A/N: This is a review from Stormy Snape. All Human. Read and review? Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.


Emmett grinned evilly as he speared a piece of cookie crumble off of his plate before popping it into his mouth.

"I went to your house yesterday and saw you getting lucky," He stated in-between bites of chewy fudge and cookie bits.

Jasper stared at his brother in confusion as he finished his own piece of ice-cream cake and put his plate down on the coffee table.

"First off, Emmett," Jasper began, "This is your house too, in case you've forgotten. Secondly, yesterday was the weekly card game and you were sitting across from me."

"I know. What's your point?" Emmett asked, as he flicked on the television and began channel surfing.

Jasper sighed before stating "You are so weird some times."