Yeah, I said I wouldn't do more, but the plotbunny was fierce.Notes2: No, I don't have kids of my own, and this is probably totally inaccurate as to "how baby-feeding progresses", but meh, I thought it was a cute idea.
Little Seamus Strife (aka General Sephiroth in his past life) pouted miserably up at his mother.
He and Zack (the little bastard got to keep his old name) were seated together in the twin high chair. Their parents were seated in front of them with little jars and little spoons in hand.
According to Seph's stomach, it was dinner time, but something was up, and Seph was sure he wasn't going to like it. Usually, Tifa took them each in turn and sat in the rocker while they nursed. This spoon-jar-sitting business did not bode well. He wanted boob, dammit.
So he pouted while Zack looked around eagerly. That was their fundamental difference, he mused. Zack was the extrovert who liked new things, new people, new everything. New Good. Whereas he was the introvert, who liked things the way they were thankyouverymuch, so don't go changing things up. New Bad.
Seph, lookit!
enthused Zack. We're getting applesauce!Seph looked, and indeed, a picture of an apple graced the little jars. Don't care, he shot back. I want dinner, not applesauce.
This is dinner.
No, it's not. It's sugared bribery to get us to stop drinking milk.
SUGAR!! Zack slapped his hands on the table and squealed with delight. SugarSugarSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugar!
"Whoa, somebody's ready for dinner," Cloud chuckled. He removed the lid, scooped out a bit of sauce, and put the spoon into Zacky's waiting mouth.
Oh god...oh god, Seph. It's sugar...high fructo-whatchadilly...sugar...
Zack practically hummed his pleasure as he gummed around the spoon, even attempting to grab it as Cloud pulled away.And here I thought all that boundless energy you displayed in combat was pure personality...perhaps an adrenal disorder of some sort.
Nope. Coffee, chocolate, and soda by the gallon.
You know it's going to years before you can have coffee aga--What the-?!
Seph's line of thought broke as Tifa put the spoon in his mouth. Seph swallowed the sticky congealed mass reflexively...and burst into wailing tears."Ohhhhh..." Tifa crooned in sympathy. "It's okay, sweetie. It's apples. It's good and sooo nummy."
She continued to baby talk to him, but Seph wasn't having it. He continued to wail, and when she stuck another spoonful in his open mouth, he spit it out and wailed louder.
The noise cured Zack of his sugar trance. Dude, chill. This is good stuff. Besides, you wanna stay on a liquid diet forever?
YES! he screamed and thumped his fist on the table for emphasis. I want to sit in the chair with Momma and drink.
Zack ate another spoonful. Uhm...face it, man, were growing up. We're a decade and a half away from seeing titties again.
After several more unsuccessful attempts, Tifa sighed and cleaned Seph's face. "Maybe he's just not ready."
"Maybe," Cloud agreed. "Let me try."
They switched seats. Tifa continued to feed an eager Zacky. Cloud faced his once-nemesis on this strange new battlefield.
Seph had quieted when his parents had stood. He was still clearly miffed, but at least he wasn't screaming. Cloud pulled him out of the chair and held him in his lap. "Okay, buddy, here's the deal. The two of you are big enough for solid food now. See how much Zacky likes it? And you're getting too big for Momma to hold and feed like she used to. I know new stuff can be scary, but you gotta do it. Okay? Okay."
He kissed the top of his son's head before putting him back into the chair and reaching for the spoon. Seph regarded it dubiously. Cloud placed the full spoon at his mouth, but didn't force it in. Eventually Seph opened up and took the applesauce. He made a face as he swallowed and some sounds of distress afterwards, but he didn't cry again.
Cloud gave him another spoonful, but Seph spit it out. Gods... Zack, how can you eat this? It's nasty.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is. It's sticky goop. I hate it.
"Here, let's try this." Cloud reached for a second jar: Ham & Gravy.
"But that's for an older baby."
"Sometimes babies hate sugary stuff. Fruits and vegetables all have bit of sugar in them. Mrs. Highwind said to get a meat flavor too, just in case."
"Mrs. Highwind? ... You called Cid's mother?"
Cloud blushed a bit under her amused gaze. "Yeah, well...neither of us has parents to ask about this stuff. Barret didn't get Marlene until after she was potty-trained. And the only people we know who still has an older generation to ask are Yuffie and Cid."
Cloud rolled his eyes. "Yuffie kept asking for materia, and Cid was more than happy to pass along his mother's phone number. Apparently we distract her from harping at Cid about when he's going to have kids."
Cloud took a spoonful of pureed ham and gave it to Seph. It stayed down without fussing or face-making. Cloud smiled triumphantly.
Seph conceded. It's not that bad.You love it! if. It's a decent substitute, I'll admit, but I want milk.
Zack bobbed his head. Whatever...just eat so we can go play.
They each ate a portion of mushy food, then their parents gave them bottles to wash it down. Seph was much more agreeable to this than a spoon. It wasn't boob, but at least it was milk.
After feeding and burping their sons, Cloud and Tifa put them in the play area with their favorite plushie toys and then sat together on the couch.
Tifa sighed loudly. "As much as I love them, I can't wait for them to be completely weaned."
"Oh?" Cloud cuddled her closer. "Why's that?"
She gave him a look. "Cloud, my breasts were big enough before they became a food court. Now they're just ridiculous. Don't tell me you didn't notice."
"Oh, I noticed..." He gave her a sly grin.
"Pig," she accused and punched him in the shoulder.
He laughed, despite the pain, and swatted her rump.
Seph looked up at them. Oh gods, they're at it again.
Zack looked up too. What? They're playing.
Actually, that's called "foreplay". Can't they wait until were unconscious?
Dude, they're not--
Zack broke off as Cloud flipped Tifa onto her back and kissed her soundly. He slipped his hands underneath her shirt and lightly tickled her ribs. She squirmed and giggled under the onslaught. When he dipped a hand into her waistband, she threaded her fingers into his hair and arched into him with a quiet moan.
Okay. Yeah, that's gross. Get a room, people!
Zack's gurgle caught Tifa's attention. "Uh, Cloud? We need to stop."
Cloud made an inquisitive sound as he nibbled at her pulse.
"They're watching us," she clarified.
Cloud looked over and found two pairs of glowing eyes blinking up at them. With a small groan, he rolled off of her and helped readjust her shirt. "When's naptime again?"