Title: Protecting the Past from the Present
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi, not me.
Description: An accident leads both Kagome and Inuyasha in the hospital, revealing to the doctors that Inuyasha has dog ears, will it all end in Kagome's nightmare?
Chapter 1
It was a beautiful spring Saturday. There wasn't a single dark cloud in the sky and the birds were singing harmoniously as they flew through the dazzling morning sky. It was a peaceful day through the city and this particular day found Inuyasha and Kagome walking down the sidewalk and much to their surprise, enjoying each other's company very much. He listened to her chat away about school and what the rest of the day might bring them while he clasped his hands behind the cap that rested on his head, his elbows in the air as they walked. Kagome herself hoped that the Naraku subject wouldn't be brought up as she was getting tired of talking about it. Luckily and to her amazement, Inuyasha didn't seem to want to talk about it either. Kagome looked over at him with a smile.
"What?" he asked hating when people stared at him, especially with goofy smiles.
This caused Kagome to smile more and make a peaceful noise, "Nothing really, I just like being with you Inuyasha."
Inuyasha blushed slightly, "Oh come on, you're not going to get all mushy on me are you," he faked a grumble.
Kagome looked ahead with a sigh, "Inuyasha, being mushy isn't always bad," then she brought her eyes to him again, "it wouldn't hurt you to be mushy at times you know," she said hoping he would get the hint.
"Feh," Inuyasha spoke.
Kagome sighed again; well it was worth a try.
Kagome started focusing on her feet as a long silence grew between them, reminding her that she must get new shoes. Fortunately for her, they were going shopping with the money her mother so graciously offered her. In fact the day seemed to be very fortunate for Kagome even though it barely begun.
"So where are we going anyway," asked Inuyasha, finally breaking the silence.
Kagome smiled over at him with that smile that Inuyasha knew so well that meant she was up to something.
"Well first I thought we would go to the shoe store," she gave him a big toothy grin as if it would help.
Inuyasha moaned, "Kagome, do we have to?"
"Please Inuyasha, I need some new shoes."
"Didn't you buy a pair last week," he asked frowning.
"Yeah, but a girl can't have too many shoes."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, if he didn't know any better, he'd say he got tricked. Figuring he would just go with it though he dreaded it he said, "Fine whatever."
"Thanks Inuyasha," she said then grabbed him by the hand and ran down the sidewalk until they got to the store she was looking for. Inuyasha nervously looked down at their hands with rosy cheeks. Kagome stopped, but didn't let go of his hand.
"This is it," she said then as she went in she let go of his hand. Inuyasha wasn't sure, but he was pretty sure the moment she let go, he wished she hadn't.
Inuyasha thought having to wait around as Kagome shopped for clothes seemed boring. He stood there as Kagome looked through the shoes, debating on which was worse.
"These are so cute," Kagome cooed as she picked up a stylish pair, "what do you think?" she asked holding them up for him to see.
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow, "I don't know, get what you want."
"Oh yeah, how could I forget, men are so clueless," she said putting them back. Inuyasha wasn't sure, but he guessed they were in there at least an hour before she finally found something she got. They had to have seen all the shoes in there at least twice.
Kagome paid for them and they left. Inuyasha was now ready for something much more entertaining and he wasn't too picky on what that was.
They walked back out on the sidewalk as Kagome swung her shopping bag back and forth happily. Maybe now her and Inuyasha could do something they both enjoy together. She looked over at him with a content smile, it was like they were on a date with each other.
"Hey, there's a little café, let's go," Kagome said as she pointed across the street.
"Alright," Inuyasha agreed. Why not? It was lunchtime and he was getting hungry anyway. Kagome headed across the street, but noticed Inuyasha wasn't following.
She turned and saw him sniffing the air with passersby giving him odd looks.
"Inuyasha," she said as she turned to him.
Inuyasha looked down the road to see a car coming, "Kagome," he yelled. Kagome saw the car and gasped. Inuyasha sped forward, knowing she had no time to get out of the way.
The last thing Kagome saw was him running towards her. The car skidded, but hit both Inuyasha and Kagome in the process. The car stopped and a brunette haired man with glasses hurried out of the car. His eyes widened as he saw Inuyasha and Kagome unconscious on the road.
There was a pool of blood under Kagome's head that had hit the pavement and beside her, Inuyasha had more wounds that bled as well from where he tried rushing Kagome to safety.
"Someone call an ambulance," the man yelled to no one unparticular as he bent down to check them.
A/N: dun dun dun, lol, sorry I just like doing that, anyway, how was the first chapter? I know I shouldn't make another story with all my others I need to finish, but if I didn't this idea wouldn't have left me alone:( they're evil sometimes, lol.