
"Oh. I don't know. I guess I just know things" she smiled and started walking off towards the bathroom. I looked over at Carlisle, he was waiting now also for Bella.
"It's really going to take the rest of the day isn't it?" I asked in a whisper. He answered yes in my head.
"Please don't worry Edward, I have all faith she is going to be just fine" he told me inside my head again. I nodded, and knocked on the door to see if Bella was done yet.
"Bella?" I knocked. "Are you done?" I waited to hear something, anything, but I got nothing in response. "Bella?" I opened the door, and saw Bella was on the ground. "BELLA!" I picked her up.
She wasn't breathing.
"CARLISLE HELP!" he rushed into the bathroom, and took my Bella away from me. I followed him fast. He took her in his hospital room, and quickly had tubs set up so she had oxygen coming into her again.
There were so many tests that were taken in the past 24 hours that I didn't even notice how many test were taken. I didn't leave her side once for fear of what might happen, but I knew that Carlisle had never lost a patient and he would start here, and it was music to my ear when I heard her start breathing again, I just sat next to the bed Bella lay in, and held her hand, waiting for her to wake up. It was hell for me! I couldn't wrap my head around that image of my lovely angel not breathing!
Hours and hours had past. Carlisle would pass and take more tests, and I wouldn't move until I saw her eyes open. I wouldn't even listen to Carlisle when he spoke to me. And now finally after hours of waiting, her beautiful brown eyes started to open. I could feel my smile appearing on my face. She looked over at me, and blinked a couple of times. She also tried to talk, but she really couldn't with her oxygen mask on, I smiled.
"Sorry Bella, but you aren't able to talk. And if your wondering why you're here, and have a mask on your mouth, well that is because you fainted on me and stopped breathing. You really had me scared there." She gave me an apologetic look, and I smiled. "Don't worry Bella, I always forgive you, but try not to do that again." She rolled her eyes at me, and I laughed. "Why do I get this feeling your saying in your head, that you can't control that" I saw her expression telling me that was what she was thinking. I stood up and kissed her forehead. "I'm going to see Carlisle and find out what's wrong ok?" She nodded and closed her eyes. I walked out of the room, and down to his office.
"Edward" he said as I walked in the room. "Have a seat" he didn't even look up from the papers. I sat down in the chair scared out of my mind because for one, I could read his mind, he was blocking it, and two I knew it had to do with Bella.
"Yes. What is it?" I asked calmly.
"Well I have done some test on Bella, and I found out that, like your results, one of the babies is a full vampire, now this happened because some of the venom from Tanya got to the one baby, and it grew, which means that one of your babies is going to be a baby for the rest of its life, and can, and could be born anytime it wants, and we need to get it out fast because instead of drinking milk, like it would when it would come out, its sucking Bella's blood" my mouth dropped. The little baby was killing Bella! "Along with your other child, it is still half vampire, but it too, is killing Bella. We need to find something to feed to it, and make happy, or it will kill her by the time Bella gives birth to it." I was still trying to process all this. It was unbelievable.
"Then we have to get the full vampire out as soon as possible?" I asked confused.
"If you want her to live, which I know you do, we have to get it out in exactly 3 more days, or she will die." I couldn't believe this at all. I was going into shock. I ran out of the room, and into the room Bella was in. Her eyes were open and she was starring at the ceiling.
I saw her look over at me, and a giant smile came on her face. And of course her heart increased in speed. I slowly walked over and kissed her forehead.
"I have some kind of great news for you" she gave me a confused look. "Well. One of our babies is a full vampire, and we are going to have to deliver it as soon as possible." I then got the look of 'Why'. I sighed. "To tell you the truth…the full vampire is sucking your blood from the inside, and we need to get it out or you'll die…" she looked a little scared but calmed down. I have no clue why she did, but she did.
I was sitting in the hospital like room just staring at the ceiling. Edward was away and I was here alone for the time being. What could have happened that went wrong? Did I do something wrong? But how could I do something wrong?! I heard the door open and I turned to see Edward. My heart started beating fast, just like it always does when I'm around him. He walked over to me slowly and kissed my forehead.
"I have some kind of great news for you" I gave him a confused look. "Well. One of our babies is a full vampire, and we are going to have to deliver it as soon as possible." I then looked at him with an expression of Why. He sighed. "To tell you the truth…the full vampire is sucking your blood from the inside, and we need to get it out or you'll die…" I looked at him scared. My own little child was killing me? But then I realized that no mater what. I love both of them. Even if the two of them were killing me from the inside. I lay in the bed starring at Edward smiling. He probably thought I was going crazy, but that was just because I couldn't talk.
"I really wish I could read your mind and find out why you're smiling." He said. I laughed a little. He then did too, butt it was stiff and serious. At this moment, I knew that this was my last day of being pregnant with two, and soon I would have one in my arms to hold. I couldn't wait to hold one of my little angels.
Yay! Updated!! Now… YOU ALL HAVE TO REVIEW! Well you don't have to but I would LOVE IT! Teehee! Please do review!