"We're just going to a live cross to our entertainment reporter, Trixie the Dryad, who's at the premiere of the latest blockbuster directed by Jack Lewis. Trixie, what's the goss?"
"Well I'm here on the red carpet with Tash the Inexorable, one of the stars of The Last Battle."
"Hi Trixie."
"Tash, I understand that life on the set of this movie was not all fun and games."
"I don't think Jack's heart was in the movie, Trixie. He just seemed to want to rush through to the end of shooting, and there were big fights with the studio almost every day. The marketing people wanted to change the title so they could set it up for a sequel if the receipts were good; I mean The Last Battle 2 sounds pretty silly, doesn't it? But Jack threatened to walk if they changed it, and the studio just backed down. It's all pretty moot anyway; he kills everyone off at the end, so that put paid to any talk of a sequel."
"So what really happened on set with glamour icon Susan Pevensie?"
"Well, you know that Jack and Susan's relationship has been a bit rocky for a while. There were all these rumours that she's been spreading her favours around; just look at the industry gossip around her and Caspian. Jack and Susan had a big bust-up only a week into filming; he told her that she was too old for the role and wrote her part out of the script altogether. She told him that he could forget about working with her again, and as for anything else, it just wasn't going to happen. It's a real disappointment for her fans, and the studio was furious."
"I hear you weren't happy with the final product."
"Well, Trixie, to be honest I was pretty disappointed. Most of my scenes were left on the cutting room floor; I was only left with two scenes in the movie, and just one line of dialogue. It wasn't what I signed up for at all."
"So what will the fans think of this last epic in the Chronicles franchise?"
"I don't think it's going to be as big as the studio hoped. The movie ends on a downer, and the exit of Susan from the production will impact on receipts. The hard core fans will still go, but it's not going to get the grosses of the first few episodes."
"What's next for Tash the Irresistible?"
"The band are playing some gigs in Archenland, and then we're back in the studio for a month to finish up work on the next Tash & The Temple Virgins album; Burnt Offerings. It will out in time for the Autumn Feast, so to all my loyal fans, look for it in the stores."
"Thank you Tash. This is Trixie the Dryad for Narnia Network News, reporting from the premiere of The Last Battle."