A/N: Hey! I love all of you who are still reading this I wrote this chapter out of sheer boredom in Study Hall so that's my excuse for it being so short, anyway, enjoy...XD
The next day Lavi was both upset and even more bored.
His plan has failed and he wasn't handling it well.
He sat on the floor in the back of the library, sulking.
"Lavi, stop acting like this."
"Not until I come up with a new plan…"
Lenalee sat on the sofa next to Lavi, sighing.
She was going to say something but Miranda came up to them.
"Uhm…Lavi…I g-got an idea…"
Lavi turned his head towards the woman so fast you'd think he'd have whiplash by now.
"Really? Tell me!"
"Okay, err…well, maybe…if on the night Allen-kun leaves…"
Lavi jumped up with excitement.
Lenalee gave all her attention towards Miranda, for she was intrigued as well.
"Go on Miranda-san"
"Well…we can try to let them have the wholeday to themselves and already have those things you mentioned before in Kanda-kun's room and let them have a good time…"
There was a silence for a minute then Miranda started panicking.
"SORRY! I'm sorry! That was a horrible idea! Gomen!"
Lavi watched for a couple seconds as Miranda kept begging for forgiveness then placed a hand on her head.
"No! That's a wonderful idea Miranda! I'm going to go tell everyone else! Lenalee, go and tell Allen the change of plans and don't forget to tell Komui!
Lavi then skipped out of the library happily to find everyone.
"The plan lives!"
Allen walked into Komui's office, upset that he has to leave already, he didn't even notice Lenalee walk out.
He walked up to the desk and smiled.
"So, Komui-san, since I'm leaving tomorrow and all I wa-"
"You're not, you're leaving next Friday."
"Eh? Really?"
Komui smiled at him, reassuring him that it was no joke. "Yup."
"Thank you, Komui-san" Allen contently sighed and walked out of the room searching for a calender.
Kanda rushed into Komui's office, busting into the room, waking the Supervisor up.
Komui blinked the sleep out of his eyes the laid back on his chair.
"Kanda-kun, do you need anything?"
"Moyashi's staying until next Friday?"
"Can you give me a mission on that day?"
"Eh? Why?"
"Can you do it or not?"
"Uhm…I'll see what I can do."
Kanda walked out of the room, stopping to sigh.
He was intentionally going to stay but finding out that Allen was going to stay a couple more days he looked at his calender and paled, knowing that he had to leave.
Not because he was tired of seeing the younger exorcist, but because he doesn't have a gift.
He also doesn't want to deal with a very sad, emotional Allen.
Lenalee walked into the Dining Hall, immediately spotting Allen's white hair from the crowd, and walked over to him.
Allen looked up as Lenalee sat down and gave her a warm smile.
"Lenalee, would you go into the town with me?"
"Sure thing Allen-kun, but first, I would like to tell you that the new, refined plan is going to happen next Friday."
"What's wrong?"
"Well…I was hoping that Yu-anata and I can spend the whole day out of the Order, sort of, like a date, that day."
"Why that day? Because you're leaving?"
"No, Well..it's because..that day is our anniversary."
A/N ok, I have an idea for the next chapter so I'll get started on it later...REVIEW! XDDD