As a half Holiday gift to myself (Though very late) as well as a Christmas/Whatever Winter Holiday here gift to all of the lovely people who gave me 1000+ hits to this story, this is a bonus chapter for Leveling up Pains.
However, this focuses not on the three main character. It focuses on two Nobodies, but not the ones you may think…
It slid through the World that Never Was. Slow and graceful, it's feet gliding along the paved way, gazing around for the awful little Heartless
It always took the point because the other one was not quite as quick or as strong.
Or as old.
No, that's not correct. The Creeper was around in this world first, it knew. Back before it arrived and it ranked to Dancer, the Creeper had arrived days before it. Yet, it can't help think it is older.
~The memory passes through, as a girl taunts a boy, who even while being bigger, was always going to be one to two years older~
As quickly as the memory appeared, it vanishes as in the vision that was once filled with the younger boy; the Creeper approached the fading vision. It did not mind waiting. It would wait for as long as needed for the Creeper. Because the Creeper was worth waiting for.
They could take the corridors, but they had no plans to go anywhere out of the world. There was no one giving orders to scout or guard any specifically planet. Or dummies used for training. Just…moving.
While it had been difficult at times to feel the presence of the other Master leave the world, everyone had felt when the Superior had left. Before it happened, everyone had either been returning to the castle to find the Keyblade Masters (one being Former Master XIII) to engage the group or panicking after all the pretty little hearts that cold have once been their own disappeared.
~Thinking of that horrible event brought another out. She remembered running away, carrying a screaming child in her arms. The sky had opened up with a black mess in the sky that was sucking everything inside it. Already, her brother was gone, sacrificing himself to save her and their parents when the back vicious things attacked their town. She didn't even know what happened to her parents-they all had been crossing a bridge out of the city when a giant…snake-headed thing popped up and broke it into pieces. She got lost in the ground and had to go with it, not knowing if her mother and father had made it to the other side or had falling into the river. Or something worst.
She did not even know who the little girl was she carried, except the mother she met an hour before who begged her to save the child's life. The older woman's legs were scratched away by an attack earlier and more of those black tar-things were sliding around the corner. The woman told her to run, to save her baby. And she did, because she had no weapons but her speed and her feet.
But she was getting so tired, and the baby kept screaming and she was lost and even thought none of the little monster had put her down, she had taken blows from the monster, in order to keep the toddler safe. They had hurt and each wound slowed her down that much more, but it was worth it. If there was one thing she could at least accomplish before she died, it was to make sure the child lived longer then her, even if it was simply by second.
Not a good goal, but it was the only plan she had at the moment.
She was just so…tired.~
It hated the Heartless. Always
In the place that the Organization was before this time, the Creeper had been right there next to it since the Dancer's Master had returned to darkness in defeat. Neither Nobody had been called to the other Masters, so they assumed their roles: Investigate the World that Never Was and report anything interesting. It was what they had been doing for the last days, as in the official last days.
They had been doing it when their moon had exploded. All the citizens could do was either watch or rush quickly to the Castle. They had watched. Along with the eager Dusk, it had reached out and brushed against the little red light that was a heart. At the same time it reached out to touch the heart, so did the Creeper. They were actually able to balance the warmth between their conjoined limbs.
For a moment, she felt she loved the Creeper. As strange as it was, she felt it, actually felt it, and understood why she felt it. It was not a romantic feeling, but a strong bond all the same. It was not a love fueled by passion, but by simply knowing him all her life and he would hurt for her as much as she would hurt for him, in the entire context to each other and to others.
Then the heart passed through their arms before it vanished. If that was not bad enough, soon in its place a small little Shadow appeared seemly innocent.
The Dancer felt something that could have been called rage and destroyed the little, evil, stinky as well as anything else that got in it way. As it was, a lot of the other Nobodies began their own frenzy state of destruction, including a handful of Assassins exploding at piles of Heartless (though their numbers were already dropped a previous handful full of them since they seemed to loose themselves and exploding in time when their own Traitorous Master died as well, as silly as it was. Dancers do not engage in self destruction).
Some Nobodies, like the Creeper, watched the others of their company go on a killing spree of the intruders. Without any Masters will to control the Heartless, the beings were wild. And even though the remaining Masters were dropping left and right, Nobodies could still think and were creatures of habit, and the orders were to destroy intruders. Those fighting not driven by rage were doing it because it was the command left to follow. Only the Masters could control the Heartless, so without one to contain the monsters, it was up to the soldiers to carry out their task.
A swarm of them appeared from the fall of the glorious Kingdom Hearts, it would be later told. But nobody or Nobody had to report when the Superior fell. They all paused in their combat and watched to the castle. Its Creeper companion was the first nearest to it to snap the Dancer out of the frozen trance.
Even though Heartless were still about, most of them had scampered or disappeared to the Castle. Most Nobodies followed. The Creeper and the Dancer did not. Not that it would matter.
Nobody knew what to do.
~When they were 5 and 6, the thought crept in, they had to move form their house. At their old house, they share a room, but they would have their own room now.
She was happy to have a room to put all the pretty posters of puppies she wanted and not to be clouded by the action figures he scattered everywhere. She was always careful with her dolls and put them away when she was done playing with them (even if she sometimes forgot to put their skirt back on right or lost a shoe on the carpet: You could always by doll clothes cheaper at the store
Yet for a whole week, her brother climbed in bed with her, scared of the noises in the house, especially when the squirrels scurried around the roof or the antic. Even after his bed was put together properly by day three, he stayed with her until the noises were familiar and they started back to school. After all, he did not want anyone to find out he slept next to a girl or they might think he had cooties
Though she never told any of his friends. And she was old enough to know there was no such things as cooties~
There was one thing that did come from that moment. After the annihilation of the Organization, they were a team. Before, the Dancer kept the Creeper as a companion for no other reason then having an extra person was less dangerous. They hardly interacted unless both happened to be called forth for work. After the heart, they stuck together because it was something they should do.
They slept in a mess around each other. Usually the Dancer would lay down first before the Creeper would curl it's arms around it's taller form and wrap itself around her like a piece of jewelry. It questioned the Creeper on the act, but the Creeper would not answer it and it did not question no longer. The position proved to be somewhat comforting and easier to rouse each other for turns at taking point.
Both the Dancer and the Creeper have questioned the motivation of their companionship. Even before the fall of the Leaders, before the touch of the heart, it would seek out the lower rank Nobody out, if just for that curiously companionship it felt when it first spotted the Creeper. At their arrival, which were days apart, they had both been developing from Dusks. But it rose to Dancer and the other became a Creeper, just barely better then a Dusk. It was always assumed they merely knew each other from their home world (that would explain the random memories that would appear at times with the Creeper)
They were not the only Nobodies to hang out in cluster besides required amounts. There were always bunches of quirky little…companionships developing among the Nobodies. Some of the Masters studied it, though the Dancer and the Creeper were never part of those studies. However, each had duties to follow as well as their own Masters (though along with Dusk, Creepers did not have a specified rank).
And with thinking on its Master, the pleasant blue thoughts flashed behind its eyes. Oh, how it would dance for it Master. He liked to play, it remembered, on his glorious instrument/weapon. It found him a lot more enjoyable then some of the other Masters. It missed its sisters, too. Oh, the sisters and their rhythm and their nature and just the familiarity. They weren't like the disciplined Samurais or the volatile of Assassin. Not the stoic Sorcerers or the packs of Berserkers. Not the mysterious Gamblers or parliament of Dragons. Even with the curious Snipers about, it enjoyed its sisters and their Master, when he was existence. It was sure the Creeper missed it own meek brethren and the impish Dusk to play with, but it made no complaints. They had each other, and it was enough for their little world.
When it came down to it, it was rather unconcerned for its fellow sisters and it's Master. Truly, there were other Dancers about and it would socialize with them and it still missed them, but it did not feel like following their steps with its own. Its steps were quieter and careful now, unlike most of its sisters. It missed them to a point, but the only one it looked out for was the Creeper, and that was enough. The Creeper just…different.
~She liked to draw. He liked to play games.
She liked to read novels. He liked to read comic books.
She had few, yet meaningful friends. He had many friends that were never a best friend.
But, they both liked horror movies (especially Zombies), and both though their parents were jokes. And supported each other's dreams. They also both had the same nose, the same lips, and the same eye shape (through their eyes were different colors).
It was once quoted that everyone should have one person they could always depend on. The two of them were set on that for life~
It was the Dusks that first told everyone a Keyblade Master appeared in the World that Never Was. Dusks were always useful for spreading news, even though it took a while to figure out the rumors from the truths. Dusks were useful at gathering information, but they were not the cleverest of the Nobodies. Without Masters to direct them, the more powerful Nobodies had to slow down the skimmers to get the right answers out.
It did not scout out the child's whereabouts like the Dusks had done once the Dancer and the Creeper were informed. There was even a small group betting with each other on which ones could land a hit on the warrior. What a childish notion, as if they could become more powerful even with one stroke.
What was the point, anyways? Without a Master to lead them, they could not remake an Organization. When the Dancer was able to ponder on the subject, only during moments of watchfulness while the Creeper slept, when thoughts and memories came back just a little easier, there was no motivation. Why attack when one could die and loose totally in oblivion. As they moved during the day, all those thoughts were lost. Thoughts were somewhat difficult for a Nobody to follow, especially on the move. Without a direction, Nobodies could be easily distracted. Or want to do anything. Certain Nobodies could become…anise and wish to go and do things, but without a proper path, Nobodies would simply…non-exist.
A perfectly thought stopper was this one: It was surprised when it came face to face with the One whom Worn the Cloaks.
They had been resting in an alley, making plans of their rest tonight away from the high number of Heartless today. Even if a being had no hearts, sometimes Heartless would attack for no other reason then simply because. The Heartless acted restless today, for now known obvious reason. The Dancer was not afraid of the horrible tiny fiends. It could destroy a number of the weak, oily creatures with a swift kick. Even the Creeper could defeat a number of them, but it had a harder time with the black animals. It was not as strong as the Dancer and since the Dancer valued the companionship of the Creeper, it would not engage dangerous actives in case there were too many. The Creeper was more of a value to it non-existing then stopped existing.
It was what the first thought when it saw the deadly blade of the Bearer. The Keyblade Master was much more dangerous then Heartless. It knew it would die if it decided to attack. No question. It still wondered if it should attack. Though for its flaws, the Creeper was smart, smarter then the Dancer, and already turned to it direction and nodded its covered head away. The Creeper wanted to run right now. Right, right now.
Even if the Keyblade Master wanted to attack them, several Neo-Shadows popped after him and he turned to attack them. The Creeper saw the moment to break out in a run and as quickly as it could, move down the corner. The Dancer made for the corner, but paused right at the end. A sudden wave of…curiosity settled it and it wanted to see. The Dancer had been one of the lucky Nobodies to never face the Keyblade, except when it saw Master XIII wield the weapon against either Dusk or his Samurais for practice. This might be the only time.
As weird as it was, it found beauty in his movements. A Dancer could appreciate beauty more then the other Nobodies, if merely because their Master instilled a form of beauty into them with his music. The Dark Keybearer took down the Heartless with carefully executed strokes.
It saw a black bit of darkness pool under behind him and saw the form of yellow eyes.
~And it heard, again. "I wonder something." Her brother asked on day, polishing his air soft gun, as if it was a real weapon.
"Hmm?" She inquired, not paying a real attention as she typed away on the computer. She was use to tune him out. He sometimes said stupid things. Though, she was trying to pay attention because he hated when she was not paying attention to her."
"If you were given the choice, could you kill someone in self defense?"
A pause. The question was not the usually annoying question. It was certainly enough to stop her taping.
"You hesitated. That not good."
"I was thinking." She chide out, before licking her lips and thinking of a good answer to give. "I think…I think I don't know if I could do it for myself. But if I needed too, I could do it to defend someone else."~
It hated Heartless, more then anything. Even more so then the Keyblade Master who probably killed some of its sisters. Maybe it should feel a loyalty to the dead of their former enemy, but as the thoughts before crept back in without it trying to grasp for those said squirmy thoughts that slipped in and out of consciousness like Nobodies slipped through Corridors of Darkness. There was only thought that it was concreted with: The Creeper had to be safe. That was the Dancer's direction. The Creeper was different then all other Nobodies.
He would always be different.
Besides, the Heartless were a bigger threat in the long run. It could create the more of its nasty brothers, while the Keyblade Master could only destroy. Maybe that was why when the Neoshadow appeared on the ground, like the one that took it heart once, it attacked. With a might kick, the enemy disappeared in a smoke. The Dancer did not know if it felt better or worst that the monster was not a pureblood and there was no heart.
But it did…feel better. Or something close to it. Lighter, maybe. Yes, it liked that word. Lighter
It scrambled away, just in case the blade came on it head. It did not turn back to see if the Keyblade Master followed.
It made it around the corner and faced the Creeper.
It was not enraged; they could not get angry anymore as it required emotions, but it was certainly agitated, complaining of the Dancer's games. The scolding it gave the Dancer was close enough to anger. Even though it had yet to verbally say, the Creeper had been affect by the heart they held for a moment together and value the Dancer's existent more so then a protector.
It was fine, though. The Dancer knew it did something stupid. Very stupid. It could have ended, and would the Creeper do without it?
~These words were familiar. She was hit by a car in middle school. It had not hurt, since the car was moving maybe 10 miles an hour. A nurse from another car came out and told her to sit down. The pre-teen looked at the nurse with confusion, knowing she was going to be late for school.
The hospital was boring and the x-ray was not fun, not like getting radiated would seem. She saw a picture of her bones and while they did look kind of cool, the Dr. explanation was boring. He said she had some muscle tension on her back and her head. She did not see muscles. She just saw bone.
When she saw her brother come home with tears, she knew he loved her. Then again, everyone in her family thought she was in a major car accident and was broken in a million pieces. But as it was, she knew he loved her and that thought comforted her.
After that, when he was mean to her, she did not take offense. She knew he loved her and needed her. After all, what would her brother do without her?~
Once the danger past, as in the Keyblade Master left and the Heartless followed, the small duet of Nobodies walked through the isle of the World that Never was, each replaying the events in their own heads. Both looked at each other. The Dancer had felt…excitement. The events made her feel an excitement. Very interesting. It wanted to follow where this feeling would go. So it decided to follow this feeling was to follow the being that caused the feeling.
Or the Creeper was not quite happy about the suggestion. It shook its head and slapped its hands on the ground. But the Dancer gave its companion a zipper of a smirk and slipped around the corner after where the Keyblade Master vanished a few minutes before. Very stupid again. Yet, it knew the Creeper would follow.
The two Nobodies stalked the Keyblade Master, but kept a distance. For good reason, it appeared: The group of Dusks who were out for a battle had come upon the Keyblade Master and surrounded him. It was almost laughable to see a pair fall together in one slash, and the rest scattered back into various corners. Around six minutes later, the One who Wore the Cloaks disappeared into a building. The Dancer stopped the Creeper, deciding this risk to enter was too big. He might assumer some spies were on him (only a fool would not), but a direct threshold could be tempting too much. It might be a trap and he was waiting for more Nobodies, like those Dusk, to attack.
The Dancer turned at seeing some Shadows swimming around on the ground. The Heartless were coming around, no doubt either sensing the Keyblade Master or the only Heart glowing closest in the world currently. Cursed creatures. It was tempted to attack the small group. It felt like testing out the strength of its leg with its new excitement.
Suddenly, the Creeper pulled on the Dancer and pointed at something at the doorway where the Keyblade Master vanished around. It gazed, seeing nothing there but an empty doorway.
For its uses, Creepers tended to over-dramatize things, like the Dusks (though Dusks were a bit more excitable), so the Dancer shook it off and decided it was not worth worrying about. It did give the Creeper a glare and scolded it lightly. The Creeper shook its hood and started to speak on ghosts. The Dancer decided to motion them away. It ordered the Creeper that it was leaving and it should follow. The Dancer was not comfortable with its companion being excited. It was fine for the Dancer to be adventures. But the Creeper was a very uncomfortable being to be around when it was uncomfortable.
It followed, though, keeping quite. Just as things had become. The Dancer leading and the Creeper following
~One day, the sky opened up and everyone panicked. However, the panic had been a quiet, observational panic.
It was not until the black monsters appeared that panicked turned into pure terror.
The five-person family hid in their home. Their mother, normally happy and ditz remained quite in the house. Their father and stayed guard and her brother…her brother was going to be joining up with the neighborhood watch and attack the weird things.
As for her?
"You know, I know first aid and I can stick well, I could-"
A sigh from the male of the two.
"Look, let's face it: Mom and dad won't know what to do. You have to be here, just to take care of them. You know you are the smartest one of us. Okay?
He would leave and she already knew that he was not coming back. She had always known he would die first, but…not now. Not yet. Please, not yet.~
The Dusk soon informed everybody that the Keyblade Master that was one a Master had appeared and the Princess of Heart that was once the Memory Witch appeared.
The Creeper had turned its baggy head to the Dancer; ask if asking what it wanted to do. Would they investigate?
The Dancer summoned a Dark Corridor, nodding its head to the opening.
There were much safer places to be then today in the World that Never Was. The Dancer tempted fate today, and while one newcomer was one, three meant three. More then the two of them. And if one became three, three might become more.
It had a feeling it would go down hill from here, anyways.
Author Notes: I have no idea if Nobodies start out as Dusk and work their way to being a higher-rank form of a Nobody, but it's my own take on it. It seems to be the starting point. Anything related to how Nobodies communicate or feel to the more powerful members (which for this story I have called Masters or Master-type) was made up mostly, but I needed to set up something! I know Xemnas had control over the Nobodies, due to his powering being of Nothingness. I also know that Dusk can communicate somehow, so I would assumer higher-ranks have a better understand of things then the lower. And since Nobodies ranked under the remaining Organization members have not been confirmed, I assumed that the ones who died in Castle Oblivion changed rank to other Nobodies or something.
Originally, I had plans for a chapter with the night all three of our lovelies get back from the stars and Kairi and Riku discussing (with Sora napping) the new turn in their dynamic as my focus, but I am thinking of saving that for a one-shot in my one-shot series, A Break in the Day.
I received feed back messages about the two Nobodies, the Dancer and the Creeper. I already had a back story in my head for these two, but never thought to write on them. I was not planning to write about it, but the messages kind of spurred me to give these little character their moment in the spot like and maybe explain not only the motivations behind my little Dancer's display, but maybe a touch of a viewpoint on what the Nobodies would do in the aftermath of no Organization.
I would put this as a separate chapter, but as of now, these two Nobodies are only in the Universe of this story. Hopefully, even thought a different subject matter, it would not have been created without the stories nor would the Creeper and the Dancer. If you wish, use these lovelies, but leave a link because I would love to see what people do with this.
Expect a Resident Evil story in the future from me for a change! I am going to get all my request done, and focus back on my works. My fan new years resolution, as you will.