Disclaimer: See Prologue

One Day At a Time- Chapter 11




Thanks for the reviews!

I'm trying a different point of view this time. I felt the need to change it up a bit, maybe I'll find it easier to write this way.






The movie ended about forty-five minutes ago and I had been staring at the wall ever since the credits ended and the screen blackened. Hou…Dad, I guess, had fallen asleep. I didn't have the heart to wake him He's been with me at the hospital ever since I was admitted and I doubt he's been sleeping much. Besides, I had a lot to go over in my head.

My dad and I had had a moment, if you want to call it that. I'm not one for all that sappy stuff but when you've been as sick as I have been your outlook changes. Who knows; maybe I fried too many brain cells

I have to admit, I was pretty surprised when dad semi-expressed his feelings…or well expressed them as much as was possible for someone who hide their feelings within the inner depths of their soul. Dad saying what he did was pretty much the same thing as him actually saying I Love You. And considering we haven't been around each other all that much, it's a huge deal.

I wonder if he's ever said those three words. I mean, he was with my mom, and I mean with and I definitely wasn't the result of a one-night stand. There was some emotion, no matter how nonsensical, involved in that relationship. Yes, it only lasted a relatively short span of time, they were never married etcetera but they were always civil to each other and I could tell by just looking in their eyes when they spoke to each other that there was a deep mutual feeling of love, or something like it.

God I missed mom. We were truly best friends. I told her everything and I knew she would never criticize me for my choices. And now here I am, without my confidant.

I could feel a deep-seated feeling of anger bubble up within the pit of my stomach. She left me. She didn't take care of herself when she was sick and she left me with my emotionally retarded father. My anger was boiling over.

I took a deep breath.

I wasn't just angry with her. I was angry with myself. Had she not been so concerned with me and my problems she would have had more time for herself. She could have taken the time to get herself healthy.

The woman who loved me for everything I did, who never judged any choice I made was gone. And now here I am, sitting in a relatively similar position judging her. I choked back a sob and quickly wiped away the few tears that had managed to make their way down my face. The last thing I needed was my dad to catch me crying.

I turned my thoughts from my mom, not healthy to dwell on the past. Especially when you can't change it. Best to look towards the future. Ugh…the future. That meant returning to my dad's apartment. That also meant establishing a healthier relationship with him. I snorted. Was that even possible?

I should really stop being so negative. I need to at least make an attempt to "bond" with my dad. If not for myself then for him. And mom. She would be devastated if she knew how I was acting. I mentally slapped myself. From here on I would try my hardest to let my dad into my life.

I stopped staring at the wall ahead of me and briefly closed my eyes to quickly say an impromptu prayer to whoever happened to be listening. I opened my eyes to find Chase, well Dr. Chase if I'm supposed to be polite, staring at me.

"You okay Liz?" What a gorgeous accent. I gazed into his eyes too stunned to respond. They were filled with worry…for me?


"Uhhh…" Think quick doofus. Like he doesn't have enough teenage girls…well all ages of the opposite sex, and probably many of the male species drooling all over him.

"Sorry about that. I was lost in my thoughts." I quickly gave him a goofy grin and acted like I wasn't completely mortified.

"Well I have some great news." He glanced over to where Dad was still snoozing. "Hang on, let me wake up your dad." He gently shook House until he was coherent enough to listen to Chase's report.

"Like I was saying before. I have some great news. The blood work we drew most recently is back. And it's looking very very good. I'd like to think you'll be breakin' outta here sometime tomorrow as long as you continue to improve. And with the promise that you will continue to rest."

I almost squealed. Thank God I managed to catch that. I would be unable to show my face again around Chase had he heard that. But I couldn't keep myself from grinning like an idiot.

"Really? I can go home tomorrow?"

"I don't see why not. Especially since House will be there to help you rest and recover."

Had I the strength I would have jumped out of my bed and hugged Chase. Wow, good thing I was still weak. I would have once again embarrassed myself to unimaginable heights.

"Thanks Doctor Chase. That's excellent to hear. I can't wait." He gave me one last amazing heart melting smile before he left. I couldn't help but grin back.

"Like, are you okay? Are you starting to feel sick again?" I turned to face my dad. This wasn't one of his jokes, he looked genuinely concerned. "Maybe we should have you stay an extra day just incase. I don't want you to relapse."

Oh God. He thought I was feeling sick again? That means I must have looked sick. That means I must have been making a strange face. That means I must have been making a strange face at Chase. Oh my God. I am officially humiliated. Dr. Chase must think I am the strangest most spastic girl in New Jersey.

"Dad, really. I'm perfectly fine." Physically. Mentally, I don't think I'll ever recover. I must have been voicing my thoughts on my face again because Dad burst out in hysterics. I covered my face with my arm to prevent further embarrassment and groaned. Only a day and half left.








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