Lately, I have had a really big urge to read HP/LOTR fan fiction but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there, so I decided to write one

Lately, I have had a really big urge to read HP/LOTR fan fiction but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there, so I decided to write one. Enjoy.



Harry sighed as he sat in his little room at Privet Drive. The summer had started two weeks ago and already he was in worse condition than what he arrived in was. His Uncle just loved to take out any and all frustration on him. It didn't matter though. Harry was used to this kind of treatment by now. The abuse had always been there, but ever since he had started school his first year, the abuse had just gotten worse. Harry never told his friends, but the Headmaster knew. He had always known, but he chose not to take any action cause the blood wards would protect Harry from Death Eaters and Voldemort. Dumbldore knew that Vernon would never kill Harry, physically that is, for he feared what retribution would fall upon him. But as long as his Uncle didn't kill him, Dumbldore was fine with Harry getting beaten up. After all, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

That, however, was utter bullshit in Harry's mind. 'What doesn't kill you only makes you wish it had.' Harry had to give the man credit though, after all, Harry certainly was used to pain and could therefore take the Crutiatis Curse longer than anyone without going insane. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing though. But still. Harry wanted someone to see what was happening here during the summer and come and take him away. He wanted to have at least one peaceful summer where there was no pain, no chores, and no more war. But until the Dark Lord was dead, Harry didn't see that happening very soon.

He sighed again, and shifted positions on his bed, being careful not to jar his shoulder too much. His Uncle had gotten mad at him earlier that morning and jerked his arm so hard that his shoulder popped out of its socket. It hurt like a bitch too. Of course, Vernon would never take Harry to the hospital so he had to pop it back in himself. Yeah, easier said than done. His back hurt like hell too. Last weeks belt lashings hadn't healed yet and he was pretty sure that they were infected. And to think, he still had 11 weeks until school started again. His final year at Hogwarts. And, his seventeenth birthday was coming up and he could use magic outside school then. He couldn't wait.


Ok, seriously, he couldn't wait for his birthday. His Uncle was going to kill him before the day even came. His birthday was in three days and he couldn't walk. Really. Dudley pushed him down the stairs, breaking his leg in the process. It hurt like hell. Like all of his other injuries he had to set it himself, but this time, Harry didn't think he set it completely and if it healed like that, then he could be walking with a limp for the rest of his life. Not good. His dueling would be greatly affected.

The car door slammed outside signaling the return of his Uncle. 'Great,' Harry thought his Uncle was going to be furious when he found out that the slave couldn't walk. Harry strained his ears which didn't matter as he heard his Uncle's shout from downstairs loud and clear, which was followed by thunderous footsteps coming up the stairs.

'Oh goody, more pain for me tonight' Harry sardonically thought. The locks on the door clanked loudly as his uncle opened them all. Then the door slammed open, bathing the small, dark room with the light from the hallway. After his uncle's eyes adjusted to the light and he saw Harry lying on the floor, he didn't make it to the bed after all, he advanced murderously on the helpless teen and proceeded to give Harry one of the more painful beatings on his life.

Harry's last thought before he succumbed to the pain was 'Voldemort's got nothing on this guy.'


When Harry woke the next evening, he was in great pain. He was sore, bloody, hungry, tired, and overall, fed up with everything.

'I wish I could leave this place. I wish I could go somewhere peaceful where I would be loved unconditionally, where Harry Potter didn't exist.'

What Harry didn't realize was that he had been unconscious for more than just one night. As soon as he finished making his wish, the clock on his nightstand turned 12:00a.m. Harry's eyes closed as he slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Harry also didn't know that there was a reason that seventeen was the coming of age for wizards and witches because that was when their magic was fully unlocked from its core. When they are underage, their bodies cannot handle the large amount of magic that is sealed within their core. On their seventeenth birthdays, their bodies are able to handle all of their magic so the core unlocks its self. And Harry, already being powerful, became more powerful instantly. His magic, which had yet to settle down, heard his wish and swirled and flowed out of him quicker and faster than ever before. Pretty soon his body was glowing before there was a bright flash of light and Harry was gone.


In a small clearing in the land of Middle Earth a flash of light appeared and when it died out there was a body laying unconscious in the middle of the clearing.


"Ow. Pain. Ow." Harry moaned as he woke up. His eyes fluttered open and he froze where he was laying… in the grass… in a forest… where he didn't pass out at. "Shit. Don't tell me Uncle thought I was dead and decided to dump the body in a forest to hide the evidence." That made the most sense in Harry's mind at the moment.

He reached up to rub his forehead and froze again when he saw his hand. He knew he was always small, but damn, his had looked plain childish, like a little kids hand. He stared at his hand for several more moments before shaking his head, causing his long black hair to whip back and forth. 'Wait… long black hair? My hair is short!' It was true though. It seemed that, somehow, overnight, his hair grew halfway down his torso.

"What the hell is going on?" It was then that Harry noticed something else. His magic, which had always been calm and soothing was now like an ocean crashing inside him. He felt… powerful. "What happened to me? I wish I had a mirror." Instantly, his magic roared to life and a shiny silver mirror appeared before him, leaving him gaping not only at what his magic did but at the reflection shining back at him.

He looked like a kid. Seriously. He always knew that he was short for his age and very skinny, but this was ridiculous. He looked like he was nine years old again. He still had his bright green eyes but they were bigger than before, or maybe that was because his face seemed smaller. His skin was pale and his lips seemed fuller and darker. His once short black hair now was much longer but at least it was manageable. In fact, it hung straight down instead of looking like the bird nest it used to be. Harry reached up to brush his hair behind his ears to get a better look and stilled when he saw that his once normal, round ears now in fact came to a distinct point.

"Great. Not only do I look like a freakin' kid again, but now I am not even human anymore. Any where the hell am I?"

When no answer came to him, he sat there for several moments before an idea came to him. He reached into his pocket, his clothes hung off his small frame dramatically so now, and pulled out his wand. "Point me, Surrey." The wand jumped to life in his hand and spun around. And around. And around. His wand kept spinning for several minutes before it eventually stopped spinning in his hand and rolled off its perch. "What the-" He picked up his wand and tried again but he just got the same results as before. Next he tried a different location. "Point me, Hogwarts." But it did the same thing.

Harry sighed and decided to relax for a moment. He couldn't tell what time it was so he used the tempus spell.

11:30 am, Tuesday, August 1, 1113

He stared agape at the air where the words were a moment ago before using a spell he learned from Hermione last year that told you where you were.

Southern Rhudaur Forest, Middle Earth

"Uhhh I don't think I am in England anymore."


So tell me what you think about it. Review please. Thank you very much! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon.