This is a notice from myself (the author) to my reviewers and readers. Please read it, it's very important.


I really am. I actually have been updating! Chapter's one AND two were reposted, I am WAY happier with them now, and I like my original storyline.. I really missed it. Please go back and read them again, because nothing will make sense if you don't. Anyway, it is going a little bit fast, so I'm going to slow things down from chapter three on. Actually, when I do release chapter three I will strongly advise no reviews at all, because you guys are going to hate me oh so much.

Anyway, I took the time to go and re-read the chapters, and I was drawn to the reviews. I cried. I actually cried! I'm still crying! You guys make me so happy, you have no idea. Thank you to each and every one of my reviewers, and my readers! I have no idea how long the story will be anymore, as I keep speeding and slowing things all the time. I'm approximating 6-10 chapters. If it does go past it, I will not let the sequel(or any of my stories for that matter) have chapters longer than 20. It just gets too long. I will release another story to the series if need be, however I wish to prevent that. I'm going to attempt to keep this eight chapters, like I originally planned.

I ask for your forgiveness for my absenses, things are sort of hard. However with the help of some people very close to me, I'm slowly able to return to normal. Partially because I recieved KH:CoM for Christmas, and once more I'm head-over-heels for AkuRoku, and I find that reading fanfictions is doing shit, it's actually writing them where I get my fill :) (That sounded so wrong.)

So... chapters are getting done rather quickly. Chapter three will be started once I've fixed the first chapter of Too Scared, which I intend to do this very minute(I'm probably going to end up doing Chapter three while the idea's still fresh...) That first chapter is bothering the /hell/ out of me.

Reminders: Please check my profile! I update it on a day-to-day basis now, with what I'm doing with my stories! It's at the very end :) If I do become a bit inactive and don't update, feel free to go to my dA, youtube, or even message me here to give me a little bit of a nudge :D Also, on my deviantArt account, I post at least four journals weekly. There is usually a little spot at the end of the journals for you guys here on so you guys know what's up.

Okay, it's being a douche. So I can't give you the direct links for my YouTube and DeviantArt. So please go to my profile if you'd like 'em :D

I love you guys! I really do, thank you for your support.

Much love,
