Yay! New Royai story!

This is the story following the Year of Royai. Unlike that fanfic, this one will have a real plot. There will be long and short chapters and etc etc. And I think I'll have a little EdxWin in this. But only if I can fit it in, which I'm sure I can!

Hope you like it.

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye.

I would like to be the very first to say my congratulations to you becoming with child. It is such a shame that I have to burst your bubble. You are a woman of the military, and while you hold a personal responsibility to Mustang, you also hold one to the higher ups as being a proud solider to the State. A child right now can become difficult with those issues. I will keep this to myself but take my warning, I am sure the choice you make will be wise.

Sincerely Major General Olivier Armstrong.

P.S. I have a order for you as an higher officer. When the news is given to Mustang, I want a very detailed report of his actions. The reason being it will give me something to laugh about while in the North.

Chuckling at the last comment in the letter, Riza folded it in half and carefully placed it on the table by the couch. She hadn't been so sure about making the Major General the first person to know about her pregnancy, but now she could see that it wasn't a mistake. But Armstrong did make a good point in that letter. A point that Riza hadn't thought of.

Riza Hawkeye was pregnant, and while that may be good for some women who were married and had families of their own, the news wasn't so great for Riza.

The situation that resulted to her pregnancy would of made the woman smirk if she wasn't so worried at the present time. It happened just before the start of the New Year, when she and Roy had returned home from the North. The reason for them being there was because Riza had been sent there to fight the short battle against Amestris and Drachma. Everyone was surprised that the war had been sorted out so quickly, even Major General Armstrong. And not many things surprised the ice queen of the North.

But Riza had been send home a week or so before the end of the war was announce. Mainly because Roy had been so suborn that he risked his own life and travelled up to the North, his reason being that he was bringing her home. Riza could of rolled her eyes at the hero Roy thought he was at that time. But really the thanks should go to Armstrong, she was the one that ordered Riza to return.

So the two of them made it back to the East city and then to his apartment, it was very easy to guess what happened after that.

And now a week later, Riza was showing signs of early pregnancy. Her first clue was that she had morning sickness, at first she thought it was something she ate or maybe there was a sickness going round the office. But if that was true than Havoc or someone else would of have it before her, and Riza was always careful about what she ate. So those two reasons were out. So just to be on the safe side. She had quickly got dressed and bought a pregnancy test.

The result was clear. She was having a baby.

She had tried again with more test about three times after that, and all of them said the same thing. They now lay in the bin next to her. But still, even if everything showed that she was now with child, Riza wanted to be hundred percent sure. She wanted a real doctor who have to deal with this kind of stuff to tell her, so that meant she would have see someone about it. But the only doctor the military woman knew of that deals with pregnancies live all the way in Central. Maybe Maes or Gracia could help her about it?

The door to the bedroom opened and Riza snapped out of her thoughts. Taking a step to the left so the bin behind her was hidden, she watched as Roy walked out of the bedroom. He was dressed in his military uniform, with his blue jacket draped over his arm. It surprised Riza a little, as he had quickly rid himself of all layers last night. He noticed her and smiled.

"Good morning." He said and walked over to her so he kissed her on the lips. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Riza lied and returned the kiss. "You need to get to the office."

"Don't worry I will." Roy laughed and he threw up his arms as he took a step away, "I just hope you enjoy your day off."

"Yeah, I'm thinking of going to Central." Riza said as if she wondering about out loud.

Roy raised an eyebrow, "Central? Why are you going there, of all places?"

"Because I want to," Riza answered and move away from him into the kitchen, Roy following her like Black Hayate would when he was hungry. As she got out the tea bags from the cupboard, Roy wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Oh go on, tell me." He urged and then as if to try and convince her to tell him, he started kissing up her neck. She tried to wiggle out of it but Roy held a tight grip on her. His lips reached her face and he kissed her softly on the lips. She kissed him back for a minute or so and then she pulled back.

"You're going to be late." She whispered and heard him chuckle.

"No I'm not, I have loads of time. Look at the clock, it says-" Roy stopped dead in his sentence as his eyes looked up at the clock on the wall. Riza was right, the clock said it was ten to nine. "Oh crap." He muttered.

"You have ten minutes, I suggest you run." Riza joked.

"You know that's a good idea." He let go of Riza and quickly kissed her forehead. "See you later Daring." Throwing his jacket over his shoulders, he ran for the door and shut it behind him. Leaving Riza to stand in the kitchen alone.

She didn't say anything for a short while, as if she was waiting for Roy to come charging in and demand what were those stick like things in the bin. After a minute or so, Riza sighed and walked over to the bin and looked down at the pregnancy tests.

"I can't believe he didn't noticed them." She muttered to herself.

Poor Riza, she's getting worried about what should be good news. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading the first chapter. Even if it was so short, I'm hoping the next one will be longer.

And please don't forget to leave a review. I would love to know what you all think of this story.