Chapter Title: New Script, Old Faces
Disclaimer: Okay, so, if I owned Skip Beat! Ren's NECK wouldn't be so thick. . Seriously, am I the only one who notices this?
Dedication: This is to Devilishduck, because she just reviewed. Also to , because I meant to last chapter but for some reason her username mysteriously disappeared. She reviewed three times in a row.
Currently at: 62 reviews!
Chapter Summary: Short. Sho approves the new script and Ren goes through it. No Kyoko in this one.
Again, no idea what I'm gonna put.
I k33l teh spell check! With 3s instead of e's! Or i's! Don't bug me when I'm typing fanfiction! –argues one-sidedly with Spellcheck-
Song: Fighting by Yellowcard
So many reviews. ^-^ I love you all.
Spoiler Warning: The Reino stalker incident is mentioned in this chapter.
"'Cause it's a hard life, with love in the world, and now my hard-girl lovin' is like chewing on pearls."
I Like It RoughLady Gaga
"Is THIS okay?"
Sho nearly jumped out of his chair (always sitting; what a lazy) as a stack of papers binder-clipped together landed on the table beside him. "What?"
"It's the NEW script." Shoko examined her fingernails.
Sho picked it up and flipped through it. "You couldn't take out the romance factor?"
"Well, the whole point of it is to be a romance. There has to be a leading lady and gentleman, since those parts were already given."
Sho scrunched up his brow. "Well, I guess I can deal with it... This is fine. I probably could've done way better, but..."
Shoko rolled her eyes. Of course he could've.
Ren flipped through the new script. The rest of the cast would be getting theirs tomorrow; he only had his early because he'd happened to stop by and see Ogata-san today.
He had to admit it was better quality, with a much-less-likely-to-fail-epically storyline. Still, he hadn't criticized the storyline because his job was not to write it, merely to act it.
Of course, he was secretly glad that someone else had.
He scrutinized the part of his character. With a bit of personal tweaking it might, just might, work...
His eyes drifted to focus on Ky- Mogami-san's part. Worry washed over him anew. Would she be able to work it? This movie could let the public know that she was on her way to becoming a great actress- if she could do it right.
If she could successfully act out this feeling.
If she wouldn't think of him every time she had to.
If Ren could coach her along, just right.
He might have some trouble too, but...
It just might work.
Just then, his phone rang. He put the script down and answered it. "Hello?"
"Yes. Ogata-san?"
"Yes. I forgot to tell you something, while you were here earlier. I hoped you might be able to..." The director hesitated.
"Is there a problem?" Ren asked.
"Well, considering the whole 'stalker incident' from filming Dark Moon on location, I thought there might be... a slight one..."
The actor's eyes hardened. "What is it?"
"Well... One of the actors has been injured, so we called in a replacement."
"... Fuwa Sho."
Ren wanted to slam his head on the table.
Things just got a whole lot harder.
Song: Weird by Hilary Duff
I'm trying to keep everyone in character. I haven't had a good dose of Skip Beat! in a while so I think I'll go check Mangafox after this and see if there are any updates.
And I have no idea if any of this can happen, but for this fanfiction I honestly don't care. I play the fiction card. Muahahahaha.
The scene-breaks are all one continuous phrase today. That's why there are extra dot dot dots after the ends, y'know... And stuff.
And I'm sorry if it's short. I can't do much until I decide on the new script, and I have three possible choices. I'll put up a poll, but please also review and tell me.
The choices are a vampire fantasy/romance (NOT ripped off Twilight; I came up with the idea for that story before I'd ever even heard of it... Just a heads up.), a thief adventure/romance, and a fantasy/romance with a bunch of mythical creatures and one confused girl in it. Your pick.
I'll go along with what the readers decide... Probably... Yeah, just please tell me what you guys want. I sure don't know. I'll put up a poll too, in case no one wants to review and tell me. PM me or review if you have any questions or want more detail on the choices.
Okay, so that's it for now. Hope you guys like the update!
Subaki-Chan out.