A/N Final chapter folks so just 907 words to go, Enjoy :)

April crawled into may and Dudley was becoming more and more restless. A booming knock sounded at the door, Diggle hurried forward wand raised. Dudley had also moved into the hallway but Diggle gestured for him to stay back. One hand on the door handle and his wand hand pointing at the door Diggle flung the door open. Light pored through the open door hurting the back of Dudleys eyes.

"Thank goodness you are all still here! I have just spoken to Podmore, he has seen Lestrange in Diagon ally." Hestia had walked strait through door ignoring Diggle's wand.

"I thought that Lestrange was locked in Malfoy Manor." Replied Diggle

"Yes, she was but even more suspiciously she has her own wand."

"You don't think that its Potter?"

"I am trying to find out" Hestia removed floo powder from the pot that sat on the mantle piece and dived strait in to the emerald flames. Dudley gave Diggle a worried look, that was returned in full measure. About five minutes later the strained silence was broken by the return of Hestia.

"Bill and Fleur have no idea where they have gone. He thinks that they are planning something at Gringotts."

"No they Can't be that's impossible!"

"They have been planning something with a Gringotts Goblin and the sword of Gryffindor."

"You think that they will try to break in?"


Dudley had followed very little of this conversation, but he had gathered that Harry was about to do something very dangerous and very stupid.

"I need to leave again and find out what in Merlins name that boy is doing." and with that statement Hestia swept back out of the room. Dudley felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder, he turned to see the worried face of his mother. He did not know how much of the conversation his mother had heard so he wondered if the worried look was for herself or for Harry.

"What is happening?" Petunia whispered to her son, however it was Diggle that answered.

"Harry it appears is going to try to break in to the bank, probably the place with the highest security other than Hogwarts of cause. Eventually that boy will get in to more trouble than he can handle." Diggle Lowered himself into the chair a stared morosely at the floor.

Petunia Now wore a strange look on her face as she took the seat opposite Diggle and gestured to her soon to sit with her. The vigil began. Time had stopped, the clocks may still be ticking and the sun rising through the morning but as far the three people waiting in the drawing room were concerned the only thing that matters is waiting for some news, any news.

Dudley did not know how long they waited but was informed later that it was only an hour, but Hestia returned in whirl of news.

"You will not believe this, a dragon they broke into Gringotts and escaped on the back of a dragon!" Diggle jumped up and Hugged Petunia who froze and smiled embarrassedly at the little wizard as he shouted "Yes He did it again".

"What did he take?" grinned Dudley at Hestia.

"One item something small that's all we know."

"Well what happens now?" asked Petunia "Where is he going."

"Don't know." Shrugged Hestia" Just have to wait and find out. The mood in the room deflated almost visibly as all four adults lowered themselves back in to the soft chairs.

Again they waited this time for along time, they waited trough the afternoon, through Vernon's Cursing and until dusk began to fall. A knock on the door broke the reverie that the room had fallen into.

"Its the revolution!" Remus lupin Burst into the room. "He's at Hogwarts, claims he is working on Dumbledore's orders, this is it the revolution."

"Slowdown what is happening?" Hestia asked in an as excited voice as Lupin.

"The DA has sent word that Potter has arrived and they are going to fight their way out."

"But won't You Know Who try to stop them."

"Yes but word is Potter has a plan. He can do it."

"Its happening, now or never he's going to do it." Whispered Dudley to the room at large.

Many miles away from Dudley Voldemort started the final Assault on Hogwarts, and Dudley finally understood what sort of a man Harry really was, the sort of man Dudley could never hope to be, but would always try to strive for. He was in short the Better man, Better than almost all that had gone before him, the man who did what was right and not what was easy.

A/N The end, Not my best writing this would have stopped after chapter one but seeing as so many people had alerts I stuck with it. there may be one more story depends on if I can be bothered. It may tie all my stories into a sort of very short trilogy or just one longer story.