I'll Be



The rain hit the window of my flat in Oxford as I wiped down the counters and checked the drawers for anything I may have forgotten. My roommate for the last few years left for Miami earlier in the day, leaving me to close up the apartment we had been renting. The last few days have been crazy rushing around England trying to wrap up my life here. I have spent the last four years here getting my degree in Literature at Oxford University. It was a great experience and I have loved my time here, but I am ready to be at home, with my family.

Rinnnggggg Ringggggggg

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and looked at the caller ID excited to think I will be home soon and talking with Esme in person in less than a day.

"Hi Esme! I said picking up the phone. "How are you? How is Alice holding up?" I asked

"We are all terrific; Alice is her manic self handling all the final details for the wedding but she is in heaven, you know she loves all the ciaos." She laughed "Are you heading to the airport now?' she asked

"Yeah, I am all set! I can't believe that I am coming home for good, it feels like I haven't been home in ages".

"Bella, you know it has been four years, which is forever!' We will just be glad to have you back home." She said sincerely. "I wanted to let you know that Alice and I will not be there to meet your flight, she has her dress fitting, so I will send one of the boys, OK? She asked

"Esme, don't worry about me, I can take a cab, I know you have your hands full with the wedding."

"Don't be silly child, you are family and we take care of family" She stated firmly.

"I know Esme, you're the best! I had better get going, my taxi just arrived. I will see you tomorrow then, thanks for calling!"

The cab driver helped me load up the car and we were off to the airport. I was actually looking forward to the long flight home. I really just needed to regroup before I started getting into wedding mode.

Once I was checked in at the airport I grabbed a cup of coffee at Starbucks and waited for my flight to be called. As I watched the planes land on the tarmac, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous at the prospect of going home. Forks WA had been my home since I moved there with my father Charlie when I was just 6 years old. My parents had divorced and Renee, my mother being the free spirit she was, loved adventure but she wanted me to be stable so she allowed me to live with my dad. All the things I loved were in Forks, my memories of my father, my best friend and her amazing family that has been like my own. I have been gone so long and since I graduated, I wasn't sure what was there was for me anymore especially with Alice getting married, and my career path undecided. Thing would defiantly be different.

As I boarded the flight, I settled in to a window seat, trying to prepare for the long flight home. I took out my IPOD and placed it on my ears, letting the music erase all my worries. I started thinking about Alice and how long we have been friends. I will never forget the first time I met her.


Charlie held my hand as he took me into my first grade class at Fork's Elementary school. I walked nervously into Mrs. Hedipole's class. I had tears in my eyes as I let go of my dad's hand and walked into the classroom. All the children were seated in a circle listening to a story, when a precocious dark haired girl stood up and pointed her finger at me

"Who are you?' she yelled

"Class this is Isabella Swan and she just moved here from Arizona. Make sure you welcome her to our class" The teacher said cheerfully.

The young girl left the circle and grabbed my hand.

"You can sit with me" She smiled "I'm Alice, and you have pretty hair."


As I look back now I laugh, knowing that Charlie did my hair that morning and my pony tail was crazy looking, crooked and not brushed. Even then, I am sure she was hoping to get her hands on my hair for a makeover. As crazy as she is, Alice and her family have always been there for me, from bad hair, to the death of my father to paying for my college tuition.

For years, it was just Alice, Emmett, Edward and I. We would play for hours out in the secluded woods by their house. Emmett was my buddy, but Edward had my heart. He was an amazing kid, and I have had the biggest crush on him since we played house when I was 8 years old and he was my husband and let me watch TV while he cooked. I smiled at the memory. He was one of the nicest and kindest people when my father passed away when I was 17. He hugged me so tight and let me cry on his shoulder for hours. He never made me talk; he just let me feel the pain as he rubbed my back until I slept.

I'll Be by Edwin McCain came on my IPOD and my mind flew to my high school prom and I closed my eyes and remembered.


"Alice, I don't want to go! I don't even have a date! I protested as she curled my hair with the curling iron.

"That is because you have turned down every body that has asked you?" Alice stated

"Oh yeah, I am going to go with skinny slimy Mike? Oooh, I would rather die a virgin then let him touch me, even just to dance!"

"At the rate you are going Bella, you might die a virgin!" Alice chimed.

"I told you, I am saving myself for Brad Pitt as soon as he dumps Jennifer Aniston. " I laughed

"Edward is home from college this weekend, maybe he can take you!" Alice suggested

"Great a pity date from my best friend's brother, no thank you!" I spat, but heart betrayed my words, as I dreamed of walking in the dance with Edwards's strong hand on my back leading me to the dance floor.

There was no way that would happen. Edward thought of me as a little sister, with unruly hair and knack for falling down on flat surfaces. He was way out of my league with his amazing body, untamed and sexy bronze hair and face that looked as if it was carved by the gods themselves.

I went to the dance with Alice and Jasper, and held up the wall in the back of the decorated gym at Fork's High School. I was counting the tiles on the floor when someone grabbed my hand.

As I looked up my eyes were amazed at the sight of Edward in a tux holding out my hand to admire me. His green eyes surveyed me and he spoke in a sweet voice.

"You look great Bella" Edward smiled I closed my eyes as if to clear my vision.

"What are you doing here?" I asked dumbfounded

"I heard through the grapevine that you needed a dance partner tonight?' He grinned

"Thanks Edward, I don't know how I got so lucky!" I gleamed

"Well I think I am the lucky one tonight!" He said as he led me out to the dance floor.

I would kill Alice for this later, but for now, I was going to live out one of my fantasies and dance with the man I have loved forever and would never have.


I clicked repeat on my IPOD and listened to the song again, remembering the best moment of my life, my body touching Edwards in a slow dance to my favorite song. His hands wrapped around my waist, so close I could feel his heart beating, my head on his shoulder. Swaying to the music….

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated
I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

I drifted off to sleep and was only awakened by the sound of the pilot turning on the fasten seat belt signs for a bit of turbulence.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up before we landed. I starred at myself in the mirror and brushed my long brown hair. I applied a bit of mascara and lip gloss. I sprayed a little body spray and tried to smooth my blue tee-shirt down but soon gave up.

"Let's face it Bella, you don't have a lot to work with here." I spoke out loud to myself.

Once we landed, I went through customs and headed to baggage claim. I expected to see Emmett, but I spotted Edward before he saw me.

He looked amazing! My heart raced as I walked toward him, he was so beautiful in everyway. His body was perfect in his tight fitting white t-shirt and jeans. His arms and chest caused the air to catch in my throat. I wanted to stop time, so I could just admire God's example of perfection, but he turned his body towards me and our eyes met. I felt my blood rush to my head and my heart pound through my chest. How could one person, cause such a reaction in me?
