Ok...Here we go. This is it, the end of Forks at Twilight. I would like to thank every one who has put this story on their favorites, added it to their alerts and reviewed. Every time an email came in, I would go so excited knowing that so many of you enjoyed this.
I would love for everyone to review this last chapter. I would love to know your thoughts on the story as a whole any favorite parts or lines that may stick out. And I am also open to any criticism. It helps as a writer to hear the good and the bad. Again thank you ALL so much. I am serious when I say that it is because of all of you that this story went as long as it did.
Laurajae...BB... I would have never been able to do this with out you. Thank you for offering your time to help make my grammar better and for your ideas. You came into my story around chapter 26 or 27 and I as I look back, I have no clue how I did so many chapters without you.
To everyone who has reviewed. I wish I could list all of you if there was an easy way, I would. Thank you all so much for the reviews. I love love love getting them. They really do help inspire.
So now that I have rambled on like I won an academy...
Forks at Twilight Epilogue...
"I have a surprise for you Bella." Edward said as we were driving down the road that led to our meadow.
It has been four years since Edward graduated with his degree in Pediatric medicine. Edward and I stayed in Boston for eight years and we finally decided it was time to go home; our family was growing. Alice and Jasper are expecting twins any day now and Rose and Emmett were expecting their second child as well. CJ and Julia were getting so big and we had missed out on so much that we knew it was time to be with our family.
Edward worked as the resident pediatric physician at Mass General for a few years and now he is working on opening his own practice in Port Angeles.
I had stayed with Bunker Hill Community College as the English professor but I recently decided that I wanted to take time off and work on a novel. Edward was so supportive of me, surprising me with a new lap top and converting 'our' office at the apartment into 'my' office.
We have been looking for a house and decided to stay with Esme and Carlisle while we look for a new home. None of the homes we looked at felt right. I have been comparing every home to a house Edward and I looked at back in Boston, when we were thinking we were going to stay there.
"I have a surprise too." I said with a smile on my face.
Still after eight years of marriage, Edward looks at me like he is seeing me for the first time. He his still so intently fixated on my every move, my every word and he still has this way of making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
"You do?" He questioned with a smile. I nodded. "Well, I get to go first." He said taking a hold of my hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss it.
"Close your eyes," he whispered softly as he brought the car to a very slow pace.
I took my free hand and put it over my eyes. "No peaking." He warned and I smiled.
I felt the car go into park, Edward got out and with in seconds, my door was open and he came over and lifted me from the seat. He gave my neck a kiss, his cool breath sent shivers down my spine and my new found hormones went into a rage.
"OK, you can open them." He said putting me down.
I opened my eyes to find us at our meadow under our tree but behind the tree rather than grass was the perfect home. It was a large oversized ranch that looked almost exactly to the one I fell in love with back in Boston.
"Edward….how…..when….I..." that was all I could get out. I was speechless, shocked, amazed; no words at this moment could describe what I was feeling.
"Well, Alice was driving by here a few months ago and she saw the for sale sign so I made a lot of calls and 6 months later, here we are, 'our home.'" He said with the biggest smile on his face.
Tears of joy streamed down my face as I gazed at our home. Edward reached up and wiped my tears away.
"I'm so happy Edward, I love it, it's perfect. You're perfect." I said as I looked over and traced my fingers along the heart that Edward carved our initials all those years ago.
"My turn to surprise you." I said reaching for his hands.
I took his hands and laid them gently on my stomach as his eyes became wide and shined like the stars.
"Bella!" he whispered quietly. "Where going to have a baby?"
I smiled and before I could answer, his lips were on mine and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he picked me up with a jubilant laugh and carried me into our home.
"Edward, do we really have to go?" Bella whined for the 10th time that night.
"Yes, love, we really do have to go. Alice has everything all set just like it was 16 years ago when we went to the prom." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her bare neck. She was wearing her new black dress and it took all the energy I had to not ravish her right there.
It was our 15 year reunion and it just happened to fall on the same day as our junior prom was 16 years ago. I worked so hard to make this night exactly the way it was back when we were juniors and Bella and I spent our first night making love. All though the house would be occupied with our family, for the weekend, I set it up so Bella and I would still be sleeping in the same bed.
Rose set up everything up for me so it would be exactly the same when we got home. The flowers, the candles, the room, the bed, everything would be just like it was that night all those years ago, I couldn't wait.
Bella has been so tired and worn out with her book tour. She easily became New York Times best selling author with her book called So This is Love. She is working on another book and there are negations on the table to make the first book a movie. She is being known as Nicholas Sparks meets Daniel Steel. Bella Cullen the master mind of love and lust.
I was so proud of her. Every goal she set for herself had been achieved.
"Do you need a new love scene in your new book?" I teased. Rose and Alice joked with her all the time saying that the reason she was so good at writing the love scenes in her books was because she gets to practice with me.
"Well it wouldn't hurt."She said turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck. "We can stay in tonight and practice." She said kissing my lips then trailing to my ear. "And I can show you the new position I was thinking about" She said seductively. My knees went weak as she continued her kisses down my neck and my throat then back to my waiting lips.
"You kill me Bella and as much fun as that sounds, we have to go." She let out a sigh and I took her hand and lead her out the door.
The limo was already outside with Alice and Jasper waiting for us.
"Can you believe that we graduated 15 years ago?" Alice asked as we settled into the limo.
"I know it seems like just yesterday." Bella said.
The limo ride was quick and as soon as we go out, it was like old days; walking into Forks high with Bella by my side.
We made our way to the gym. It was decorated beautifully. Alice's company did a great job. Alice owned Designs by Alice, world-known clothes designer and interior decorator.
Alice had her team blow up pictures from the year book and hung them all over the walls. There were pictures of the couples back then, all the class officers and the class superlatives. It was funny to see those pictures. We were all so young. We walked around, laughed and reminisced about the old days.
The four of us made our way to a table. We sat down and were instantly greeted by Ben and Angela.
"Edward, I heard that you are opening your own practice." Ben said as they came to greet us.
"Yes, I am, it will actually be open at the end of the month."
"Great, just in time for this one." Angela said as she rubbed her big round belly. I was already getting a lot of patients and I was getting anxious to open the office.
After about an hour of talking with people and hanging out, we decided to head to the dance floor and dance. We danced a few songs and Bella and Alice were laughing at something funny then Bella's face dropped and she looked over to me.
I looked up and followed her gaze. There standing at the entrance way was Tanya. Hand in hand with someone. I grabbed Bella's waist and brought her close to me.
Tanya glanced over at us and smiled, we started to make our way to our table and we were greeted by them when we go there.
"Hi guys!" she said happily as she approached us. She leaned in and gave Bella and Alice a kiss on the cheek, she did the same with me and then her boyfriend reached out for my hand.
"Edward, Bella, Jasper, Alice, I would like for you to meet my fiancé Laurent." She said as she looked over to Laurent and smiled.
"Hey how is it going?" he asked as I nodded and said "good" returning his hand shake.
"Nice to meet you." He smiled at all of us. We smiled back and motioned for them to join us.
"Bella, I just want to apologize to you. I know that it was years ago but I feel like I owe you a sorry to say the least. I was young and stupid and what I did to you and Edward was wrong. I know now what you and Edward have, because I found it in Laurent and when I think back about the stupid things I did or said, I really am sorry." She reached over and squeezed Bella's hand.
"Thanks for the apology Tanya and congratulations on your engagement." Bella said with a smile. She looked over at me and smiled; I smiled back and took her hand in mine.
"So how is your daughter? She must be so big now, 11 or 12 if my calculation is right." Tanya said as the four of us laughed.
We told Tanya about Julia and then Edward took out the pictures of our daughter.
"This is Madeline, our daughter; she is going to be four." Edward said as he proudly displayed pictures of our daughter. Jasper showed pictures of his twins Sean and Jason. And we showed her pictures of Rose and Emmett's children Julia and Jarred. We spent time sitting at the table talking about our lives and telling funny stories. Tanya and Laurent were truly happy, the night was going great and I was happy to be with friends.
Watching every motion
In my foolish lover's game
"Dance with me?" I leaned in and whispered to Bella when I heard the first song we danced to come on. This song and being in this place held so much meaning for Bella and me. I loved being here married to my Bella and celebrating 15 years of life with old friends and each other.
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Bella let her head stay still on my chest as t we danced slowly. "I love you Edward Cullen, I loved you the moment our eyes met and I will love you till the day I take my last breath." She whispered in my ear.
"I love you too." I whispered back bringing her closer to me as we continued our dance.
The night went on pleasantly we talked with old friends about our kids our lives and of course Bella was the talk of the town with her romance novels.
We made it home after a long night of dancing, talking and having a fun time. Everyone was already in bed when we go in. We headed up stairs to be bed but before we did, we went into the room that Maddy, Julia, Jarred, CJ, Sean and Jason shared. We kissed them all goodnight and then went to our room.
I opened the door for Bella and she walked in she stopped and looked over at me.
"Edward!" she gasped as she made her way to the flowers and reached out for the card. Before she opened it, she looked over at me and whispered "I love you always and Forever. Love, Edward."
"How did you guess?" I teased.
"I remember everything you have done for me." She said with a smile. "Now I have a little surprise too." She turned around and motioned her finger for me to unzip her dress. I did as I was asked and as her skin was made bare, I groaned and she giggled.
I reached over and took in her my arms and started to kiss and tease her neck.
"I need to tell you something." She said breathless. "I wanted to tell you this all day but I was waiting for the perfect moment." I looked over at her and raised my eyebrow.
"I'm pregnant." She said.
"Were going to have another baby?" I asked, she nodded and I picked her up in my arms and swung her around. My heart tugged when I put her down and she reached her hand and placed it on her stomach. Bella was so beautiful pregnant, I loved feeling our baby move inside of her and watching it grow.
"This day just got even more perfect, Madeline is going to be a great big sister. I can't wait to tell her."
"Yes she is going to be great isn't she? And who knows, maybe you will get your boy." She giggled. She leaned in and gave me a kiss
"Maybe." I said with a smile.
"I have another surprise." She whispered and turned to go into the bathroom.
"What else could possibly surprise me today?" I questioned and she turned her head and grinned.
I quickly got undressed and laid on the bed. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes picturing my family. Bella and Maddy, and now a new baby, things were fitting into place perfectly.
I let my eyes close as I started to remember our first night and how far we have come and how so much in love we still are.
I shut the door and quickly got out of my dress. I put my light blue lace negligee that Edward loves so much. I let my hair down and splashed a little bit of water over the exposed portion of my breasts.
Tonight was a perfect night, as much as I did not want to go, I was happy I did. Being with friends and remembering the old days was exactly what I needed.
I was so excited when I found out this morning that I was pregnant. Edward and I have been trying for a few months now to have a second child. I wanted to tell Edward about the baby sooner but I wanted it to be at the perfect moment and there did not seem to be one till just now.
Edward was so happy when we had Madeline. Edward wanted a happy healthy baby but I knew deep down, like most men he wanted his boy. He was more than happy when Madeline was born. He is the best father, just like I knew he would be. She is most defiantly daddy's little girl. She has him wrapped around her finger.
I opened the door and saw Edward was lying on the bed with his hands behind his neck and his eyes closed. I could feel my heart pounding in my ribs with anticipation as I approached him.
The sight of him still makes me weak. I made my way to the bed. He opened his eyes and sat up. He reached his hand out to me and I took a hold of it as I climbed on the bed.
"Do you know how much I want you right now?" He whispered. I returned his answer with an eager kiss.
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." He said as he laid me on my back and kissed me. He glided his hands up my night gown exposes my body to him. He trailed his kisses down my throat to my neck; I shivered when he kissed the slope of one breast and nearly collapsed when he started teasing my nipples with his tongue.
I let out a little moan and Edward made his way back up to my ear. Tickling my lobe with his tongue, he whispered, "I've spent the whole night trying not to imagine all the ways I want to touch you." I gasped as my hands slid down his arms and tugged on the waist band of his shorts. I pulled them off as he removed my night gown; I let my fingers caress him as he breathed heavily. He brought me into a deep, urgent passionate kiss that took my breath way.
He continued to smother my breasts with his passionate kisses and his hands danced along my body till he made his way to my sensitive folds. Every one of my senses came alive as he touched me, the sound of him panting in pleasure, the crinkle of the sheets as we tangled in them, the sound of his heart and my heart beating the same rhythm as we let into our passion.
I gloried in his excitement and absorbed every kiss, every touch into my memory. I let my hands explore his warm skin; I loved everything about him, the broadness of his shoulders, his slim hips and his soft muscular chest.
We touched and explored every part of each other and when our bodies were quivering with need, he leaned back and positioned me on top of him. I rode him fluidly and he lifted his hips to match each one of my thrust. He groaned with pleasure and I gripped his hands in mine.
"Bella" Edward moaned in a raspy voice as we tangled our bodies in sensual pleasure.
I could spend all night making love to Bella. Every inch of her was delicious and if I could, I would spend all night showing her how much I love her.
Bella eased her fingers along my jaw line. "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too." I said as she began to touch me, rub against me and draw me in with her eyes.
Seeing the passion and desire in her eyes after years of marriage, sent me over the edge and I was lost to her, consumed by my desire and the emotions conveyed by her touch. We took our time, not rushing, no matter how badly I wanted to be in her again. I laid back as Bella explored and touched my body. My heart was hammering in my ribs, my breath was strained and I could not hold my temptations any longer.
"I need you." I said urgently and she laughed as I grabbed her waist and laid her down. My mouth found hers and I kissed her slowly, passionately. Our hips grinding in unison, I could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She wrapped her legs around me and she let out the sexiest moan. I groaned with pleasure as we both hit our climaxes. I collapsed besides her pulling her close to me. Her hand draped over my chest, mine rubbing circles on her back.
"Every time with you is like the first time, Isabella." I said in a low voice.
"Edward, I will always love making love to you." she whispered back and kissed my heart.
We laid there in each other's arms till we caught our breath. Once we were relaxed, she reached over for her night gown and I pulled on my boxers. We crawled back into bed and she found her spot in my arms. I held on to her tightly and began to hum her lullaby.
I jumped when I heard a little knock on the door; I knew it was Maddy, my other angel. I opened the door and lifter her up in my arms.
"What's the matter princess?" I asked as she snuggled her head to my neck.
"Daddy, I had a bad dream." She said sniffling.
"Its ok baby, daddy's here." I said as I rubbed her back.
Bella sat up as I got into bed.
"Come here honey." She said as Maddy crawled over to Bella.
"Mommy can I sleep in here with you and daddy tonight?" she asked
"Of course you can." Bella said as we laid down in bed. Bella snuggled to my chest, I wrapped my arms around my two girls. I laid my other hand on Bella's stomach; I looked over and saw my life lying in this bed with me. My wife, my lover, my best friend, the mother of my children. And my beautiful daughter. Chocolate brown eyes and cheeks that blush red just like her mom and bronze hair just like me. She was little bit of both of us, the best creation. A creation made out of true love.
I watched as my two loves fell asleep. I could hear Bella's heart beat against my chest. I leaned in and whispered. "Two hearts forever beating as one." Bella smiled "always and Forever my love." she whispered back and I kissed her lips.
I drifted off to sleep as I held my three precious gifts in my arms.
The end!
Well there you go. tears
I hope you all enjoyed it. Again, I would love to know your thoughts on the story as a whole any favorite parts or lines that may stick out. And I am also open to any criticism.
Thanks again!