Me: My first Sakura Centric!

Sakura: Yeah!

Naruto: Wout! Wout! Another fan fic.

Kiba: Wahoooh!

Shino/Sakuske/Neji/Gaara: Hn.

Kankuro: Wow.

Sai: .x.Anime-Lover.x. Doesn't own Naruto-

Lee: But she dose own this idea and many Manga.

Clean Up The Act

Summary: Haruno Sakura needs to clean up her act. She's always had her pink hair, her grades aren't so hot, teachers don't know whys she's such a bad influence. Why? Because of the band band called Ninja Revaluation,and her other guy friends. Now her family has had it with this act of hers. They're her are telling her to clean up her act or it's off to England for boarding school. How will her band mates and other guy friends deal with her massive change?

/Sakura centric/





"Ugh! Shut-up already!"




I always woke-up at 6:25 a.m. and still to this day it annoys me. Who am I well names Haruno Sakura, Sakura being my first name and Haruno last. My hair well it's not that normal its unique. By what I mean by this it's pink and my eyes their green. It's actually a good combination too. People assume that just because I'm in a band that I dyed my hair that color but no, I was born with this pink hair. Speaking of a band... I'm in one! Those years of vocal lesson's and performing have payed off.

One day we're going to be famous! I know we're thinking really big for a group of 17 year old's. One girl and four boys. The four boys are well... my best friends in this big bad world. We are like the three muscatires but their are five of! These boys are awesome they how can I say this: ROCK MY WORLD! I know it's an old saying but its true. I just notice something! Stupid me that I haven't even said their names. Well, there is...

Shikamaru Nara. He's my favorite genius with an IQ of 200! But he doesn't use it as much as I would I mean I got like an IQ of 198.99 but he beats me by 1.01 points on the smart scale. But we both don't use our minds as much as our parents would love. He has a pineapple for a head or it's in a shape of it. Hey, You need a big head for that kind of brain if you know what I mean. He's been playing the piano ever since he was 6! Six years old, man the boy is a genius! Famous words are What a drag and Troublesome.

Naruto Uzumaki. The prankster of my life! He makes me laugh when I'm down. This boy is crazy on the drums! I'm serious he can hit the drums for like five hours and will give you a killer headache after-words. Even if he is great on the drums he's pretty much a dope in Neji, Sauske, Sai, and Gaara's point of view. Even Shikamaru thinks so! Me I don't care really Kiba, him and me have been pulling pranks since we've meet form day one of my laughing life. BELIEVE IT! Naruto's favorite words.

Sauske Uchiha. The cold-hearted-bastard is my best friend though? He's the second prodigy of his clan after his big brother Itachi. Sauske put's it to much thought into it though. I have to admit, he's most famous words are Hn. and Aa. What do they mean? Any thing he wants! lolz. He's the best lead guitar I've ever met! Trust me just listen to the cores he plays it will blow you away! He's really smart not as smart as Shikamaru but he uses his brain in away I'm too lazy like Shikamaru to explain.

Neji Huyga. Well the boy is a prodigy of his clan. He is like a brick wall if you ask me. He's smart like Sauske and again he's famous words are Hn. and Aa. He's THEE best bass guitarist ever! Maybe even better than Sauske on lead but don't tell Sauske he would kill me. Neji looks a little old for his age I mean he looks like a 18 year old! But believe it or not he's 17 like me and the guys. He's the best of the best when it comes to sports but Sauske may differ.

Well those are my band mates. And Well that's them. I got other buddies like Gaara, Kankuro, Sai, Kiba, Shino, Lee, and Choji. Even Sauske's older bother Itachi and his friends are my friends. But when it come to being friends with girls count me out of it cause well, I've always have hung out with guys and not girls ever since I was well like in 3 grade. Call me one of the guys! The closest thing I got to a girl friend would be my gay friends who ROCK! My best gay friend would have to be Rock Lee. He may seem straight sometimes but he's really gay. He doesn't care either. I love him as a friend. Anyway back to the story...

I was on my bed and the first thing I saw was on my ceiling. It was my numerous amount of band posters. From Breaking Benjamin to Linkin Parks. Right now I'm really obsessed with Vampires/Werewolves and Sum 41! Why Vampires/Werewolves? Well, Thanks to the Twilight serious I've read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Sum 41 is like the best band to Shikamaru. He got me into them so it's not my fault.

"SAKURA, DEAR! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" yelled my mom from the kitchen. That's where I got my volume from.

"I KNOW! I'M COMING!" I yelled back. So I left my bed and got to my daily routine. Which was wake-up (unwillingly), get in the bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, take a shower, get dress, brush hair, grab my bag and song note book and after that go down stairs and eat breakfast.

When got out of the bathroom I stopped by to look at my reflection in the full length mirror. My hair in the usual style short and sweet as my friend Lee would say. A black T-shirt with Linkin Parks on it along with my tight jeans and gray Converse. I am who I am and I don't care what those girls say at school I said to myself.

I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen with my bag and song book.

"So, what's on the agenda today dear? Hanging out with Ino, Temari, Tenten or Hinata," my mom asked me. She dose this ever single day. She should know by know I don't hang out with them... well, not anymore. We just moved a part thats all.

"No ma'. I'm not, not today. I'm going to be with the guys," I said promptly cause well, I don't want to hurt her feelings by saying 'No ma. I don't hang out with them anymore! Get the picture I hang-out with boys now!"She and everyone else in my family doesn't really approve of me and my guy friends hang out. I mean they don't care sometimes it's just well, one girl allot of guys and their hormones along with their roughhousing. Not a good thin if you ask my family.

"Ohh... I see well, eat up bef-"

'Beep, beep'

Thank you kami! I thought to myself. Sauske's car was outside. Thank you thank you! I don't have to have another talk with mom.

"Well, mom that's my ride. Got to go. See yeah!" I said grabbing my toast and walking towards the door and said "I love you!" And close the door behind me.

I waked to the black Mercedes. Yes Sauske's car was a Black Mercedes. He's stink rich along with Neji!

The tinted windows rolled down to revile Sauske in the driver seat and his hand extending to the passenger door as he simply said "Hn."

I looked at the back seat no Naruto, Sai, Gaara, Neji or Kiba. "Where are the others?" I asked as I slided into the passenger seat and put my messenger bag to my feet.

Sauske locked the doors and just nodded and handed me his I-Phone. Man! That's what I hated about boys they never give you a straight answer.

I took the phone and I saw Naruto's number on the screan and ready to be called. Ohh Kami no not today!

"Sauske come on! Don't do this not this eairly," I said as i goarned the last part.

"Hn." He replied in responce and said "Put on your seatbelt. I don't want to get in trouble."

"WHAT?! So, raceing the guys on the way to school doesn't count as getting in trouble?!" I replied angerly. Not reaching for my seat-belt. Sauske completly ignored me and bent forward to my lamp reaching for my seat-belt and straped me in. After he did so, he looked up from his position and simply smirked.

"What? Is their something on my face?"


"Then, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Just cause." He said. Before I could retort he put his hand to my mouth and checked his watch.

"Well, You've wasited our time. And the guys and the dope are probly waiting at the starting point," Sauske began. "So, call Naruto on my phone for me and tell him that we're on our way. K?"

I looked at him then to the phone in my left hand. "Fine. but I don't like this." He smirked, AGAIN! and he says I'm annoying. But any ways he got off my lap and put the car out of park and into drive. He excelreted out of the drive way.

For a couple of seconds we didn't speak and I well looked at the I-Phone and pressed the call button. Sasuke keep his eyes on the road as I called Naruto and he said "Well, you don't have too."

I mentally shock my head and hear Naruto's voice throw the reviver.

"Teme! Where are you? Your taking forever."

"Naruto it's me Sakura."

"SAKURA-CHAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON SAUSKE'S PHONE?" I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"SHUT UP! Okay I'm in his car and we are on the way."

"Okay then! The guys and me getting rest least."

"Wait who's there fox-boi?" (Did I mention I have nicknames for them? Well I do.)

"Oh um. Gaara, Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, Sai and Shino. Well, Shino isn't really driving he's just sitting in Kiba's car during the race."

"Alright then. Bye fox-boi."

"See you later Cherry Blossom."

Beep beep...

That's the last thing I heard from Sauske's I-phone before he took it from my hand and put it in one of the cup holder's. I shook my head at his action's.

"What," Sauske said plainly.

"Nothing..." Sauske shook his head at what I said and then replied "You know that's very unattractive."

"What's unattractive?!" I said angrily and I think he noticed too.


"What's that?!"

"Not giving a straight answer."

"This coming from someone who says Hn. and Aa. like it's the big's word in the dictionary."

"Hn." He replied not even looking at me. Well, he can't cause he's driving but you get what I mean. After that we rode in silence. The next thing I knew I was hearing Naruto yelling "TEME! SAKURA-CHAN! THERE YOU ARE!"

Sauske stopped the car with eases and cut the engine. He unlock the doors and I got out of car and well, I was takin' by the waist by one of my boys. Who? Well, he had brown hair and red triangles on both checks. His dog was around us running like there was no tomorrow.

"Kiba let go of her," Shino said plainly. Shino was never found with out his sun glasses. To be honest, before I die I want too see his eyes! If their the kind a girl would look at for hours on end or if their the kind a girl wouldn't even bother to look at.

"Whatever Shino. Your just jealous I got to her first." Kiba stated as he let go of me. Shino pushed his glasses. As usual! Nothings changed with him. "Right... No offence Sakura."

"None takein' Shin." I said with a giggle. He didn't appreciate me saying his nickname. "Please Sakura. Shino." Alirght Shin." He grunted and walked inside Kiba's car. I looked at the boys Narto and Kiba aruging again! I mean they are really non stop bickering. Shino in Kiba's car listening to 'I love Rock in' Rool' I love the song! Shikamaru in his Lime-green Lamborghini with the driver's door open and Sai with his arm on the door talking to Shikamaru. Neji, Sauske and Gaara checking out Naruto's engine.

I checked my watch 7:15. Man when are they going to get this over with? I thought. I ran over Gaara/Sauske/Neji they all looked at me with a confued look. Hello! I want to go to school! I don't know why I just want too get this over with and that way I can go to band practice in my garage. I know but we do preform at places. Then it hit me I need to tell Gaara...

"Panda-chan do you love me?" I asked like a five year older begging their mom for ice cream. Gaara looked at me and signed "Why?"

"Well, you know how my cousin's getting married this Saturday and she invited everyone of your guys family."

Gaara shock his head. It's like he already knew what I was asking him! "Yes..."

"Alright. So, how much do you love me," I repeated. Sauske and Neji looked lost. Gaara on the other hand hated this as much as I did.

"I love you like a sister." Gaara answered me. Some how I could feel he was lying in a way.

"Well, can you do your non-sister a favor?" I felt I was in pain right now. I didn't even want to ask him this. But it was either him or one of my gross cousins but some were gross but the ones that couldn't have dates I can't say no more.

"Just say it already," Gaara said.

"Mycousinwant'smetohaveastupiddatefortheweddingandwellI'maskingyoutogowithme," I paused and then continued, "it'seitheryouroroneofmynastycousins." I know what your thinking. How can I say that much all together. Remember I have strong lungs cause I'm well, a singer.

"Wait what?' Naruto and Kiba said together.

When did they get here?!

I have know idea.

I though you were at Puro I.S.

Yeah but I'm back!


I know you missed me

Sure and the tooth fairy is real.


That's I.S. She's my inner. She's annoying sometimes and others she's helpful. But right now I wish she was still on vacation. Hey! See what I mean.

"Naruto, Kiba she said and I quote: My cousin wants me to have a stupid date for the wedding and well I'm asking you to go with me it's either your or one of my nasty cousins. end quote." Neji said. I mouthed Thank you too him and he nodded.

"So, Gaara. You know I hate this but will you please! Please, please, please Panda-chan!"

"Fine, but no Panda-chan for a week."

"Is that a yes?? Hm?"

"Yes it's yes." I jumped and hugged him. He simply hugged back and so on. He smelled really good I think it was a new colon... Wait!? What? Did I just say what I think I just said? Well, thought but still. Gaara was my friend maybe my best friend. When did I ever consider that he smelled good. Man! Maybe it was my pancakes this morning.

In the back round I heard Naruto and Kiba making animal noises. Sauske, Shikamaru and Neji grunting and Shino and Sai just signing loud enough to make me let go of Gaara.

"Aright, when are we going to race," I asked quickly. The boys all nodded and went to their cars.

Each car drove to the first stop light and waited for it too turn green. I looked at Sauske he looked mad but why? Was he jealousthat I hugged Gaara? Nah! Never... I guess. I dediced before the light went green that we'd talk."Sauske what's with you?"

"Nothing okay I need to concentrate." He said plainly.

"Are you sure cause you look mad," I said quitely. He signed. His expression changed it had a small smile.

"Nothing alright. Nothing to your concern," and we left it at that cause the next thing I knew we were going fast. Over the rode I loved the sound of the engine going as much as I loved hearing the sound of the drums, guitars, and piano going as I sang. I didn't hate racing that much it just I wanted to be in front of the wheel driving and cruising trying to get in the lead of the rest of my compition. Then we were at school. I heard Sauske cut the engine and say my name.

"Huh?" He chuckled and said "We're at school." I looked at him he was unlocking the doors. "Who won," I asked.

"You didn't see?" I nodded. "Well, it was Neji..." Sauske always get's mad when Neji or Naruto bet him at something.

As we got out of the car I saw Ino walk to me and guys in her cheerleading uniform. Why? I have no idea. So, I just went to the guys myself.

"Congrate's Nej!" I said as I walked to the boys to Neji's silver Volvo. It reminded me of Edward Cullen's car from Twilight.

"Thank you. So, what dose the winner get?" He asked.

"Nothing if he keeps that up,' came a voice that only belonged to the one and only Lee! He was a with Choji and Kankuro.

I laughed and said hi to the other's untill...

"Hi guys! How are you?"

Kami no! Why? Ino...

Me: What you think? Tell me in your reviews!

The boys: R&R. .x.Anime-Lover.x. will accept any flamers from u readers. and Cheek out her two other fics, Welcome 2 THEE Way Of The Street, My Girl or My Best Friend and Skater Girls and Boys.

Sakura: Ja-Ne!