This is something that I thought about writing, and the procrastinator side of me came out

This is something that I thought about writing, and the procrastinator side of me came out. Finally, her it is! Please Read and Review. Make Edward Proud!

Positive. I threw the ominous little test across the small bathroom Charlie and I shared and lay my cheek on the cool tile of the floor. I felt sick. This had nothing to do with the morning sickness I had been battling for the past two weeks. He left a month ago. I still couldn't function without him. I was lost, and all I could do was live life for others. The only reasons I am still alive are Charlie and Jacob. I have to see the pain in Charlie's eyes on a day-to-day basis when he sees what a wreck I am. I couldn't imagine what would happen to him if I killed myself. Jacob has been with me ever since He left, and I look at him

The last two weeks I couldn't keep food in. I thought I was run down from depression and got sick. Only after I missed my period for the second month in a row did I think I should perhaps take a test. I didn't even think this could be possible. Vampires couldn't have kids! Of course it was me to be the only one. How did this happen? I knew how it happened of course! He had finally given in and allowed us to cross every boundary he ever established. I feel the hole he left ripping open again and again when I think of this. I remember that night vividly.


We were laying in the meadow, and the sun was setting. Though there was only a small amount of sunlight, Edward still sparkled. I had my head on his bare chest, and he was softly stroking my hair. I reached up to kiss him, and it was at first like any other kiss, but it soon turned more passionate. Before I knew it, my shirt was over my head and his hands were roaming towards the buttons of my pants. "I won't hurt you," was all he said before we crossed those boundaries.

Two days later was my eighteenth Birthday.

I sat there and cried. I cried for the love of my existence lost. I cried for not being good enough for him to love me anymore. I cried for the miserable existence that I have become and what is happening to me. Most of all, I cried for my baby that will never have the life I want it to have, and will never meet its father. I cried myself into exhaustion until I fell into a restless, but dreamless sleep. Tomorrow I would have to go to the doctor.