Me – Hey everybody! It is I again! I took another break from writing due to MORE family drama . . .

Aurora – Maybe moving out would be a good idea?

Me – Nope can't afford it. Don't have a good job . . . Got a job, but not a good one

Aurora – Just a suggestion

Me – I know, thank you. ANYWAY, I don't own Storm Hawks BUT I do own Aurora and the other OC's I've created. Thanks. ON WITH THE STORY!

Chapter 7: Plans and Signs

It had been three days since Lark and Finn had gone to Cyclonia. Lark was having a difficult time convincing the Dark Ace that she was evil again. She however manages to convince him and had actually gotten the Dark Ace to give her the antidote for Aurora. When he had questioned Lark, she had sneered at him.

"I want to destroy this," she had said to him. "I want to make sure that my sister stays dead this time. You, Dark Ace, should have destroyed the antidote the moment my sister was given the poison!"

The Dark Ace had hung his head and mumbled apologies, and questioned Lark no more.

That had been the day before.

Lark had not been given a chance to radio the Condor back since three days ago. Right after she had gotten off the radio with Piper, a Talon had walked in on Piper saying 'Good luck'. Luckily, she had played it off as her making sure that the Storm Hawks wouldn't be coming to Cyclonia. And shockingly, the Talon believed her and had went on his way. But ever since then, she had been afraid to make any contact with the Condor. She would just have to wait. She knew that Aerrow and the others would attack tomorrow, and come and get her and Finn. That had been made into the plan to be sure that Aurora got the antidote before it was too late.

Lark was sitting in the room they had given her since she had come back. It wasn't the room she had originally here at this horrible place, the Dark Ace had that room. She was staring out the window, wondering how everything was going on the Condor. She knew if her theories were correct, Aurora would be entering and showing signs of the last stages of the poison. Aurora already had no feeling in her legs when Lark had left. The next thing that would happen to her sister would be nausea, then loss of appetite, then fever, and finally she would lose consciousness and never wake up. Lark shivered at the thought of everyone being too late to save Aurora. Lark would lose another family member she loved, and lose someone she would never get to meet. Aurora had been so sure about not telling Aerrow that she was pregnant. Lark began to wonder now if that was such a good idea. But she had promised Aurora that she would not tell Aerrow, and she would keep that a secret. Lark sighed and stood up from the chair she was sitting in and made her way to the bed. The sun was setting and she was going to bed. She knew that tomorrow was going to be a long and hopefully great day. And as she lay down and closed her eyes, she prayed her sister was alright.

On the Condor:

It had been a rough three days on the Condor. After hearing from Lark once, they hadn't heard from her again which made everyone concerned. Aerrow and Piper had agreed that the back-up plan was now in effect. And Aurora had sat worried in her wheelchair, hoping her sister and Finn was alright.

The next day after Lark and Finn had left, Aurora had woken up nauseated and vomiting. At first she thought it was just the morning sickness due to her pregnancy, but she soon realized that it was happening too much for it to be morning sickness. Starling had checked on her and had confirmed that her sickness was due to the poison. Everyone tried to make Aurora eat to keep up her strength, but everything she ate just came right back up. Aurora then began to lose her appetite and refused to eat anything. Lynn, Piper and Starling had cooked all of Aurora's favorite foods, but Aurora had refused to eat any of it. Aerrow had pulled Starling and Piper to the side and had asked what was going on with Aurora.

"I figured she would eat her favorite foods," he said, running his hand through his flaming red hair.

Starling and Piper had looked at each other.

"It's the poison Aerrow," Piper said, frowning slightly. "There's nothing we can do about it except try and get her to eat."

Aerrow had nodded and walked away, leaving Starling and Piper glancing at one another.

The day before was the worst day for Aurora. Aerrow had woken up to find her running a fever. Staling and Piper had told him to take Aurora to the infirmary.

"We can monitor her better from there," Starling had explained.

After getting Aurora settled in the infirmary, Aerrow refused to leave her side. Aurora would wake up and have conversations with them, but then she would start having hallucinations, and panic and fight with everyone using anything she could including her wind powers. The only people she was calm around was Aerrow and Piper, so by the end of the day only Aerrow and Piper were allowed inside the infirmary.

Today was a repeat of the day before. Aurora was slipping in and out of consciousness, and going back and forth between reality and then feverish hallucinations and dreams. Aerrow hardly left Aurora's side. He ate, slept and spent his day there in the infirmary with Aurora. Well she was asleep though, he had slipped out and had confirmed a plan with everyone about the next day's attack.

"We still haven't heard from Lark," Piper said, as everyone stood on the bridge. "We are guessing that she's either keeping low or they caught on to what she was doing and she's locked up with Finn."

"So we are going in blind," Will said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Basically," Aerrow said grimly.

"I'm staying here on the Condor with Aurora," Piper said looking at everyone. "She'll stay calm for me. Stork and Shelly will stay her as well in case the Condor comes under attack. Aerrow, Will, Starling, Junko, and Lynn will go to Cyclonia. Aerrow, Will and Starling, you guys are going to look for Lark and the antidote. Junko and Lynn, you are going to go rescue Finn."

"And the Dark Ace is mine," Aerrow said.

Everyone nodded.

"We aren't going by the Aerrow fakes Lark's defeat or anything like that now," Piper said, making sure to keep everyone's mind on the plan. "We just go in defeat everybody, get Lark and Finn back, get the antidote, and come back here and save Aurora. Whoever gets the antidote needs to immediately come back to the Condor. If you want to help the other's that's fine, but bring me the antidote so I can give it to Aurora. Then you can go back and fight, but we need the antidote first. Tomorrow is Aurora's last day. We can't afford mistakes."

Everyone nodded and then went to their rooms to rest up for tomorrow. Aerrow went back to the infirmary and was surprised to see Aurora up and looking alert. When he closed the door, she turned to look at him and smiled.

"Well hey there," Aerrow said walking over to Aurora and sitting next to her.

"Hey," she said. "I take it I've been giving you a hard time?"

"No you haven't," Aerrow said, shaking his head.

Aurora cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Aerrow don't lie to me," she said. "I can see where I've used my powers. The walls have wind cuts in them and you're the only one coming in the room. I've been giving you guys' hell."

Aerrow smiled.

"You got me," he said. "You have been giving us hell. You won't let anybody in the room except me and Piper."

Aurora laughed.

The room got silent then, and Aerrow had thought she had fallen asleep. But she spoke again, breaking the silence around them.

"I'm sorry Aerrow," she whispered. "I don't think I can take much more of this."

Aerrow frowned.

"Don't start that," he said. "We've already had this talk."

Aurora sighed, and didn't say anything else. Silence came again, and Aerrow looked at Aurora to see that she had really fallen asleep this time. He took Aurora's hand in his and rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand.

"Don't worry," he whispered to her. "I'm going to get you better tomorrow. And then we can start a family. Have one or two children, and watch Finn and Piper get married and have children. Maybe everyone else will get married and have children too. Then me and you can watch our children grow up and get married and have children of their own. We'll sit on the front porch in those rocking chairs you love so much and watch the grandkids playing in the yard and watch the sun set too."

Aerrow bent his head down and brought Aurora's hand up to his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry that I didn't do all the things I should have done. I should have sat outside with you and watch the sun set. I should have stayed home instead of going on patrol or going out with the guys. You never said anything though. You just said 'Be careful', or 'Have fun!'. I just want to say I'm sorry."

His voice cracked and he squeezed his eye shut to keep the tears from coming. He sat there for a long time in the silence, thinking, promising, and praying. He finally went to sleep laying his head on the side of Aurora's bed, still holding her hand.

Aurora looked over at Aerrow, with tears coming down her face. She had heard everything that Aerrow had said. Even though every other conversation and event has been fuzzy for the past two days, she clearly could remember this one. She wiped her tears away and smiled sadly at Aerrow.

"It's alright," Aurora whispered to his sleeping form. "There's no need to apologize."

She stared at Aerrow for awhile and then she closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

In Aerrow's dream that night, he could have sworn that he heard Aurora's voice whispering to him 'There's no need to apologize'. It made him squeeze her hand in his sleep. He would make this right. He had too much on the line with losing Aurora, and come tomorrow, he was going to save her and they would live out their lives together in peace.

Me- I'm sorry if it was boring. I was kinda in the mood to right, but then again I wasn't really. But when I started writing I couldn't stop. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, or spelling mistakes. Please review, I'm beginning to think that I can't write anymore. Till next time! LATER!