Thank you for the reviews, knowing people like what I've written always makes posting the next chapter or story that bit easier. This is the last part for this story but hope to have a little something else I'm co writing with Rusholm Ruffian up soon. Cheers Leakybiro.

You pull me close and I feel the ghost of a good night kiss on my lips. I listen as your breathing evens out and wait until you're claimed by sleep. I'm awake and thirsty, not surprising with all that champagne we drank tonight. I slip out of your embrace and wrap your shirt around me while I pad to the kitchen. My feet are cold from the tiled floor and getting back into our warm bed is heaven. You've never once shied away from my cold feet and for that I thank you.

Some nights when you're asleep and my mind is still whirling, I lie wrapped in your arms and listen to you snoring and strangely it's the most lulling sound ever.

I know you've been awake watching me while I slept, just as I'm watching you now. It takes my breath away when I look at you: my magnificent Manc Lion.

You've been a little strange tonight, although you tried very hard to hide it from me. You weren't distant, more pensive and - I can't believe this - but the Manc Lion seemed jumpy too. That's why I want to watch you, I know you and if it's something that's troubling or worrying you it'll show on your face while you sleep.

I look at you and to anyone else you'd be the picture of sleeping serenity, which when you're awake is almost unimaginable. I can see the little tells though, the tension around your mouth and eyes that shows something's troubling you. It makes me ache with sadness because tonight has been so perfect. That stretch of deserted beach, you played all my favourite songs on the car stereo and we danced as you held me so close. All night you've stayed by my side, you've barely let go of me and I've not once been out of your sight. I'm not complaining, and the way you made love to me tonight was incredible, you were so possessive and yet never once when I looked in your eyes did I see a hint of ego. It's always amazing when we're together but tonight was something special.

I trace the contours of your face with my lips, a trail of feather light kisses mapping you out. I look at you again and it hasn't eased whatever has troubled you so much.

You were late meeting me tonight, and I don't for a minute believe your excuses. I doubt it was anything to do with the Super's new policy. Nor did it have anything to do with my birthday surprise. And I know that because firstly you've had my present hidden in the top draw of your desk all week. I'm sorry I just couldn't wait; it was just too exquisite not to try on. You nearly caught me putting it back yesterday after I took it in to the ladies so I could really study it in all its sparkling beauty. You were meant to be at the football watching your beloved Manchester City, of all matches you had to choose that one to forget your scarf. Secondly Luigi sorted the food and drink for tonight, thank god after the one and only time you cooked, the fire brigade still flinch every time they see you. Thirdly, the way you held and kissed me tonight, it was if you thought I was a feather that might float away on the breeze at any moment.

Before we came up here tonight Ray stopped you and said something to you. For just a moment the Gene I spent my evening with vanished and it chilled my soul. You looked viciously angry and I just don't know why. I hope to god you don't know what I do.

Geoff Potter was released the other day; I've been dreading this moment from the day he was sentenced. I didn't tell you that I've been keeping note of him as I know you'd hate me giving him a second thought, but I needed to just so I could prepare. I found out he was due for parole a week ago, and you thought I, how did you put it in you inimitable style, oh yes "had the painters in." You bought me chocolates and massaged my feet, it makes me laugh; you have absolutely no idea, do you? What if I had a baby, our baby? You'd probably stand outside the hospital and smoke all of the cigarettes in London followed by drinking London dry.

Thinking of babies makes me miss my Molly, I have no doubt that you'd get on, I could just see you two being as thick as thieves in no time. It's just so sad you'll never get to meet her and I don't know if I ever will get to again either and the thought breaks my heart. I guess it's just a waiting game now, to see if I ever make it back and while this world lasts I'm going to cherish every last moment with you. And if these are my last few moments on earth and I can't be with my baby girl then there's nowhere I'd rather be than right here, with you.

I won't tell you about Potter unless I need to. Not that I like keeping secrets from you, I hate it, but it's for both our benefits. I just don't know if I can trust how you'll react, not after last time. I never thought I would like a protective boyfriend, but I do, I feel safe, I always know if I fall you'll catch me, no matter what. Before you complain I know you hate the term boyfriend but what else should I call you? Partner is too clinical and man-friend sounds like you're gay, and you are most definitely not that, time and again you've made it abundantly clear what I do to you. So I guess we're left with Lover. Still that doesn't quite do you justice, you're so much more to me than that. You, Gene Hunt, are my complicated, infuriating, obstinate, wonderfully handsome and gentle man. And for those reasons and so many more I love you.

Sometimes you look at me, here in the flat or at the office, even in the Quattro and you're always about to say something then stop. I've always wondered what it is, maybe one day you'll tell me.

I think back to tonight and to the Quattro. It was so good that I was almost scared of the way you made me feel. The way you touched me, kissed me, moved inside of me, you left me oh so dazed and breathless. I remember laying my head on your shoulder and the way you held me, I felt so loved and calm that all of a sudden I wasn't scared anymore. I'll never have to be, you're always be there.

I haven't told you that tonight you fulfilled my fantasy. That's one thing you've never told me, your ultimate fantasy and you always let me know what you want; even when I ask you, it's just two words 'You. Now.' Not that I don't have my suspicions, I've seen that doodle you keep hidden in your office between the pages of the 'Police Operational Handbook'. It would only be funnier if you kept it in an actual Bible. Maybe one day I'll let you act it out, it's definitely an idea for your birthday present and I still have that red dress you like so much.

Thinking about all of this won't get me back to sleep and besides you'll wake me in couple of hours so we can start our weekend like we always do; a leisurely hour of making love followed by breakfast in bed.

It's getting harder and harder to fight the urge to sleep. My eyelids feel as if they are made of lead, so I take one last look and steal one last kiss before I curl back in to your protective embrace and let the scent, touch, sound, taste and thought of you lull me to sleep. As I lie here and fall in to the depths of my dreams of you I know that as long as you are here the world outside can't touch us until the morning light finds us.