Chapter 1: Sketch
When she had first laid eyes on him, she didn't know what to think of him. His height was considerable in comparison to her five feet two inches. She'd never seen him with a hat or a handkerchief tied carelessly around his head. These though were not enough to hide the bountiful amount of hair that flowed from his head. She had wondered where he had found that hair colour and where she could get some to buy. It was silver that shimmered in any light. Normally, hair colour from a box didn't look so natural. She suspected under the moonlight, it was a remarkable sight. And those eyes. She had searched high and low for contacts so beautiful. It didn't exist, as far a she knew. These were here thoughts until she laid eyes on his older, much taller brother. She saw that neither were the kind to copy the other's style; she chalked up their strange physical characteristics to albinism that worked in their favour. Her knowledge of genetic could not explain how though.
Well, here she was going on about two boys and nobody knew whom she was. Her name is Kagome Higurashi – Tokyo High's genius. A geek if you wish. But she wasn't like any of the geeks portrayed by the movies. She didn't wear bifocals; her eyes were perfect down to the very rich chocolate brown of them. Her figure was to die for. The school's cheerleaders couldn't come close to her. Her ebony locks framed her oval face accentuating the pristine nature of her complexion. Her lips stood out against this background – a temptation in their own right. But enough about her. She needed to expound on the character that captured her imagination since the first year of high school. The boy who still haunted her most private dreams. Inuyasha.
She soon realized he was a youkai. Half. You'd think this would be a reason to single him out and make him an outcast. It was hard not to like Inuyasha. By no means was he the suave debonair type that could take away the breath of a giddy – headed girl. He was the bad boy that every girl wanted. He stood out among his peers like a chicken among ducks and yet he fit in so well with them. He was athletic and yet was apart of no sports team for frightening reasons.
He was by far stronger than most youkai having come from the legendary Inu-youkai. And though his brother Sesshomaru didn't admit it, Inuyasha had surpassed him in many areas.
So how does this dashing rogue connect to Kagome? No, they weren't friends. Not one bit. In fact, she thought she hated him on a few occasions. However, her repressed pubescent mind would differ. Having tried out for all the sport teams and making it, he had to excuse himself for the safety of the other players who seemingly couldn't handle the strength that simmered in his frame. So, he took up activities that required a more controlled burst of energy. This is where she first interacted with him in the three years she had watched him from afar. Martial Arts.
"Higurashi and Takahashi." Her sensei said.
"Hai, sensei." They both responded. They took their positions opposite each other and he smirked. By most standards, he had every right to. Kagome looked like a midget facing a giant.
"You know the rules." Her teacher said. "Fight!" he said and stepped back. They circled each other for a few minutes, their eyes bent on intimidating the other. They both realized the tactic wouldn't work. Kagome attacked low and fast, determined to use her height as an advantage. She swung out a leg, which he easily evaded. He spun in the air and Kagome ducked just in time to avoid the kick aimed at her protected head. He was open so she jabbed him in the belly. She back-flipped to opposite side of the ring even as he jumped back sinking to keep his balance.
"Point! Higurahsi." Mr. Yamado said crisply. "Fight!" he said again. This time Inuyasha took the initiative swinging a punch Kagome made to block. She gasped when she found her hand grabbed by her opponent. She was pulled forward and her feet knocked out from beneath her and she was flat on her back. He smiled down at her surprised face.
"Point! Takahashi."
Kagome wasn't the best in Mr. Yamada's class but her skill surpassed the majority of the students. Finding herself looking at the ceiling wasn't easy or regular. In fact, the class murmured slightly. She got up and resumed her fighting stance. Kagome wasn't competitive in martial arts but the smug look on his face touched a nerve. She needed two more points to win this the little match and she would win.
She could tell it wasn't his first martial arts class but his movements were a little sloppy. She saw he had potential to surpass her just because of his youkai heritage but that day wasn't today. He advanced and she took his weight flipping him over before spring back up to pin him with a small foot to his neck.
"Point! Higurashi."
He growled at her and rose slowly. She observed how cute this disposition seemed. She blinked away the thought and prepared to accept the charge she knew she provoked in him. She wondered how to attack. He was too tall to use a kick. This would leave her open to an obvious attack. She sent out quick jab retracting quickly when he made a grab for the arm and following up with a punch to his jaw line. His head snapped back and he growled again. He tried to hit her but she knew he thought her slower than him so she faded left spinning and laying a punch to his side. She finished him with a hit to the back of the knee while she pushed him back and pinned him with her delicate but trained hands.
"Point! Higurashi. Higurashi wins."
She helped him up and smiled. "Good match, Takahashi." She said to him and shook his hand. He looked at the de-gloved hand before taking slowly.
"Hmmm." He grunted.
"Geez, lighten up, Takahashi. It was just a friendly match."
"I don't like you." To say she was shocked by his blunt statement was an understatement.
"Well, okay." She folded her hands across his chest and replied. "But friendship isn't a pre-requisite for civility. I don't particularly like you either but I'd rather not be distracted by my affection, or lack thereof, for you in the class."
"You're pretty smug for a human." He replied.
"I'd think you of all people wouldn't be prejudice against humans." She hurried on to end the conversation when he would've responded. "I'll see you next class." She said then smiling at him she left.
She had thought herself rid of him until she arrived at chess club. "I get the impression I'll be forced to endure your presence a lot." She said rubbing at a spot in her shoulder. His eyes narrowed at the spot and he smiled. "Don't worry, you didn't do this."
"Higurashi-san." A boy said coming up to her.
"Hey Chiro. It's good to see you back at school."
"My mom finally tried that herbal steam and it cleared it right up." He said smiling at her.
"Great. Tell her I have plenty more if she wants to give it a try."
"She said she'd be visiting the shrine quite regularly from now on."
"My mom will enjoy that. Shall we play chess now?"
"We have an initiation to do." Kai said glancing at the newcomer. "I say we kick him out." The hot-tempered teen said for which he earned a growl.
"Now, now, Kai. If Takahashi wants to join the club, he's free to. Let's begin the initiation." Addressing the person in question for the first time, she continued. "You'll need to play all the current members. You don't have to win all the matches though."
"Don't worry, I will." He said. Kagome smiled and nodded. She looked at her watch.
"Let's begin."
Time passed slowly but already, Inuyasha had played and beaten ten of the members. He was currently playing Chiro who obviously didn't see his king was about to be pinned.
"Check." Chiro said. Inuyasha smirked, covered his king then waited as Chiro made the obvious move. Inuyasha moved his queen and smiled.
"Well played." Chiro said and shook his hand. Kai grumbled that he cheated somehow and Kagome chided him for his pettiness. Kai had played before Chiro and was beaten quite easily.
"Well, I guess I'm in then."
"No, you have yet to play Higurashi-san." Chiro said.
"Her? Bring it on then. I must say I though you guys would be more of a challenge." Kagome saw Chiro was about to spout her illustrious career in chess to the newcomer but she stopped him with a hand to shoulder.
"Shall we begin?" She took her seat across him. Deciding he would be black, Kagome was forced to be white. She smiled and so began their three-hour match. Kagome was the best player in the club. In fact, she was the champion in the region. She didn't know outside of that. She never went to the nationals or international tournament. It wasn't because she couldn't. She just chose not to. She only competed to make a little extra money. Chiro and Kai were the ones to attend these competitions.
Kagome looked over at Inuyasha she saw him frown. He was really quite good at this game. A few times, she found herself almost conceding to him. She rarely had to play defensively in this game and it thrilled her to actually sharpen this skill. Looking at the board now, it could easily be a draw and yet it could go either way. He made one of the three moves he could have made, in Kagome's estimation, and she smiled at him before moving her last pawn to pin his king.
"Checkmate." She said softly.
"You're very good." He said.
"You're playing style reminds me of your father's." She said shaking his hand. He squeezed her hand suddenly at the mention of his father.
"You-you know my father?"
"I play chess with him every Friday in the park."
"So I guess you know my mother."
"No. I've never met her but Mr. Takahashi has said so much a about her. She seems to be a very lovely person." Inuyasha didn't confirm or deny it.
"I'll see you at the next meeting." He said.
"I hope I don't see you in any more of my clubs." Kagome said and she meant it.
"I'll do my best not to show up." He said before closing the door behind him.
Unfortunately, Inuyasha turned up in all her clubs. She was severely irritated. Her eye twitched as she watched him talk to the stage crew of the drama club. She had begged and begged all the kamis that he wouldn't ruin her last escape from the norm of school. She surmised this was punishment for thinking homicidal thoughts of drowning him in the school's pool. She suddenly thought this year would be very long.