AN: Thanks to those who reviewed

AN: Hey everyone, this is my first ever Camp Rock fanfic, so please give it a chance. I don't know how long this will be, but what I can say is that I felt inspired after I saw the movie. Let's pretend that it isn't the last day of camp (they have a few more days there) and that this starts right after the end of the final jam session (after the Camp Rock (We Rock) song in Mitchie's cabin (Tess, Peggy, and Ella are out)…

Chapter 1 – At the Lake

"Hey Mitchie, do you want to go hang out in my cabin? Lola and everyone else are out." Caitlyn asked.

"Sorry, Caitlyn, I promised Shane I'd meet him by the canoes," Mitchie said, hastily grabbing her coat after she gave herself one last look at her appearance in the mirror.

"So, I guess it's true then," Caitlyn smiled mysteriously. "What everyone else has been saying for the past few days."

"What?" Mitchie said, too preoccupied with meeting Shane.

"That you and Shane are an item," Caitlyn said, shrieking as Mitchie strode over to her bed, grabbed her pillow, and whacked Caitlyn with it.

"Mitchie!" Caitlyn couldn't help protesting. "What was that for?"

"Shane and I are NOT an item," Mitchie insisted. "We're…just friends."

"Sure," Caitlyn said uncertainly. "So that's why you've been hanging out with him all summer long?" She ignored the look that Mitchie threw at her, remembering all the conversations they had about Shane and Connect Three. Caitlyn blushed on the inside as she thought of Nate, one of the other members of the band. But she didn't want to tell Mitchie just yet.

"I'm not going to answer that," Mitchie said, glancing at her watch. "I gotta go,"

"You've gotta find him," Caitlyn sang, laughing when she heard Mitchie slam the door behind her.

At the pier:

"Hey, Mitchie," Shane said, sitting by one of the canoes.

"Shane, hi," Mitchie said breathlessly. She commanded herself silently to not act like one of his many female fans. After all, she and Shane had spent a lot of time together over the past summer.

"So, you wanna get in one of these things?" Shane said, glancing over at the canoe.

"Yeah," Mitchie said, wondering why he wanted to meet her tonight, of all nights.

Shane flipped over the canoe (it was face-down), dragged it over to the edge of the water, and helped Mitchie inside. He then pushed it so it was afloat, then jumped into the canoe.

Shane took the oars and rowed out to the middle of the lake. They sat together, deep in their thoughts, until Mitchie couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence. "What are we doing here?"

"I…um, well," Shane mumbled, trying not to get nervous, but failing miserably. He recovered quickly though. "It's beautiful out here, under the stars. It's a perfect moonlit night," He said, glancing up at the stars twinkling above them.

"Yeah, it is," Mitchie couldn't help but follow his gaze. She loved being outside at night, especially under the stars and the moon.

"It really inspires me sometimes," Shane said quietly.

"Yeah, me too," Mitchie said. "I just look at the stars, and suddenly I can't help but write a song about it, you know?"

"That's not what I meant," Shane said, lowering his gaze from the stars to Mitchie. "Mitchie, I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it."

"What is it? What's wrong? Is it Nate? Jason? You?" Mitchie looked worried.

"No, it's not Nate or Jason, and nothing's wrong," Shane said, trying to calm down even though his heart was beating a mile a minute. He took a deep breath, then slowly blew out. "I like you, Mitchie."

"I like you too, Shane," Mitchie said, obviously not understanding what Shane was trying to say. "I love hanging out with you, you're a great friend."

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, I like you. As more than a friend. I didn't know how to tell you before, because we've become really good friends, but I don't want things to change between us. Have they?" Shane asked hopefully, taking her hand in his.

"I…I don't know," Mitchie breathed out. "Shane…I like you too. But…"

"But what?" Shane said, pulling his hand away from hers.

"I don't think I like you…the way you like me. But I don't know for sure…" Mitchie said sadly.

"No, I think you do know, you just don't want to tell me because you think you'll hurt me. Again." Shane paused, then continued. "You know what? This was a mistake, coming out here. I think we should just go back to camp and pretend this night never happened. And until you know what you decide, about us, I don't think we should spend time together for a while."

"Shane," Mitchie said, tears falling down her face.

Shane ignored her, and rowed back to the pier. As soon as it hit the ground, Shane got out of the canoe and took off, never once looking back.

AN: Next up, Mitchie and Caitlyn will have another Shane-filled conversation, only this time, I think Mitchie will have a good cry. What do you think? Please, no flames. Reviews are greatly appreciated, so please review.