Naruto: Alternate Beginning of a Legend

Naruto: Alternate Beginning of a Legend

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or any of the names related to any characters in any anime series.

SUMMARY: Seven-year old Naruto, on a visit to Suna with Sandaime Hokage finds Sasori's old bedroom, and begins to learn the puppet technique. Naru/Rin. Alternate Universe.

Chapter 8: The Return of Uchiha Madara

Sarutobi eyed the young black cloaked Uchiha with surprise. He could not believe what Uchiha Itachi just said.

"You joined the Akatsuki?" Sarutobi asked wryly.

"Hai, Sarutobi-sama...I thought that I could keep an eye on them," Itachi said defensively.

Sarutobi stood up and walked over to the window. He looked out at the large gates of the Rashomon and the ANBU trying to get through it. He sighed lightly, taking the pipe from his mouth.

"You are now allied with Uchiha Madara, self-proclaimed Mizukage and a founder of Konohagakure?" Sarutobi asked.

"H-He's sensei," Itachi admitted. "B-but my loyalty lies with Konoha..."

Sarutobi removed the Hokage hat, revealing that he was indeed wearing battle armor.

"So you are allied with the man that is trying to kill or capture my student?" Sarutobi asked a hint of anger in his normally calm voice.

Itachi was taken aback, his eyes nervously activating the Sharingan.

"Naruto-san...he...he is the container for the Kyuubi no Kitsune and..." Itachi trailed off.

Sarutobi removed the cloak next. "If that is all you have to say in your defense...then I have reason to believe that you have been brainwashed by the council...and that you will either turn yourself in as an S-ranked criminal or die facing me in battle. Those are your choices."

Itachi narrowed his eyes. "You have already forced me to murder my Clan and commit the highest of treason. Now you wish to kill me after all that?"

Sarutobi looked down. "The council thought that the Uchiha were gaining too much power. I agreed with them. It was decided that the Uchiha be destroyed before they took over Konoha."

Itachi nodded. "Yes, the Uchiha were even planning a coup d'état," he said.

"Yes, and you see that I have reason to defend my country. It was too suspicious to have you remain in the village," Sarutobi admitted.

"I see...but after the battle you will report to me every month...and if I am to will report to the Hokage that takes my place...mainly Naruto," Sarutobi explained.

Itachi sighed. "I will, our parts," he said, drawing his katana and disappearing to the roof of the Hokage tower.

Sarutobi sighed and did the same, drawing a wooden staff.

'Naruto...please be alright...'


Naruto was faring very well against Uchiha Madara. He even thought that he had defeated him when rose from the ground. He was completely healed, while the bruised, winded Naruto was very far from it.

The Uchiha patriarch was very strong; in fact...he was the strongest ninja that Naruto had ever come close to fighting. He was stronger than Orochimaru and the Yondaime Tsuchikage.

"Naruto-kun...I do not think that I will be able to capture you this time...but I can make up for it...I think that Sarutobi isn't faring well against Itachi-san," Madara said, his voice full of disdain.

"Sarutobi-sensei may be old...but he is very strong...he is revered as the god of all shinobi," Naruto said defensively.

"Oh, Naruto-kun...I am a legendary figure that shinobi looked up to as well..." Madara sighed and put a hand over his chest as if revisiting an old memory. "I have seen that you are quite popular in today's current bingo book. You are said to be the ANBU Shirei, the right hand to the Hokage, and an S-rank Jounin of Konohagakure.

"Yes, I am. I am the Head of the Uzumaki Clan, and the ANBU Shirei. Since I signed the adoption forms and mixed my blood with that of the children I adopted from the orphanage, they are Uzumaki Clan children. Some will even activate the dojutsu and skills, if given time," Naruto said with firm pride.

"Naruto-kun, get I was merely toying with you....there are people in this world much stronger than you. Get that in your head. I must save my student....Until next we meet...farewell!" Madara chuckled. He then made his way over to Naruto. Naruto was barely able to raise his arms in defense before he passed out. Madara sighed and ordered his four gate shinobi to release the gate walls. They did so and joined him, sneaking out right under the noses of the ANBU.

"Shirei-sama!" They whispered and took to the many rooftops to get to the large one in the center, where an unconscious and bruised Naruto was.


Sarutobi kicked the young Uchiha prodigy in the chest, sending him into a backwards roll on the roof of the Hokage tower.

"Doton: Doryudan!" Sarutobi exclaimed as he finished his handseals. He sent out an earth dragon to fire three earthen missiles at Itachi's dazed form.

Itachi jumped into the air and shifted to the side to dodge the incoming attack.

"Sandaime-sama, how do you expect to defeat me when you use such mundane efforts?" Itachi asked, expecting more from the old man.

"He was merely trying to delay you, young child. Do not fool around. Finish this old man! Even if I cannot capture the Kyuubi child without a full-scale war erupting, then I will at least cripple their defenses enormously by killing the infamous Sandaime Hokage," Madara gasped evilly as he prepared to activate his eternal Mangekyo Sharingan twice in one day.

"Hokage-sama!" a voice said. Climbing up from on of the holes was the Vice Commander of the ANBU, Hatake Kakashi.

"Kakashi-kun...please leave this place...I am about to die at the hands of Uchiha Madara, a SS-rank nukenin formerly of Konohagakure during the time period of the Shodai Hokage. Please add him to the bingo book," Sarutobi said calmly, relaxing slightly that Madara was unable to capture Naruto.

"U-Uchiha...Madara?" the young Sharingan user asked quietly.


" of the final Sharingan users...pity you're not a member of the Uchiha Clan...heh...I would have enjoyed killing have more potential than Sarutobi-kun and I would have in several lifetimes." He turned to Sarutobi. "I had hoped to see Sasuke-kun before I left...but I guess my time is up here. As much as I would like to, I cannot simply bring myself to destroy this village."

"Hokage-sama...what do we do?" Kakashi asked, waiting for Madara and Itachi to attack.

Madara and Itachi vanished into a swirl of darkness, just as several ANBU came up through one of the holes in the ceiling.


A/N: Well, that is the end of Chapter 8 of 'Naruto: Alternate Beginnings. I apologize for the very late post, but I had personal issues to deal with, school, and the like.

Next chapter should come out in about...a week.

Until next time

-Shodai Fuzeikage