Author's notes: I don't do this bit often, but I will try to do it more. It's probably the reason the rest of my stories bombed

Anyway, I do not own pokemon, but that goes with out saying. If I did however, it would probably be a lot darker and a lot more fun, hehehe...


All that existed at that moment was the pain. I could not open my eyes to see what was causing it, partly because I didn't want to see what was causing it and partly because they were holding themselves shut instinctively, trying to block some of the pain - fat lot of good that did. I cried out in a silent, breathless scream through the pain that wracked my body. It was like being burnt, frozen, drowning and electrocuted all at the same time. On top of that, I had a migraine that could kill a bull elephant stone dead. That wasn't even the worst part. My mind was perfectly clear. It was as if I was being kept from unconsciousness - as though someone was getting some sort of sick satisfaction from my pain. Actually, the worst bit was that single thought; that single memory; that single sentence that echoed through my head. It was the last thing I said to my friends and family, everyone I had cared about up to this moment, mere seconds before this. Before the pain. Before any of this.

"Hay, what's the worst that could happen?"