Hey guys! my first attempt at a Harry Potter fic! Please R&R, constructive criticism welcome :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter - I am not JK Rowling!

She stormed into the entrance hall, chuntering furiously under her breath. He just made her so angry! That stuck up, arrogant, conceited, hypocritical, egotistical…

The list continued in her head, the words steadily getting worse. How dare he pick on a defenceless bystander just for the fact 'he exists' as he put it.

She hated him, hated him, yet he was still supercilious enough to ask her out in front of practically the whole school when she was in the middle of heatedly scolding him. How could someone's head be that big!?

Lily eventually reached the entrance to Griffindor common room, unable to quite remember how she had got there; she was in such a rage.

'Password?' The Fat Lady asked querulously, Lily's bad moods always seemed to go with somebody getting badly scolded, or occasionally hexed, (Especially where James Potter was concerned), she had quite a formidable reputation for it.

'Acromantula venom' Spat Lily acidly.

The Fat Lady swung forward hurriedly and Lily clambered through the portrait hole.

What made things worse, thought Lily crossly as she stomped up the stairs, is that the boy she'd been trying to defend, her supposed 'friend' had turned on her.

Arrogant, stupid boys. They all deserved to be cursed into mulch.

She reached her dorm and threw herself onto her bed, and proceeded to punch the mattress and scream into her pillow.

Eventually, after a few minutes she began to calm down. She lay on her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to put everything from her mind.

Well, she reasoned, its Sev's loss. If he didn't want to be her friend because she was muggle born it was his problem, not hers. And the whole school had already witnessed James asking her out a million times, it was old news – why should they care?

Plus, the marauders weren't really anything to do with her, if the rest of the school wanted to worship them as the epitome of cool, that was their own stupid decision.

But no matter how hard she tried, every time she thought of James, hot fury bubbled in her stomach like firewhisky, and this effect just made her angrier.

Why!? Why did he have this effect on her? Sirius was every bit as arrogant and annoying as James (apart from he didn't relentlessly ask her out), and she never wanted to curse him into a million tiny pieces. In fact, she just treated him with diplomatic disdain, as she did everyone else who she wasn't particularly keen on. But James, he drove her to the brink of insanity with irritation, and no matter how hard she tried; she couldn't treat him with nonchalance.

Maybe it was because he was just that annoying. Everything about him aggravated her. The way he was the Griffindor quidditch hero and thought he was practically royalty because of it, the way he knew half the girls in the year fancied him and he milked it for all it was worth, the way he spent longer on his hair than Marlene McKinnon to get that stupid, messed up look.

She wished she could just ignore him, pretend he didn't exist. That way she'd save a lot of time and breath ranting about him to her friends, or else thinking maliciously about ways she could deflate his giant head.

She heard someone coming up the stairs, and Alice Prewett, her best friend, entered the dorm. She sighed as she caught sight of Lily.

'Oh Lil, you've had another fight with James? It really is getting silly you know.'

Lily stared at her in awe. She really did know her too well.

'How did you know that!?'

Alice rolled her eyes.

'Oh come on Lil, you only go that shade of red when you have a run in with Potter.' She sat on the bed and asked, in a slightly bored voice,

'What happened this time?'

'He was bullying Sev.'

'From what I hear, Sev deserved it; Marly said he called you a mudblood in front of everyone!'

'That's a different issue! It was before that!'

Alice sighed again.

'Look, can't you just let this whole thing with James go? Just stay out of his way!' She implored with exasperation.

'I can't believe you're turning this around on me! I can't help it – he gets me so mad!'

Lily stood up huffily and headed towards the door. She turned around at the top of the staircase and glared at Alice, adding with defiance,

'I HATE him!'

She turned on her heel and began to storm down the stairs.

Alice called back to her.

'When are you going to realise that the reason you hate him so much is because you don't hate him at all?'

'SHUT UP!' Lily yelled.

She began to storm off to the great hall. How could Alice say that to her!? She didn't have the right. She didn't need people to tell her things like that.

Because, deep down, she already knew.