a/n: a little something I wrote when I noticed that lots of people liked to write wish upon a star fluffy stories

a/n: a little something I wrote when I noticed that lots of people liked to write wish upon a star fluffy stories. This is the opposite! just me being my usual self. The this is a small wanna be poem. Origanly it was only going to be stuff that sasuke wished for, but than the moody poet in my wanted poetry probably because I haven't wrote some in a while, but what can I do? My hands have a way of their own. Ok, now I'm rambling. . .

disclaimer: don't own, stupid.

Warning: sadness, liars, the crush of childhood dreams-myths (something like that-), and horrible poetry.

Please read and review! Sorry for any mistakes!!


I wish he'd look up at me and smile.

The sky was a soft blue, still in the stages of twilight, when Sasuke looked up at it first, watching the first stars of the evening come out. His legs were stretched out before him, head thrust back, and arms out at an angel to old him up so he wouldn't fall.

I wish he'd hold my hand in his.

He breathed out slowly; his breathe a white cloud in front of his face that quickly faded. It was still in the beginning of winter, and though the world was still warm, it got cold at night. He was a ninja though. He would go through worse than a little cold, and with the warm blood that pumped through his veins because of the mission that they were on, he didn't feel the cold air that nipped at him.

I wish he told me that I'm his world,

That theirs nothing we can't stand.

He stared at the sky, sad eyes watching the stars. It was foolish how he could be fearless in the face of death, but a few little words terrified him. How the thought of some one becoming important to him, sent shivers of fear down his spine.

He blinked away from the stars, and looked at the two tents on the other side of the small clearing they were in. one held Sakura and Kakashi, and the other held the blonde dope that riddled his thoughts and drove every other thing from his mind.

I wish that I woke up to him ever morning.

A silver flash streaked the sky and he quickly chanted in his head, his wish three times, miraculously making it before the fallen star faded from view. He blinked, not having expected it, and a memory of something his mother told him flashed through his head.

If he wished on a falling star three times, and made it, his wish would come true. A lit blush covered his cheeks as he thought of it, a small hope rushing through him. He stood quickly, looking away from the sky, and the stars that were watching him like he had been them.

I wish I could kiss him when ever I want.

"Naruto. Hey, Naruto, Baka, wake up." Sasuke said, shaking him slightly, and frowning when his efforts proved wasted when the blonde only groaned and turned over.

"Idiot!" he hissed, shaking him harder. "Stupid idiot, wake up!"

The blonde finally groaned and turned back over, peering at him through barely open blue eyes.

"Wha?" he mumbled.

But most of all I wish he loved me,

"Naruto, do you love me?" he whispered quickly unable to hide his excitement.

"Huh? 'suke? Yeah." He mumbled, falling back to sleep. "You're my best friend." He added drowsy. Sasuke let his heart soar a minute before it crashed down.

"Huh? No, Naruto! Idiot." He said, shaking him back to his half sleep and half awake state. "Do you love love me? Like a lover?" he asked again, letting himself get too hopeful.

"Huh? No. silly Sasuke-teme." He mumbled, laughing softly, and smiling brightly at him, before rolling over again, and falling into sleep, this time though, Sasuke made no move to stop him, or wake him up again.

His heart breaking at his unrequited love, and the liar his mother turned out to be.

Or that I didn't with all my heart.