A/N: LOOK! 8D I told you I would make a sequel. And if there are any people who hasn't read "You're mine now", I highly suggest that you GO AND READ IT! Beacuse you will probably not understand half of the things that'll happen in this one if you haven't read YMN. I have no idea how long this sequel will be.. At least more than eight chapters?
So, it has now been two years since YMN, everyone has grown up.
Sakura has chosen her country over her love, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she has forgotten about him, or does it? Read and find out, my beautiful darlings! :'3
Disclaimer: I don't even wanna say it anymore!
Recap of how YMN ended:
"Gaara, I love you!"
But Gaara just kept walking. This made Sakura really sad. But what she couldn't see was a smile, on Gaara's lips. But since she couldn't see it she just turned around and walked towards the palace, where Hinata stood waiting by the door. With Naruto by her side. They both offered her to have them as company until she felt better, but she turned them down. She told them that she needed some alone time. She walked up to her room and closed the door. The first tear rolled down her cheek. She was on her way to go and sit down on her bed, but before she had the chance she noticed a white letter that was laying on the bed. She grabbed it and opened it. What stood there made her eyes go wide.
I love you too!
She walked out on the balcony just in time to see his ship sail away. "Some day, we will meet again. I promise, Sabaku no Gaara."
End of YMN recap
A very beautiful, pink haired girl in a white dress with pink, small flowers all over it walked back and forth in her room. Why? Well, she was waiting for her two best friends to come and save her from an early death. Even though she wasn't going to die for real, she was just going to die in her own mind. She didn't want to go, why did she have to go?
The girl was of course named Haruno Sakura and she was the princess of Konoha and now 17½ years old. Two years ago something big happened in her life, both positive and negative. The positive thing was that she fell in love and the negative thing was the he had to leave. Now, she was going to get married, to her former love. Not the one from two years ago, because she still loved him. No, she was going to get married to a commander, Uchiha Sasuke. And her parents couldn't be happier. She, on the other hand, hated him. They had been close friends since they were little and she had a huge crush on him when they were younger, but that love disappeared, with it her friendship with him and bom: Before you know it, they're getting married. Well, that marriage had been planed since they were children, so it wasn't such a surprise. The day she turned 18, they would be getting married. And that was in three months. Desperate isn't fitting in to how Sakura feels every day when she wakes up, she was going crazy!
"Hey, I am the princess' best friend and you know it!" someone said shouted outside the door, or shouted was mote like it. Well, how loud it was isn't important. What's important is that it woke Sakura from hear thoughts. She recognized hat voice.
She smiled and walked over to the door and opened it. Outside stood two soldiers and a blond, blue-eyed male with a very irritated look on his face, but when he saw Sakura he smiled.
"Hello Naruto", she said and smiled back.
"You know this boy, princess?" one of the guards asked.
Sakura looked at him like he was stupid, but then she realized that he must he new. She nodded and the guards let Naruto into the room, after that they both closed the door and Naruto and Sakura were left alone.
"Where is Hinata?" Sakura asked after a moment of silence.
Naruto told her that Hinata had to go with her parents to see her aunt because it was her birthday, or something like that. Naruto didn't really remember, that made Sakura laugh a little. Naruto always forgot things, but Sakura still loved him and Hinata did too. But since they were a couple that was understandable. They had been together for two years now and they were planing on getting married sometime soon actually. Naruto was a former pirate, or he still was a pirate at heart... But the citizens of Konoha didn't know that. He was a former crew member of the love of Sakura's life too. She didn't even want to think his name, because even that would make her sad.
So, since she didn't want to get depressed, she shook mentally shook her head and smiled at Naruto who had just started walking towards the door to the balcony. He opened it and turned around and looked at Sakura with a smirk on his face. She looked at him, confused. Why was he looking at her like that?
"You told me that you wanted to run away from the big event today, right?" he asked and she nodded, still not understanding what he wanted to tell her, "I think I know how I can help you with that!"
He pointed in the direction of the edge of the balcony. Sakura looked at him with the same confusion as before. Then she realised what he meant and looked at him with big eyes. Was he crazy? She couldn't.. She was wearing a dress! Couldn't he see that?
"Naruto, have you not seen that I am wearing a dress? And you can not be serious if you want me to climb down from that balcony and somehow make my way to the ground alive?" she said and yet again looked at him like he was crazy.
He just smirked and nodded, as an answer to both question at the same time. Sakura sighted and shook her head. He had to be at least a little crazy at the moment. He started walking towards the edge of the balcony, when he was there he motioned her to follow him.
"I'll help you, I promise", he said and looked at her with a little more serious face than before. She bit her lip and then nodded and started to walk towards him. It must be a true miracle that the guards hadn't heard anything of what they had said, since guards are supposed to hear and see everything. But, since the guards outside the door seemed to be new, it wasn't so strange if they weren't that observant. They hadn't been here two years ago.
And would Sakura be desperate since she agreed on running away from todays event? No, how could you ever think something like that about her? Well, yes she was quite desperate. Not even her parents who she loved could make her do it willingly. Never.
After checking that the coast was clear, Naruto slowly helped Sakura climb down the wall to get to the ground, literally. You may wonder how they made it all the way down to the ground in one piece since Sakura was wearing that wonderful dress? Well, that is a miracle in itself. The other miracle was that no one saw them. Seriously, how could they be so lucky? Sakura was just waiting for someone to come around the corner and see them. Then that person would take her to the even of the day and she would officially be dead. Not that she would mind, rather dead than.. She shuddered at the thought. She wasn't supposed to feel that way, it was her duty as a princess but.. She just didn't want to do it. Why didn't she have a free will? Why?
"Thank you Naruto", she said and gave him a quick hug when they had made their way to the huge garden in the backyard. Sakura had spent hours there under the last two years. It was the place where she had first started to live. It was the place where she had gotten kidnapped, by his crew.
They sat down on a bench. The whole garden was like a labyrinth, so they would be able to be alone for at least a little while. Only Sakura seemed to know exactly where to go if she wanted to get to certain places. There was a lake located in the middle, for Sakura it took about ten minutes to get there, for everyone else it could take half a day if they weren't concentrated.
"I'm sure Ino would love it here", Naruto suddenly said. Sakura looked at him for a moment before nodding. Ino would sure love it, flowers and plants and everything that was related to that, she loved it. Sakura remembered that Ino had told her that every time she was sad she always found a place where flowers grew when they stopped to get surplice. It calmed her down.
"Yes, I am sure she would", Sakura said and looked down on the ground.
They sat there for a moment and just thought for themselves, Naruto thought about Hinata.. Of course. And Sakura couldn't help but think about two years ago, even though she didn't want to.
"I see her! She is over there!" could suddenly be heard all over the garden. Sakura's eyes were as big as saucers. How the heck had they found her? Both her and Naruto looked around, it was just them there. But soon enough they were joined by at least five soldiers and.. Sasuke. Sakura glared at him before looking away, Naruto did the same although he didn't look away. Sasuke just smirked at both of them.
"Uzumaki, how nice to see you with my future wife.. And Konoha's future Queen", he said after a little while. Naruto gave him a death glare and Sasuke just laughed lightly at this.
"Uchiha, how nice to see you here, about to take my best friend away from me", Naruto said. He had to make sure that he wasn't going to just jump on Sasuke and start to punch him and all sorts of things. Because there wasn't going to be a Uzumaki Naruto after that. He hated Sasuke more than anyone, but he didn't show it as much now as he did before, when he was classed as a pure pirate. He'd been accepted by Konoha now (even though they didn't know anything about his past), so it wasn't time to make himself.. Unaccepted.
Sasuke laughed again and then he made a sign to the soldiers who nodded. They walked over to Sakura, asking her nicly first to come with them. But she didn't want to, so it all ended with her being forsed to walk forwards. Sasuke was walking in front of her. Naruto wasn't anywhere in sight, he wasn't allowed to follow them.
"Look who I found in the garden", Sasuke almost yelled when they had reached the palace again.
The King and Queen of Konoha – Sakuras parents that is – walked out of the big dining room where they had their meals at night and also breakfast. The King was tall, had grey hair that once had been brown, green emerald eyes and a masculine and handsome face. The Queen was one of the most beautiful woman in Konoha, even though she wasn't one of the youngest nowadays. Her pink hair was starting to loose its color, the ocean blue eyes were still full of life and even though she wasn't that tall, she still knew how to stand up for herself. Something her husband had loved about her since the day they met. They had been married for over twenty years now and only death could keep them apart. But, even when they died Sakura – their only daughter and only child for that matter – was going to make sure that Konoha didn't fall apart.
"Darling!" the Queen cried out, almost running towards her daughter and hugged her when she reached her, "where have you been? We were so worried.. And it's almost time for you to-"
"Mother", Sakura interrupteed her and sighted. She backed away from her mother when the hug was over, "I told you I do not want to go!"
Her mother looked at her with a sad look, then she turned around and looked at her husband with a look that told him that he had to help her. He sighted and nodded, walking over to the two females that he loved more than anything.
"Sakura, you know you have to go, you do not have a choise! Even if you do not want to do it for you or us, do it for Konoha.. Since they are going to be a part of this for many years", her father said and looked at her with a smile.
Sakura looked at her father with an irritated look for some seconds, but then the look on her face changed slightly and she sighted. Why did he have to convince her to do things she didn't want to do all the time? When she was five, he'd convinced her to be nice to her older cousin who kept being mean to her.. And that hasn't really helped anyone so far. When she was nine, he'd convince her that it was a good thing that.. Well, she really didn't remember what had happened that time, all she could remember that it'd actually ended well that time, thank god. But she still didn't like the fact that he could make her agree on things he wanted her to do. It was annoying.
"Okay, mother", was her only answer.
Her parents smiled at her and her mother gave her a quick hug too. "And remember that you have to look really happy when it is over.. Because that is what they are expecting you to be, honey!"
Sakura looked at her mother for a second or two before nodding. She sighted again. Hello, my name is Haruno Sakura.. Welcome to hell.
45 minutes later
The citizens of Konoha had gathered by the entrance to the palace, waiting for the king, Queen and princess to walk out on the big balcony just over the gate. That's where they always stood when there was a announcement and similar things. And this time.. The citizens of Konoha didn't know what was going on. They had only been informed to be present at one p.m that day.
"Citizens of Konoha, I give you the king, Queen and princess!" a man in a fancy outfit yelled out from his place on the balcony, every single head down on the ground turned to look at the balcony. Applause broke out when the three mentioned people entered daylight.
Sakura sighted and then put on the most real fake-smile she could manage.
"You may wonder why you were asked to be present today?" the king started, he got a few nods from some people, "you will get to know very soon!"
He turned around and looked at Sakura, motioned her to walk forward so everyone could see her. She bit her lip slightly and started to doubt that this would turn out well. Her mother looked at her with a begging look. Oh, how Sakura hated that look. It allways got her to feel bad when she'd done something wrong, if she didn't feel bad already of course.
"Sakura, please", her mother almost whispered to her. This made Sakura sight again, then she walked over to her dad.
"Sakura, the princess of Konoha.. My only daughter has something to tell you that will effect you all for many years!" he said and confused mumbling could be heard from the people on the ground. Her father motioned her to start telling them what was going on and she nodded. She kind of hoped that something would happen so she didn't have to go through with this, but she knew that nothing would happen, so she just took a deep breath and dived in – head first.
"Citizens of Konoha, it is my great pleasure to tell you that.. I will be getting married to Uchiha Sasuke on my 18th birthday!" only seconds after she had finished her sentence, a wave of overly joyed screams echoed all over Konoha. This was what they had been waiting for since she was fifteen. They knew that the marriage had been decided since both Sakura and Sasuke were very young, but there had been no news what so ever about the wedding the last few years, so they had started to think that.. Maybe the wedding wasn't going to happen. But now they were all very happy.
Well, everyone except two people in the crowd. One of them had blond hair put up in four pig tales, she looked quite intimidating when she stood there, quite irritated. The other one had brown hair that was put up in two buns. You could tell by just looking at her that she was good with weapons. As fast as Sakura had revealed the big news, they were gone, heading towards the harbour. But no one payed attention to them.
And when a male that was at the same age as Sakura stept out on the balcony, fangirl screams broke out all over the place. The guys in the crowd were happy to just clap their hands a little, but the girls went crazy. Kind of. Yes, Uchiha Sasuke had entered the picture yet again. He was dressed in his navy suit with all of the medals on it. He smirked at the crowds reaction.
"Thank you", he said and bowed a little, making the fan-girls scream again. Even the Queen had a second of fan-girl.. ism.
Sasuke put a hand around Sakuras waist, earning a quick glare from her. But then she put on that fake-smile again and they both royally wave to the people. After that, it was time to get inside and get changed because only an hour later, there was going to be a party to celebrate the upcoming marriage..
.. And when that hour had past, Sakura had changed into a golden dress with white details. Her hair was put up in a very beautiful bun on the back of her head, golden petals for details. Only the richest and most important people were invited. The party was held in one of the bigger halls in the palace, you could go out on one of the bigger balconies to have a look at the backyard if you wanted to take some air. And if you looked to the right when you were out there, you could clearly see the harbour.
When Sakura entered the big hall, all heads were turned to look at her. Adoring smiles came from all the older ladies that were invited. They all wished that they could look as beautiful as she again. But they all knew that it wasn't going to happen. An hour into the party, dancing was the main event. Sakura and Sasuke got the first dance and then everyone else entered the dance floor. Two and a half hour into the party, Sakura got tired of dancing, so she went outside on the balcony. Of course, Sasuke followed her. He wasn't going to let her go anywhere by herself now that he finally had her as his.
There were only a few persons besides Sasuke and Sakura out on the balcony, so Sasuke took his chance. He walked over to Sakura, who was standing with her back against him – looking at the backyard, and spun her around. She looked at him with a surprised look. She hadn't heard that he'd followed her. Well, she was kind of in her own world, so it wasn't so strange. She was sad that Naruto couldn't come to her party. Hinata wasn't there either, she couldn't bring Naruto since he wasn't rich, nor important so she'd rather spend time with him than go.
Sasuke smirked and leaned in to kiss Sakura for the first time in his life, but apparently, Sakura had other ideas, since she turned her head away and mumbled so only he could hear; "Look, if you ever try to kiss me, I will have your head chopped off!"
The remaining people out on the balcony looked at them with surprised faces. Sasuke glanced at them. Seconds later he put on a fake smile and laughed a little, shaking his head.
"Do not worry, she is just.. A little tired, that is all!" he said to the few people. They just nodded and walked inside. Sasuke closed his eyes to calm down slightly. Then he opened them again and looked at Sakura who was still standing very close, since he had his arms around her waist. She didn't looking happy at all, "now you look, I do not care what you want, you are the princess and this marriage has been planed since we were children, so you do not go and ruin this for me! I am going to become the king of Konoha and you are not going to take that way from me, got it?"
They were now glaring at each other. But after a little while, Sakura sighted and nodded. She didn't have the patience to argue with him about it any longer. Sasuke smiled at his victory and let her go.
"But if you ever try to kiss my again, you are dead!" she said and glared at him one last time before both of them walked inside. The moment they entered the big hall again, the fake-smiles were on again.
Then they parted as three older fan-girls of Sasuke just had to get an autograph each. Sakura shook her head and walked over to where her mother was sitting and having a quiet chat with one of the richest ladies in Konoha. But when Sakura approached, the lady curtsied and walked away. Sakura sat down beside her mother.
"Sakura, please. I know that you do not want to marry Sasuke anymore, but you know that there is nothing you can do. This has been decided since you were very little! And everyone are counting on you to do this, including myself, since me and your father are not going to live forever. And.. Uchiha Sasuke is a very sweet and sensitive boy!" her mother said when she saw the annoyed look on her daughters face.
"Yeah right!" Sakura said, earning a sharp look from her mother.
"Okay, I am sorry mother. If this means so much to you and everyone else, I guess I am going to go through with this", Sakura said and gave her mother a quick hug. Sure, she wasn't going to be happy but at least she would make her mother, father and Konoha happy.
Even out on open sea, you could hear all the laughter and the music that was being played. The people were happy, even though everyone knew that the king and Queen weren't going to live forever, they were happy to know that they were soon going to have a new king and Queen. But no happiness lasts forever, because in the far distance trouble was waiting. And trouble had flaming red hair.
First chapter of second story in this whole pirate – thingy I've started. What did you guys think? Hope you liked it! And if you did: R&R! And if you didn't.. Well, Gaara's waiting for you in behind your door!
Oh, and Gaara's going to show up in the next chapter. So don't be worried! Now.. Bye!
Edited: 13/5 – 10