Hey! I'm back. Sorry it took so long!

Can I say one thing? I have seen dozens of stories that say things like "I'm writing this as my version of Breaking Dawn for closure because the real one sucked". I hate that. So, you know what, if you had had a dream about a human and a vampire in a clearing and written a book called Dusk or something, you could do whatever the heck you wanted with it. But you didn't. So as far as I'm coserned you can sit down, shut up, and take your medicine.

That's my own opinion. I personally love Breaking Dawn. It's okay if you didn't, everyone can have their own opinion, but don't be a jerk about it.

Anyway! Enjoy this chapter.

Baby, I'm a Vampire

Baby, I'm a Vampire

Chapter 5

I sat alone in my room and cried. I had been crying for awhile now but I had that right, didn't I? To cry because I'd had a fight with the best boyfriend in the world?

Knock, knock.

I jumped. Who was knocking on the door? I wiped away my tears and headed down the stairs.

Knock, knock, knock.

"I'm coming!" I called. Wow, they were impatient. I yanked the door open. "Edward!?"

He stood in the door looking incredible with a bouquet of pink and yellow roses in one hand and a bouquet of lavender and freesia in the other. He put the bouquets in my hands. And then he dropped to his knees.

"Edward," I said nervously, "what are you doing?"

"Bella, my love, I am so sorry. I'm sorry that I was sharp. I'm sorry that I hurt you in any way. I'm sorry that I broke that vase wrestling with Emmett after Esme told us to go outside. I'm sorry that we stole Alice's best red heels and tied them to the library flag pole. I'm sorry that we posted that picture on the internet, the one of Jasper's. . ."

"Edward!" I interrupted, half laughing, "its okay. I'm sorry that I came to your house after you told me not to. I'm sorry I didn't trust you."

"I'm sorrier. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I lost my temper. I'm so sorry! I don't deserve some one as sweet and beautiful and wonderful as you," Edward said, still on his knees on my doorstep.

"I love you," I said timidly. He grinned and got to his feet. He pulled me tightly against his chest and kissed me. A lot. He only took his lips from mine when I started to get dizzy. My face was hot with a bright blush.

"Clear your schedule for Friday night. I'm taking you to the new restaurant in Port Angeles. It's not optional," he told me firmly.

I kissed him again. I had the best, sweetest, most perfect boyfriend in the world. I drew back a little.

"Edward," my voice was accusing, "I'm mad at you!"

He looked so upset. "What did I do wrong, Bella?" he was anxious.

"Edward, you squished my pretty flowers!" He laughed at me and pulled me up for another kiss.