Disclaimer: yada yada yada

Disclaimer: yada yada yada…

Trio: Just get on with it already Dude!

Okay okay, sheesh… Trio go have a cow (I just happen to dislike cows)… anyway I don't own Wall-E.

Story: Origin of Wall-E.

Summary: Eva and Wall-E find out some shocking evidence about Wall-E's past about two weeks after the movie ended, Wall-E was not any ordinary factory created robot.

Spoilers: some.

Chapter 1: Wall-E is not factory made?

Why had Wall-E survived the test of time when the other Waste Allocating Load Lifters had not, was he just one in a million? How had he gained back all his memories in that small spark of electricity that was considered a kiss?

Eva was fretting over this anomaly, but she was happy it existed as he had regained all his memories and his body seemed like it was never shocked, blasted and squished at all, but there was something more to it, she had seen on her camera he was struck by lightning twice and it had little effect on him, the autopilot used half the ships power just to fry Wall-E and he was still moving afterwards which should have been amazingly impossible by his normal operating standards.

She was exploring a bit from her home with the supposed malfunctioning robots by herself, there was so much she wanted to learn so she entered a run down factory to find some seven hundred year old files, hey she to wanted to know where Wall-E came from though she couldn't fathom why it felt as if she was being drawn to another large magnet.

After searching the factory she found a run down computer, after finding a good power supply she activated and started to find the many files of all the created units of Wall-E's spares parts, to remember those who had saved him from deletion and also to find out when Wall-E was created.

Then Eva's eyes widened when she came across something that wasn't there, it was another anomaly.

A day later and with the support of the other robots, Wall-E was there as he was curious as to what Eva had found here.

What she found was that of the number of operating units created and the number that stopped working was exactly the same number, she was as confused as Wall-E was when it was confirmed by the other files Wall-E wasn't built in any factory as far as anything that has been recorded.

"Eva?" Wall-E said in a slightly frightened tone, not knowing where you come from is scary to some.

"Wall-E" Eva just looked worriedly at Wall-E and then started motioning for them to find anything that might explain this.

After a week of searching and turning up nothing, they were all sitting in the room with the old computer and Eva was clutching Wall-E's hand and they all just decided to leave.

As usual the Deus Ex Machina is a literal mastermind machine, Wall-E's tread caught on a loose plate of metal and he fell face forward into a body of sand and then disappeared from sight.

"WALL-E!" Eva screamed looking at the sand where Wall-E had tripped, he just disappeared like that and it just wasn't possible, she couldn't lose him now.

The other robots looked completely perplexed at what happened, Eva then started to frantically scan the sand and noticed it slide inward slightly where Wall-E fell and she turned towards one of the other robots and ordered them to check the ground as if she where to start shooting she might accidentally hurt Wall-E.

The robot named bloodhound (the one had spent a lot of it's time following Wall-E's tracks cleaning them up) decided to move over to where the sand is, then he suddenly disappeared into the sand; Eva was locked on to what happened to him and quickly acted.

"WALL-E!" Eva shouted as she dived into the sand, the other robots didn't think much of it and followed.

A minute before.

Wall-E screamed as he slammed into the hard metal ground underneath the sand, he got up dazedly and looked around noticing the strange ominous corridor; he rolled onward towards a human sized door that had the faded illegible markings on it, looking at it he saw that it had a small door on it.

But before he could explore through the smaller door…

"WALL-E" Eva screamed as she zoomed up to him and lifted him into the air in a fierce, but not metal crushing hug.

"Eva!" Wall-E said pointing to the door and Eva's blues eyes looked at the markings she realized this could be what they had been searching for even though the markings were not readable.

They entered the door slowly followed by their curious comrades and entered a room that seemed a lot older then the factory, inside was another computer that was heavily rusting and there was something sitting on a large raised pedestal that was unmoving that scared all the robots who saw it.

Eva just gasped and quickly held Wall-E's hand at what they were all seeing now, it was just that they were looking at something that was screaming the need for more information now then ever.

End Chapter.

Darkon: What? I'm an evil monster and I procrastinate a lot, however this story is short and to the point in the second and possibly third chapter.