(AUG FIRST, I've made a few minor changes. Enjoy!)

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Erin Strauss didn't hate Aaron Hotchner, no matter what everyone else thought. Strauss was actually quite ambivalent to the man. Her main goal was preserving her unit and her status in it. With Agent Gideon long retired, Hotchner was the only one in their unit who could effectively take her place, and she knew it.

A woman in her position had to be careful if she wanted to keep that position. But after the Joseph Smith case nearly a year and half ago, and David Rossi's recent brush with an exploding SUV, she'd come to realize one very important thing—Aaron Hotchner was doing exactly what he wanted to do, and she needn't fear for her job.

So there was no awkwardness when she approached Hotchner about accompanying his team on another case.

"You want to what?" Hotch repeated.

"I—and Supervisory Special Agent Sidle—will be accompanying your team on this case. He'll be heading up the new Team D of the BAU. I want him to see exactly how a case is handled from beginning to end." Strauss said, motioning to the dark haired man standing in her office.

He was tall and wiry, with similar coloring to Hotchner, though his eyes and hair weren't as dark. He was roughly the same age as Hotchner, as well, but his eyes didn't have that tight look that characterized the head of the Bureau's premiere BAU team.

Hotch had seen more than this man. And that was more than evident.

"Yes, ma'am." Hotchner said, knowing there was really no logical objection he could form. "We're heading wheels up in forty five minutes. We'll be doing a briefing on the plane."

"We'll see you there, Agent Hotchner, that will be all." Strauss dismissed.


Emily, JJ, and even Garcia were bunched together at the small table at the back of the plane, laughing stealthily at the most recent Photoshopped pictures of Derek, Hotch, Rossi, and even Reid, currently playing on Garcia's laptop.

Three of the four men in question had no clue they were the object of the giggles from the three feminine parts of the team. Rossi—still not completely physically recovered—had chosen to stay behind and work on something for Unit Chief Strauss. JJ stood, still smiling, and began her routine visit to the cockpit to give the signal that the team was ready.

She stopped as a flurry of footsteps registered. She turned, and was the first to see Strauss and the two men accompanying her.

"Ma'am?" She said, in greeting, and in question, as Garcia hurriedly shut her laptop and attempted to look innocent.

Emily just had an extremely wary look on her face, and a hint of suspicion in her dark, dark eyes. She and Strauss had never warmed up to each, and Emily doubted they ever would.

"If I may." Hotch said, standing as the three new people took seats. "Unit Chief Strauss and Supervisory Special Agent Sidle, and—"

"SSA Reice Ramierez." The other man introduced quickly. He was equally as tall as Derek, and his skin was only a shade lighter. He wasn't a bulky as Derek, but his build left no doubt he was toned and strong.

"SSA Ramierez will be observing and assisting us on this case. They will then be forming a Team D. Any questions?" Hotch asked, and when no one replied he turned to JJ. "Go ahead and tell them we're ready. Portland is waiting."

"Yes, sir." JJ said, one hand resting on her four month belly, a bump that was just noticeable. Pretty soon she'd not be flying with the team, and she was well aware of it. She was already confined completely to police stations and hotel rooms. Honestly, she wasn't that upset about it. She'd seen so many dead victims—most of them women—that she was grateful for the break.

"SSA Hotchner, are you ready for a briefing?" Strauss demanded, thoughts of the last case she'd worked with this particular team niggling the back of her mind. It was the one and only time she'd been in the field. She still had the nightmares about that woman. Sometimes, the woman's hair grew so long that it wrapped around Erin until she couldn't breathe. Sometimes, it was Agent Prentiss who they'd not gotten to in time. Sometimes it was Erin herself.

Not that she'd ever tell anyone that. Ever.

"Let's introduce the team, first. We customarily wait until after take-off to begin spreading out the files." Hotchner said, as he settled into his seat beside Prentiss—Emily. Ever since the night the team had spent sleeping in an old South Dakota barn, he'd made a conscious effort to let himself think of her as Emily instead of the elusive SSA Prentiss. Now, over two months later, and all he thought about was Emily. Especially at night.

"Supervisory Special Agent Scott Sidle, SSA Ramierez," Strauss began, and motioned to the tall dark man who smiled, revealing a slight and charming gap between his teeth. "SSA Aaron Hotchner, SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Emily Prentiss, SSA Dr. Spencer Reid, SA Jennifer Jareau, and Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia."

"Nice to meet you." Sidle said, smiling at everyone individually.

Hotch didn't miss the way his eyes lingered ever so slightly longer on Emily. Several moments passed, as everyone buckled their belts for take off. It was an unusually silent group. Emily sat near JJ, knowing that take-offs had been making her friend illnauseous for the last couple of trips. She didn't want Strauss to see JJ getting ill, and knew it would be only a matter of seconds after the plane stabilized before JJ would be out of her seat and rushing toward the rear of the plane.

Sure enough, as soon as the light went out, signifying they could move around again, JJ was up. Emily stood quickly and blocked the line of sight to the restroom. Garcia, across the aisle and beside Derek, stood as well, making a big production of adjusting her laptop and searching through files.

Hotch smiled inwardly, knowing what they were doing. The team protected their own. And Erin Strauss was the biggest threat to the team. If she said JJ couldn't be a part of the unit until after her maternity leave was over—then so be it.

He could easily have told them they didn't have to worry—he'd long squared away all their positions with the team. They were the best and they functioned the best when they were together. Even Strauss had to know she'd only be hurting herself if she tried to dismantle the team.

JJ was back within a few moments, face pale, one hand resting on her stomach; she smiled at Emily and nodded, wordlessly conveying that she was alright.

Hotch, ever observant, saw the little exchange and turned to the rest of the group as Emily and JJ took their seats and opened their files. Hotch tried not to let himself be distracted by the sweet strawberry scent of Emily Prentiss's shampoo.

Sometimes he wondered if she knew strawberry was his favorite scent, his favorite flavor of sweet. Wondered if she knew, and did it on purpose. Wondered if she knew he'd taken a bottle from her things months ago. He kept it in his bathroom, just as a reminder of her.

"Three weeks ago, Portland authorities found the bodies of six women. Late twenties to mid thirties, in the greater Portland area. They'd been systematically raped, tortured, burned, and asphyxiated. Special Agent Calbert of the Portland field office called us personally to ask for our assistance. The case was deemed federal because pictures of the women were mailed from a Seattle postal address." JJ began, as each of the regular team members opened their files. Emily handed hers to Strauss, while Reid and Derek shared theirs with Sidle and Ramierez. Hotch shifted slightly so Emily could read his file. She moved ever so much closer and his body tensed.

It took all his years of training to make his body relax. They'd grown so much closer in the last several weeks, and his body craved hers, cried out for what she'd yet to give him.

"Calvert—isn't he the guy we worked with the last time we were in Portland?" Reid asked. "What made him think we could help with this?"

"It's not what's happened or how the bodies were found," JJ read from her notes of the transcribed telephone conversation. "But what's being done to them. Both pre- and post- mortem. He said it sounds like a real sick son of a bitch and thought that SSA Hotchner and SSA Prentiss could help."

"What? Not the rest of us?" Derek smirked. "Now I'm heart-broken."

"Calvert really seemed to, um, respect, Emily's investigating abilities the last time we were there." JJ said, snickering softly as her dark eyed colleague rolled her eyes and leaned back in the seat. "I think he probably would have preferred a solo consult."

"Not with that again, Jayje." Emily said, sighing inwardly—why was JJ and Garcia so obsessed with her love life? Didn't their own, more active love lives keep them busy enough? JJ had a fiance waiting for her at home, and Penelope had her Kevin.

"Ladies." Hotch said, slightly warningly. "Anyway, we've agreed to take the case. So let's continue, shall we?"

"So what do we know?" Reid asked, turning to the great computer guru. "Do we have any IDs?"

"Not yet. Bodies were, um, too badly mutilated to even work with dental." Garcia said, "I've sent everyone copies of all we got on their handhelds. Chief Strauss, if you give me a moment, I can forward the information."

"Please, Ms. Garcia." Strauss said, though she really didn't want to see those pictures. It baffled her how the members of Hotchner's team barely flinched upon opening their files. She wondered briefly if they were ever plagued by nightmares.

"So we've little to go on." Ramierez said, "What will you do next?"

"Sleep." Hotchner said, emphatically. "Portland is a long flight, and once we get there we'll work long hours. Take the rest when you can get it."

Strauss started to object, but realized what the man said made sense. Hotchner's team all stood, pulling blankets out of compartments, pillows, headphones. Jareau moved to the opposite side, stretching out on the slightly longer bench. Hotchner made no action to move, instead spreading his long legs out and leaning back in the seat. Strauss, herself moved to the seat vacated by Jareau. It was the furthest from the rest of the group. She'd never been comfortable sleeping among others.

"You don't want to sit there." Hotch said, matter of fact.

"And why not?"

He motioned to Prentiss, who had arranged a pillow near his thigh. "She kicks like a mule. You'll be directly in the line of fire."

"But there's plenty of room." Strauss argued. Prentiss said nothing, already nearly out. The last case had been a tough one, for her especially, and she welcomed any sleep she could get.

"Trust me." JJ said. "The woman kicks unbelievably bad."

"Yes. Last time we had to share a one bed hotel room—we made her sleep on the coffee table." Garcia added. "I think she traumatized it."

"You're kidding?" Sidle said, looking at the woman in question. She'd fallen asleep with the ease of a child, unaware she was the topic of conversation. He envied that. "She's that bad?"

"Yes." Reid said. "I made the mistake of sitting there a few months ago. She kicks much harder than Hotch. Before that I don't think we even noticed her kicking much."

"Apparently I kick like a nine year old girl." Hotch said, drolly, eyes closing. He was unaware that his hand was absently tangling in Prentiss's dark curls. Unaware that Chief Strauss's eyes were tracking the movement in surprise and speculation. "Prentiss is a lot higher on the kicking ladder."

As he spoke the woman in question began to move, a soft sigh releasing from her lips. One hand snaked out, stretched above her head and glanced off Hotch's hip. He didn't even open his eyes, just grabbed the offending fist and tucked it back under the pillow. It was obvious to all who watched that he'd done the same before.

JJ spread her blanket over her legs and twisted on her side. Sleeping wasn't always easy in her condition. Garcia, stretched out on the other end of the seat, grabbed the end of JJ's blanket and straightened it. "Sleep, little Momma."

"That's all I do any more, Pen." The blonde woman said, drowsily.

"That's all you need to do right now, Jayje." Garcia said. "So that my godchild is happy."

"Yes, ma'am." JJ said, drifting off easily. Garcia soon followed, her head pillowed on the polka-dot feather pillow she left on the jet for the rare occasions she accompanied the team.

Soon the cabin was silent, the women all sleeping. Hotch found it difficult, he couldn't relax with Strauss on the plane, and with Emily so close. So he opened his eyes and looked around at the rest of the passengers. Morgan and Reid were both reclined in their seats and were dozing. Sidle and Ramierez were still awake, though neither was talking.

Sidle noticed Hotch was awake and he turned toward him. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Hotch whispered as Emily flipped over, the blanket tangling around her knees. He absently reach a hand down and pulled the soft material free.

"Send your female agents out. Knowing that they might fit the victimology." Sidle said, eyes moving from the obviously pregnant blonde woman to the dark-haired woman sleeping so fitfully to the colorful tech. "How do you prevent them from becoming victims, or targets?"

"You look at them as agents first, women second. You know their strengths and their weaknesses. JJ—Agent Jareau, she's a media liaison, and she goes—went—in the field, but never alone. SSA Prentiss, its different with her. She's fully qualified for any situation. But if possible, no one goes anywhere alone." Hotch explained. "You've also got too realize that someday, in some case or another, sooner or later we all will fit the victimology. Black male, white male, dark haired female, blonde female, dark haired couple, young couple, bi-racial couple. Unfortunately, they'll fit the victimology much more than the rest of us. It's the nature of serial killers that most have sexualized components. We accept it. We have to."

"So it doesn't bother you? Sending them out?" Ramierez asked.

"Yes. It bothers me. Each and every time. I sent a female agent home and an UNSUB ambushed her in her own home. I once sent Prentiss into the home of a serial killer who cut his victims' hearts out, alone. While they were alive." Hotch said, bluntly. This was information every team leader had to know. Especially in the BAU. "She was the best chance of stopping the guy. She came out of it with a concussion. I know that on every case someone could get hurt. That will always bother me."

"But you do it." Sidle said, understanding. He'd had female agents on his teams before, he was thinking of bringing two onto his new team in the BAU. "Even though you can't be with them in every case."

"They'd not respect me if I treated them any differently than I did those agents over there." Hotch motioned to Morgan and Reid. Morgan had his headphones on, most likely to drowned out the mumblings of the younger man beside him. Reid talked in his sleep incessantly.

"Yet you're not running your fingers through Dr. Reid's hair." Sidle pointed out.

Hotch's eyes flashed and he looked down, finding that he was indeed running his fingers through the dark curls. "It helps her sleep, knowing she's not alone. Helps keep her still. We all have nightmares. Sometimes they're easier to fight if you're not alone."

"I think, Agent Hotchner, that you chose to sit there knowing what would happen." Sidle said, probing the other man. "Is there something there?"

"That's none of your business." Hotch replied. "SSA Prentiss is a member of my team."

"Hey, I'm not condemning." Sidle said, holding up his hands. "She's a beautiful woman, you're free to do whatever you like. I can't say that I blame you, even."

"I suggest you sleep, SSA Sidle. Tomorrow's going to bring a lot you won't be expecting." Hotch said, deliberately twisting his fingers in Emily's hair. He looked down at her, hoping it would calm some of the anger he felt at the other man's inferences.

Not that it wasn't something he'd considered before. Since that night in the hospital chapel, he'd thought of nothing else. Not of making love with Hayley, the woman he'd spent half his life loving—no, he thought of nothing but rolling Emily beneath him and sharing all the darkness he'd held back for so long. He'd had her beneath him a few times, too. Nothing too inappropriate, she wasn't ready for that. But, God, it left him wanting, this obsession of his.

Those dark eyes of hers would see through to the very soul of him. He knew it. Would see in to him while he was in to nothing but her. He couldn't get her out of his head. It was only getting worse. But he'd promised her two weeks. And those two weeks were up.

That both intrigued him and terrified him on so many levels.


Emily woke nearly three feet south on the bench then where she'd started out. Her knees were curled up to her chest, and her head was still on her pillow. But she wasn't alone on it. Hotch had stretched out, propping his knees up to fit on the bench and his dark head rested mere inches from hers.

It didn't surprise her. Waking up with him close had almost become a habit, especially since the case where she'd woken in a barn curled up in his warm arms. It was almost as if he deliberately chose to sleep beside her each and every time since then. Nobody ever said anything, nobody ever sent them strange looks. Nobody even cared. It just was. Penelope and Morgan continued to flirt, though she was more than happy with Kevin, JJ still made Reid so unbelievably nervous at times—and Hotch slept beside Emily.

She hadn't minded, she just slept better knowing he was near.

It took her a moment to remember Erin Strauss and her new agents. Strauss was already awake—she was the first of any of the passengers. She'd noticed right away that Prentiss and Hotchner's fingers were entwined.

Fraternization was not something that was generally acceptable in the bureau. She wasn't sure what she'd do if she found out there was something unprofessional going on between Hotchner and his subordinate. Still—she knew they had an horrible job, so what if they'd chosen each other to help them get through it? As long as they kept it out of the office, should she really object?

It was something worth thinking about.

Hotchner awoke mere seconds after Prentiss, something he always did. He smiled at her, softly. For one moment it was as if it was just the two of them. Then he too remembered the unit chief. He sat up, though his movements showed no hint of awkwardness. He always woke immediately clear headed.

A part of him wanted Strauss to confront him about Prentiss. Then he could make it clear she was to stay out of his—and Emily's—private lives. Not that they had one together. But if they had…it would be best to make his position clear from the very beginning.

"Agent Hotchner, I believe will be landing soon." Strauss said, deciding to hold off on confronting him for the next little while. She'd watch them throughout the case and then make her determination. "Shouldn't we begin another briefing soon?"

"Just a moment, ma'am." Hotch said, rubbing his face as Emily sat up slowly. It always took her a moment to get her orientation when she first awoke. "Everyone usually takes a few moments to freshen up before we begin."

Emily stood, grabbing her small toiletry bag from beneath her seat. She didn't speak to anyone, just stumbled to the back of the plane.

"It takes her a while to wake up." Morgan said softly, as he stretched. "I don't suggest talking to her for at least fifteen minutes. It wouldn't be pretty. I'll make coffee."

He stood, nudging Reid as he did so. The younger man grunted, snuffled a little, then his eyes popped open and his body went tense so quickly Strauss nearly jumped. Spencer Reid was one very unusual man.

"Morning, Hotch." Reid said, as JJ and Garcia—as well as the two new agents—stirred. "We almost there?"

"We're about an hour out." Hotch said, as he stood to head to the second restroom. He always felt better after taking a quick sink bath and changing into fresh clothes. When he stepped out he was awake, clean, and presentable. He met Emily on his way out and he allowed her to pass before him into the main cabin. "Once everyone's awake we'll go over what we have."

JJ stood almost silently and Hotch and Emily quickly got out of the way. They'd worked with her on enough cases since she'd announced her pregnancy to know that when she first woke up, they had to get out of her path to the restroom and quick.

Soon everyone was spread out around one of the small tables going over everything they had while they ate breakfast. Hotch seamlessly passed Emily part of his blueberry bagel and she handed him the last strawberry jelly packet. The BAU team had eaten countless breakfasts together and they all knew what their friends ate. Strauss and the new agents watched slightly baffled at the way food flowed as if by magic around the little table. They watched as Morgan topped off Emily's coffee, as Spencer handed JJ a box of juice, how Hotch cut his orange in thirds and handed one third to Garcia, one to Emily, and kept one for himself. Watched Morgan snag the bagel Emily tossed to him, watched Garcia pop a pair of pop tarts in the small toaster and hand one to Reid.

It was a strange team that didn't need words to communicate and Strauss was almost in awe of them. Almost. Their methods were also slightly disconcerting.

"So where will we begin?" Sidle asked, chewing on his own bagel from his spot beside Emily.

"First, we'll rendezvous with Calvert, get anything new that's developed. Go over victimology. JJ and Garcia will set up in the local police department. Emily, Derek, Reid, and I will go to the dumpsite or sites—JJ, was there more than one?"

"Yes, sir. They found two separate sites, approximately four miles apart." JJ said, more than content with the chocolate pudding cup she'd pulled from the plane's refrigerator. It was her not-so-secret pleasure, especially since getting pregnant. "Both near rivers."

"Prentiss, you and I will take the first site. Derek, Reid, you take the second. JJ, you and Garcia…" Hotch looked at the two blonde women, expectantly.

"We know. We go straight to the station, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars." Garcia said, having heard the spiel before.

"Chief Strauss, why don't you accompany JJ and Garcia?" Hotch suggested, "SSA Sidle, can ride along with Prentiss and I, Ramierez with Morgan and Reid."

Strauss wanted to object his taking charge, but she really didn't want to see another crime scene. Not yet. One set of nightmares was enough. "That sounds good."

The pilot announced an imminent landing and advised everyone fasten their belts. Everyone moved to do so, Emily being the last to move. She lost her footing as the plane began a quick descent. SSA Sidle reached out a hand and caught her before she landed full in his lap. She laughed, slightly embarrassed, as he held her steady until the plane leveled slightly and she could turn back toward her seat and the man beside her seat. Hotch had reached for her the moment he'd seen her stumble, but had been too late. He took her hand as the plane continued it's downward path, and pulled her first to him. He held her tight until the plane leveled out then helped her quickly into her seat and her own belt.

"You ok, Agent Prentiss?" He asked, though his tone belied the professional address he'd given her. He searched her face quickly.

"Yes. You'd think I'd learn to move a little quicker." She said, ruefully. "How many times has something like that happened to me now?"

"Sixty-three in the last four months." Spencer said, distractedly. "You always misjudge the landings, Em. With planes, trains, and automobiles. Hotch's caught you forty-eight times, Morgan eleven, me three, and the rest of the times you just sort of landed!"

"Thanks for that accurate report of my clumsiness, Spencer." Emily said, keeping a straight face as she looked at the younger man.

"Any time, Emily. At least you didn't elbow anyone—again." Spencer said, actually sending her a wink. Emily was one of the three women he felt truly comfortable with just being himself. He'd actually learned to tease a little bit. He'd not admit it, but even when he'd been so bitter towards her, and angry at her questions, he'd always secretly been thankful for the way she'd not pulled her punches with him like the rest of the team had. "That really hurt."

It made him respect her immensely, now. Plus, it was what he'd imagined a mother or a big sister would do. Emily was part of his family now, and he enjoyed her maternal fussing over him. He also kind of liked seeing the way Hotch was changing around her. Hotch was one of the men Reid truly admired. If those two ever figured things out between them, it would bring hope to the BAU. Just like JJ's pregnancy had. The way Garcia's comments did.

Sometimes, Spencer knew the only thing a family had was hope. As he felt the plane land, he wished quickly that the team would be able to offer the world one little bit of hope—that they'd catch the bastard responsible for those women's deaths before any more women were killed.

And that the team remained safe while they did it.