This is a Marvin & Lilly episode. Don't worry, I am still working on "Zorro Nyo's Dark Return", but I just couldn't wait to start writing this one. So, you'll get random stuff. Either, the next chapter to this or "Zorro Nyo's Dark Return"


I edited this to my new writing style so it will be able to be in the series. If this is going to be treated like one, not to mention it may actually be on TV some day, we have to keep readable to my style. Me & NightmareBeforeChrsitmasFreak share pretty much the same writing style. GO US!! We are now, officially the Marvin & Lilly author & co-author! Tee hee! I like that...

Episode 4: A Glimpse Of The Second Ice Age

Part 1 - Dr. Woe Again

In Martian Commander X-2's ship, he & Lilly were sitting in chairs. Lilly was reading a book. And X-2 was drawing.

"What are ya' drawing', Marv?" Lilly asked.

"Um… you'll see…" X-2 replied. Lilly got impatient & got up. She looked slowly around the corner of his note pad. He flinched. "Don't look yet!"

"Ok, ok!" A few minutes later, he finished.

"Ok, NOW, you can look." Lilly looked at the picture & her eyes went wide. He had drawn a sketch of him & Lilly, surfing & it looked just like the real thing.

"Wow! I had no idea you were such a detailed drawer!"

"Well, I…"

"You should show that to the queen! She'll flip when she sees it!"


"Oh, come on! Please?" Lilly said, beginning to push him up & towards the bridge.

"Well… ok…"

Lilly had finished pushing him & he was in the chair, calling her. She appeared on the screen.

"Commander! Why are you calling now? I'm very busy." she said.

"I… uh…" he began. He was too nervous to think about showing her something that she may reject as a waste of time. He loved drawing.

Lilly jumped up. "Uh…" she said, pulling the drawing out from behind his back. "He wanted to show you this!" She held it up. The queen let out a little gasp. Who drew that? That's the most detailed drawing I've ever seen! Lilly, I had no idea how talented you were!"

"Oh, I didn't draw it! Marvin did!"

"Um… who is Marvin?"

"Uh……………………………….." Lilly began.

"Lilly means her best friend… um… me…" X-2 finished.

"You? Well, Commander, you are a very talented drawer! When did you do this?" she said back.

"Um… a few minutes ago…" X-2 said, nervously.

"Well, Commander, that's very nice… well, I have to go. I just got a call." And with that, she was off the screen & the screen went blank. X-2 wiped off his forehead. Lilly jumped up & hugged him.

"Marvin! I knew you could do it!" she shouted, in excitement.

"Yes, but please, don't call me Marvin in front of the queen." X-2 replied.

"Ok," They began to walk back down the halls when X-25 started beeping.

"What?" X-2 asked.

"You have a call from the queen." X-25 replied.

"I was just on the line with her. Are you sure?"

"Yes, Commander."

"Ok, put her on." She did & the queen spoke immediately.

"Commander, we have a problem. Dr. Woe's ship is heading for you." she said.

"What? How much time do we have?"

"I'm not sure. Three minutes, I think."

"Yes, my queen!"

"Good." And with that, she was off the screen.

"Lilly, ready the Lasers." X-2 said. Then, he thought twice. "Oh, what am I thinking?" Then, he ran over to the controls & pressed buttons & pulled levers that Lilly had no idea what they did. Then, he sat back down.

"X-25, prepare for battle!"

"Got it!" Soon, afterwards, Dr. Woe's ship appeared. And, Dr. Woe appeared on the screen.


"Bucket head…" X-2 & Dr. Woe greeted.

"Hi, hot dog breath!" Lilly shouted. Then, she started laughing.

"Commander, prepare to be evaporated." Dr. Woe said.

"What?" But, he was too late. Dr. Woe had already left the screen. Then, out of no where, X-2 disappeared.

"MARVIN! WHERE DID YOU GO?" Lilly shouted.

"He's been evaporated into Dr. Woe's ship." X-25 clarified.

"Lock onto him! Don't lose him!" Lilly sat down in X-2's chair.

"Yes, Lilly!" X-25 replied. She did, so they wouldn't lose his signal, but Dr. Woe's ship disappeared into space.

"He's gone! Follow him! No one kidnaps my Marvin & gets away with it!" Lilly said.

"Got it!" And they were off in the direction that Dr. Woe had gone.

To Be Continued…