A/N: I don't own Teen Titans and I am making no money off this story. You should be warned that I haven't seen TT in years. A few errors have been edited. Thanks to Lorendiac for pointing them out.


"We will always be isolated, you know." Raven's voice floated out of the dark living room.

"Hmm?" Cyborg called back, turning to look at her as he cooked his breakfast.

"Alone. Set apart from everyone else. We will never blend in with the rest of society."

Moments passed. The only sound was the crackling of the fat in the frying pan.

"Of all of us," she continued, "Robin is the only one who is physically able to blend in."

She shook her head. "But I don't think he'll ever want to go back."

Cyborg slid the eggs and bacon onto a plate and put it in the oven to keep it warm.

"There's nothing we can do about it," he commented mildly, walking over to the couch.

"I know. We didn't choose it either. It was forced on us. We had no say in the matter."

"Just think, there are hundreds of people who would kill to have powers like we do," he said wryly.

"That's because they have no idea what it is like," she spat.

"I don't think any of us even know what normal is."

She was as harsh as ever, but Cyborg though he heard something else in her voice. Regret, sadness?

"Well, as you yourself said, we're stuck here. May as well make the best of it. Like beating the heck out of Beast Boy in video games." he paused, and grinned. "You should try it sometime. I can tell you, it is very therapeutic."

"I do not waste my time on video games." The old Raven was back. "I need to go meditate," she said abruptly, and left.

Cyborg watched her go. It's easy to forget that she isn't really apathetic all the time, he thought. She's very good at controlling her feelings, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Why shouldn't she wish for a normal life every once in a while? We all do.

He returned to the kitchen and removed his plate from the oven.

But we do stick together. It's Them and Us. That will never change. It can't change. But we can do a better job of keeping an eye on each other. We can be isolated together.