A/N: Hey guys. First fic ever on this site. Reviews would be much appreciated. Considering this is yaoi and what not I don't expect you to read it if you don't enjoy such things... duh. :
Ominscient POV
Treno. The constant night air is somewhat alluring. Seductive, even. It reeks of thievery, romance, and mischief, everything that a busy city would be. The thieving part was being completely attended to by the forever infamous Tantalus gang.
Their loving Ruby had secured several bunks at the inn they often visited while "site-seeing" and overall wreaking havoc in the illustrious city. However, not one of the twisted members was reclining at the moment. All of them were out on the town. To each his own pleasures. That is except for Blank, who found his pleasures to be those of his younger comrade's.
Blank's POV
"Keep them coming!" Zidane shouted over the obnoxiously loud musical entertainment.
You'd think a city such as Treno, known for its rich estate and owners, the taste in slummish music would be rather decadent. This awful blast of egregious anathema was beyond distasteful.
Zidane, however, seemed oblivious. Draining the bar of all its ale was certainly his goal for the night, and I'm positive he had no intention of paying for any of it. Upon request, the over-make-up'd, slender-waisted skirt behind the counter gave a smirk at my young associate as she slid him another glass. Zidane always was a lady's man... Every girl he'd ever encountered fell about his feet.
"Oh Zidane..." They'd giggle and swoon. I was the dark, mysterious type that no one wanted to encounter. No one wanted to know. I was somewhat of a monster... so who could blame them for their avoidance?
These... hideous patches of mismatched flesh. If only I could return to my once handsome self.
"Blank!" Zidane shouted, snapping me free of my nostalgia. I stared up at my friend from under a low-set leather bandana, brimming my gaze. Zidane stumbled from the bar stool, his tail swaying to keep his body balanced. He hit an uneven board and nearly toppled. I caught him swiftly in my arms. Shaking my head disapprovingly.
Zidane you idiot. "Blank we..." He looked around. Zidane was drunk out of his mind.
"C'mon." I grumbled, hoisting the teen over my shoulder. "You're done for the night."
The youth relaxed and made it actually harder to carry him that way. He'd grown so much... I used to carry him like this all the time. The tiny little guy. Shining turquoise eyes always so innocent and eager. Nearly green, nearly blue… not really either. An amazing in between that glowed into your soul.
"Hey! He didn't pay for-" The bar mistress began to protest, too bad I was already out the door. Zidane was giggling wildly, snorting and carrying on. His tail was wriggling about like mad. It often tickled at my face as I hurried to get him into the safety of Ruby's inn before the law decided to begin a search for a monkey-boy who didn't pay his bill.
Thankfully we made it in. Before the other members of Tantalus even. I didn't let Zidane free until we were in our quarters. A lone bunk bed we have always shared sat on the far side, two dressers, not too big, a fireplace and a nightstand.
"Go on up to bed Zidane." I told him sternly. He just chuckled and shook his head at me.
"I'm not...kid, Blank. Anymore." He was right. Well, more or less with that kind of grammar.
Just the night before it was his 18th birthday. I was so conflicted that day. So sad that my little Zidane had grown up. So glad that... so hopeful that... well...
"Maybe not. But you're still drunk as hell. Get yer ass up there." I persisted, turning my back on him now and heading to the small wooden dresser I'd claimed. I jumped as I suddenly felt warm arms lock about my waist.
"Blank..." Zidane's face pressed against my back and I went completely rigid, "Blank I want you." He giggled.
I blushed and turned around abruptly, still trapped in his embrace.
"Want me... to what?" I asked. Heart-racing against Zidane's.
"I want you." He purred, leaning closer.
"You're definitely drunk." I shook my head and pushed him away from my torso. "Bed!"
I shouted this time as if he were a pet dog. Zidane lunged and attacked my lips with his own. I was too surprised to react quickly. Unfortunately I also enjoyed it... It was a sloppy kiss. It tasted like liquor, bad. But it was Zidane. It was oddly wonderful. I forced myself to hate it somehow.
He didn't mean it.
"Zidane go to fucking bed now!" I screamed. Zidane didn't look angry or sad at my comment, he just looked nauseous as he precariously climbed up to his bunk at last. As soon as he hit the sheets he was out. I sighed heavily in relief at the sounds of his violent snoring.
He didn't mean to… My throat hurt. Not from yelling but the back felt hollow in a strange way like when you cry. I hope I don't cry. Zidane didn't know what he was doing. How I wish he could have done all that with the proper senses…
I frowned. Glancing up at my friend. My fellow thief. My heart ached. You'll never know.
Zidane's POV
I awoke the next day to a ridiculously throbbing headache. I hissed inwardly and seized my head between my palms. It pulsated harshly within my hands.
"Shiiiit." I moaned. The door opened. Loudly. It'd never been so damn loud!
"Mornin' sunshine." Blank cooed in a mocking sort of maternal tone. "Get up. We have stuff to do today." He patted my legs through my sheets.
I groaned incoherently in response. Blank then changed his mood and brushed a soft hand against my forehead.
"You hung over a bit?" He asked, knowing the answer, "I fixed you up somethin' for that last night." He smiled, his touch leaving me.
I opened my eyes and watched as Blank retrieved a small vial from his drawer. He returned and handed it to me. "Baku used to give me this remedy when I was your age... and stupid." He added the last bit as some sort of underlying life lesson.
I grinned and took the small flask.
"Thanks Blank." He's always looking out for me. I'm sure he watched out for me last night... I don't even remember what happened. I took a swig from the vial and grimaced.
"This is disgusting!" I spat.
"I didn't say it was the delicious remedy Baku used to give me..." Blank snorted.
I reluctantly downed the rest of it and sat up, returning the vial to him. "Thanks for taking me out last night." I said gently. It hurt my skull to speak above a harsh whisper. "Sorry if I was a pain." I smirked.
Blank gave a weak smile. It was sad. Uneasy.
"It's okay. You're never a pain." Blank said. I cocked my head slightly, staring at my older friend. I could barely see his fiery red eyes. Faint embers in the shadow cast by the belt constricting his head. Even they seemed troubled.
"What?" He asked.
"What did I do?" I said, hopping down from my bunk. I was amazed that my brain wasn't ringing from the force of my landing. Baku's stuff really worked even if it tasted like ooglop guts.
"Why would you think you did somethin'?" Blank shook his head as if the idea was ludicrous and turned to leave the room.
"You look..."
"Hungry? I'm hungry." Blank shut the door before I could question him further.
I stood silent. Alone in our room. I sighed. Why does he put up with me? I feel like such a burden to him... to Tantalus. I know I'm a pain in the ass sometimes. Blank never talks about me like that though. Blank understands me even when I don't.
I shook my head of the thoughts for now and decided to see what Ruby had cooked up for us.
I entered the small dining space out near the docks. Marcus, Cinna, Baku, and Blank were already huddled around the small wooden table, being waited on by the lovely Ruby. The Nero Brothers were strangely absent.
"Zidane! You sure slept in late, hun." Ruby hurried to retrieve a plate of steaming pancakes for me. "Not too late... thanks Rubes." I grinned as I took a seat between Marcus and Blank.
"Actually Zi, it's past noon! BWAHAHAHA!" Baku slammed the table, rattling its surface and causing several plates to clatter about. The rest of Tantalus subconsciously stifled their silverware and continued to eat. "You'll make up for the lost time though. I want seventy percent of your loot tonight."
"Seventy?!" I shouted in disbelief.
"Baku, that's kind of harsh..." Blank agreed. Marcus and Cinna continued eating, clearly not wanting to get involved regardless of the unfairness. We all knew who made the rules. Blank spoke out of place... he's always had my back.
"All of it then, boy." Baku smiled his crazed smile that barely showed at all through is tuffs of beard. I growled in frustration, my tail twitching back and forth irately. I shoved back my plate of pancakes back and kicked over my chair as I made my leave. "Where ya goin' boy?" Baku barked.
"To fucking work." I snapped, and slammed the dining room door. I stormed up the stairs and out into the slums just beyond the front doors. I pulled out my daggers brazenly. Or foolishly rather. I was blinded by my anger. I walked directly up to a lowly bum, reeking of vomit and liquor, lying in a pile of shit in the ally.
I kicked him over and held my daggers at his throat while searching for change. I snatched a small coin purse he'd probably stolen. A thief's world is a thief's world. You take what you can, regardless.
Though I'd always made a point to leave the innocent with nothing more than surprise at an empty purse… Tonight my occupation was a vessel for my anger.
I sprinted through the crowds of the rich, cutting purses free from their straps and delving quickly into pockets only to return producing handfuls of coin. No one caught me. I'm just that good. I'm Zidane Tribal. All I know is thievery.
I returned late that night with a load suitable for my unforgiving boss. I could barely carry it all by my lonesome. I managed though. Exhausted and loaded, I staggered into Ruby's inn. Everyone was back already. Their petty hauls spilled out on the table. I took three retrievals to toss all of my nights work on the table. Needless to say, the group was impressed.
"Damn." Marcus and Cinna blinked. The Nero Brothers gawked, cheered, gawked more.
"Good lord Zi! Good haul!" Baku excitedly chattered. I ignored him and went straight to my room. I refused to give him any satisfaction. Fuck them. I could go solo if I wanted... I could leave…
Blanks POV
"He seems really upset." Marcus pointed out. Baku was blind. Only looking at the night's haul.
"I'll talk to him..." I offered, standing.
"Good idea, he likes you best." Cinna nodded. Shut up.
I sighed and headed for the room we shared.I knocked once. It seemed appropriate for an angsty teen... When no reply came I entered anyway.
"Zidane?" I called. I spotted him sitting upon his bunk. Hands tucked behind his head. Tail furiously waving back and forth. A furious, furry metronome.
"Yea?" He practically roared. I walked over and stood next to the bed.
"Mind if I come up?" I asked. Zidane glanced over at me. His eyes softened and he sighed, nodding. I gingerly handled the creaky little ladder. Climbing up to seat myself beside Zidane, relaxing on the wall.
"What do you want? I'm not mad at you." He smoldered. I chuckled at him.
"I know. But no one else wants to make amends so I'm stuck with the job." I shrugged.
"Baku wasn't fair... but he's like our dad. You should have listened to him. It's what you learn from him if there is anythin' to be learned. Respect." Zidane rolled his eyes.
"I respect him." He muttered. I gave him a knowing look and he grumbled, "Okay I respect you." I wasn't expecting that...
"Just me?" I asked.
"Sorta yea... I know I'm better than Marcus and Cinna at thieving. I know I can haul in more loot for myself than necessary. I could out-steal Baku." He was so cocky. But so right actually. "None of them acknowledge how good I am... how valuable. You at least can steal with the best of them. You taught me everything I know. You taught me more than our supposed Father. You don't underestimate me. You don't treat me like a kid." He ranted.
"I... didn't know you felt that way." I was conflicted again.
"Well I do." He moved his arms to fold across his chest smugly. I couldn't help but smile at him. In a way, he really cared about me. I was special to him in a certain sense. "What are you smiling at?" I'd been caught.
"Just..." I couldn't help but keep my grin even as I lost my words. Zidane raised his eyebrows at me and then slowly sat up.
"Why were you so sad this morning...?" I thought that interrogation was over... I guess not.
"I wasn't sad. I told you I was hungry." I corrected. Zidane glared at me.
"Why do you keep lying? What did I do?"
"Nothin' just... nothin'."
"Tell me Blank!"
"You were drunk!" I shouted. That shut him up. "I think it would be better if I just forgot it too." Zidane suddenly became so vulnerable. He looked weak and broken.
"I'm sorry." He said plainly, his tail flew to his hands. He stroked it soothingly. It seemed to calm him.
"It's okay. Like I said, you were intoxicated. You didn't know what you were doin'." I reassured.
"Can you please tell me what I did?" Zidane begged, wringing his tail between his fists. I hesitated. Maybe he should know.
"I-I suppose. Just promise you won't feel embarrassed or upset." I said sternly. He nodded. "And stop tryin' to rip your tail off." I pulled the thing from his grip, tugging a little hard. He jumped and his mouth opened in a gasp. It wasn't a painful sort of gasp... If I didn't know any better I'd say he enjoyed it. I apologized anyways, to make sure I wasn't harming him.
"I'm fine..." He replied, nodding, "G-go ahead."
"Well... last night you got completely smashed at a bar. You were fallin' down and so I decided it was time to leave. I picked you up and carried you back here." I paused, still debating on whether I should continue.
Zidane was smiling lightly. I guess he was happy that I was looking after him... it made me happy too.
"Then... well... I told you to go to bed." I paused again. It was very difficult to form the words now.
"That's it?" Zidane furrowed his brow.
"No... you refused. When I had my back turned you... well you... you hugged me. You said some things and then kissed me." I forced a grimace. Zidane's cheer faded. He turned an intense red. "But you didn't mean it! I know you're totally into skirts!" I quickly added.
Zidane slowly nodded."Uh yea... skirts." He curled closer into himself. His flushed face never settled from crimson.
"Bro, it's okay." I promised, stroking his shaggy blonde hair.
"No yea I know." Zidane said awkwardly, his tail was completely still, coiled up around his fetal positioned legs. I felt so bad. Responsible.
"I shouldn't have told you..." I sighed.
"I asked." Zidane shrugged. "I'm sorry I did those things." I wish you weren't.
"It's alright." I smiled, I even made a joke, "I mean look at me. I'm so unbelievably handsome. Like you could resist..." Zidane giggled a little. I smiled wider.
"Thanks Blank." He unraveled his tail and collapsed into my chest, hugging me tightly.
"You won't tell the guys will you?" He asked, looking up adorably.
I shook my head in a promise. When Zidane didn't pull back, I slowly enclosed my arms about his small form.
His body created such warmth... it was like a little human blanket. My thigh was greeted with the tense muscle of his tail. It wrapped tight about my leg and stayed there. Zidane sighed deeply. "You're so comfy, Blank..." He was dazed. Sleepy. His cheek rubbed against the rough stitches that grafted my skins together. I felt so gross and undeserving next to the perfection that was Zidane Tribal.
I felt his breathing slow and eventually he was asleep in my arms.I slowly attempted to relax him back into his sheets. He refused to leave me though and absently clung with a vengeance. Not wanting to wake him I simply shifted to lie down on his bunk. He twitched a bit. Molding into my form. His legs wrapped up around me like his tail. His arms embraced my midriff.
My first time in Zidane's bunk and he's already out cold. Still... he's clinging to me like I've always dreamed... and he's sober. I stared down at his tail. His reaction when I yanked it flooded back to me. I tentatively reached down and stroked the fur just barely. Zidane heaved an airy purr. He snuggled closer.
I smirked a bit and wrapped my hand around it, petting it thoroughly in the right way with the fur. Zidane squirmed and moaned in his sleep, he bucked up against my side. His hips clashed with my own.
I instantly retracted my hand. The last thing I need right now is a hard on. I'll definitely keep his tail in mind though...
Zidane's POV
I woke up feeling more rested than I had in years. I sat up and stretched hugely, like a cat would. I unfurled my tail and turned to see Blank in my bunk.
I stared intensely at the sleeping thief. His features all relaxed and peaceful.
Blank never gave himself any credit in the looks department. He always assumed people would see his scars and nothing more. Blank is so handsome... I don't even have to look past his skins to see that.
"Mmmm...Unnuhhh..." Blank stirred in his sleep. His nose twitched and I giggled at him.
"Zidane..." His patched face glowed and he smiled. I blushed and listened more intently. When Blank seemed unwilling to say anything more I shook him awake.
"Blaaannnk!" I rocked his shoulders about. He awoke quickly and chuckled as I continued to shake him. At last, he shoved my grip off.
"Zidaaannne!" He returned the quakes to my own shoulders. "How'd you sleep, Bro?" He asked, hands falling behind his head.
"Amazing." I replied honestly, "How'd my bunk fair for you?"
Blank shrugged, "As good as any bed, I guess." He then sat up and crawled over me and out of the bunk. "We should hurry... don't want you to get in trouble again."
I nodded my agreement and leaped down from the bunk quickly.
"I need a fucking shower." I just noticed how my stench traveled with me as I used musky manly strength to move. Blank laughed.
"Well let's have breakfast and then head down to the docks for a shower, okay?" Blank suggested. I nodded, happily. We were on time and Ruby had made some delicious bacon and eggs with freshly picked strawberries. Baku didn't bitch and Cinna wasn't all that disturbing with his hammer. It was a good day.
"Time to move on out boys!" Baku boomed in his usual epic voice. Marcus, Cinna, and The Nero Brothers saluted and took their usual routes out into the city. Blank and I headed out down by the river for a little cleansing.
The open showers were always running. It was river water. It was clean. It was all we really had. Blank ran up and tested the stream of droplets with a hand. He shivered and retracted it.
"Freezing today!" He frowned, unbuckling the leather strap across his chest nonetheless. I unlaced my vest and tossed it on the wooden planks of the dock. Blank removed his leather shorts and lastly his headband. It was the only time he'd ever take it off. I kicked off my shoes and pulled down my pants. It wasn't the first time I'd been showering with Blank.
In fact I'd showered with every member of Tantalus. It's a given. However, until recently I'd never felt so compelled to stare at Blank. It took everything I had not to take one glance at his groin.
We quickly dove into the ice cold water's spray. "AHH!" We danced crazily in the temperature. I grabbed for the soap bar that was nestled in a small crook in the wall and, fast as I could, scrubbed myself.
Blank stood their freezing his ass off patiently. He rubbed his shoulders with his numbing fingers and I hurried to make myself smellable, if that was really something to strive for. At last I tossed Blank the soap and ran from the showers. There were a few towels draped over the dock's railing. I took a soft fluffy white one and gave myself a good warm rub down.
I wrapped the towel about my waist and turned to see Blank washing himself over. I admired...
He was tall. He was slender but he had muscles. His shock of crimson hair nearly reached his shoulders when weighted with water. His tanned and pale patches of flesh glistened with the droplets. I've always been attracted to him. Only recently, I suppose as I've matured, have I began to fantasize... to dream about him. They were romantic. Romantic and loving. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to touch him. I wanted Blank, everything that he was.
I found myself unable to breathe as I continued to stare at my friend. He put down the soap and ran towards me quickly. I would have offered him a towel. I should have.
"Zidane, you alright?" Blank asked as he picked up a towel beside me. I closed my mouth from its gape and nodded.
"Yea, sorry. I was kinda zoning out." I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Blank smiled and threw the towel over his head, massaging the moisture from his hair. I watched his muscles flex in his biceps. I watched his stomach flatten and I stared at his hips.
Why did I have to confess how I felt while drunk? I slammed my palm against my forehead in frustration.
"Hurry and get dressed, we have curfew tonight. It's the third day. Usually the guards catch on by now." Blank reminded me. I nodded and hurried to collect my clothes. I still haven't mustered up the courage to take one little peek between his thighs. I fought and fought the urge until it was too late anyways. Blank was dressed and dry. Comfortable and clean. I was tying up my vest's front laces as he adjusted his headband's buckle.
"Shall we?" Blank motioned towards the gate that separated us from the Treno civilians.
I nodded and with that we hurried off into the endless night.
end of Part I