alright, here it is. the epilogue... my author's note at the end should clear everything up... here we go...

disclaimer: i dont own Yu Yu Hakusho or its characters nor do i own the lyrics to Keeper by Yellowcard

Facing Your Inner Demons


When Kelly woke up, it was Kurama who sat beside her. She knew, as soon as she saw him that Hiei had left. And picking up the tear gem in her hand just proved it.

She didn't cry. Hiei wouldn't like tears shed on his behalf. When Kurama relayed Hiei's message, she merely gave a small sad, but sincere, smile.

She finally found out. A best friend was the most she was going to get out of him. He left after all.

But she was content with what she had.

At least, on the outside she was.

She knew, right then and there, that she no longer had a purpose in life. The whole world just came crashing down on her.

And she would slowly, but surely, have to put the pieces back together. Because that's what Hiei would want her to do. He wanted her to be happy, to live her life with what he taught her.

That was two weeks ago.

She now sat on her roof, just as she had so many times before. Only this time, she was alone.

She had started her first day of senior year only three days before. And already she hated it. Hiei wasn't there. It wasn't the same.

She looked down and grabbed Hiei's tear gem as it was blown in the wind.

"I wanna love, I wanna live
I want you to love me
I want you to leave me," she sang quietly as she gazed into the tear gem.

"I wanna stand where I can see
I'm watching you love me
I'm watching you leaving me now"

Lately, she had become consumed with gazing into the stone. It made her calm, made her forget. But at the same time, it made her remember everything.

"I wish I could be somebody else
I wish I could see you in myself
Wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me and
Say what you really feel
You know I need something that's real
I wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me"

Tear gem still in hand, she turned to look at the stars, and she knew that wherever Hiei was he was looking at them too. Even if they were the Makai's stars, he was looking.

"I wanna know if I could be
Someone to turn to
That could never hurt you
But I know what you think of me
Yeah, you had a break-through
And now I'm just bad news for you"

Tears flowed down her cheeks. She would cry just this once, but they weren't for Hiei. They were for the beauty of the stars. At least, that's what she told herself.

"Wish I could be somebody else
I wish I could see you in myself
Wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me and
Say what you really feel
You know I need something that's real
I wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me

"I should've told you everything
I never gave you anything
I should've told you everything
If I could give you anything
You know I'd tell you everything

"I wish I could be somebody else
I wish I could see you in myself
Wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me and
Say what you really feel
You know I need something that's real
I wish there was something inside me
To keep you beside me

"I should've told you everything
I should've told you everything
I should've told you everything"

Kelly watched the stars continue to gleam in the night sky. Her new best friend, her love, wasn't there, but everyone has to walk on their own at some point. She would take everything he had taught her, and she would walk. She didn't know if she would be okay. But it didn't matter. Both of them needed to start over. They needed to act on what they had learned from each other, live a new life, even if it meant being without each other.

And now was the time to do it.

And one day, in the far future, when she saw him again, she would tell him everything.

okay, now before everyone freaks out ill tell you this... there is a sequel! well actaully, its more like a part two. i wanted him to leave in the end. it made more sense to me. but of course i wanted them to end up together... but w/e i'll explain it in a little bit i want to explain why he left

the third to last paragraph sums up why he left, and theres a lot about it in the sequel, but i want to kind of explain it in little detail here so that nobody freaks or anything. when Hiei explained to Kurama he was saying that they (he and Kelly) had both changed so much because of what they had taught each other. they needed to live on what they taught each other. to change their lives to the way they should be. Hiei would have to learn to love and Kelly would have to learn to trust, to open herself again. but they need to do it without each other. they need time to do this on their own, understand? if you dont, please wait until the sequel, it explains it so much better.

right now for info on the sequel itself... i dont know when i will post it. i havent done much but write that and update this story so i have no work done for school which i start in two weeks maybe? i dunno, but i really need to do that. i can tell you that i will have it up by the second week of september sometime that i promise you. i have twenty five chapters done of that story so far but i want to get more done.

the story is called Spreading Your Wings. look for that title. it takes place seven months after this one ends. I can tell you the first chapter takes place in her school and she talks to Kurama on her communicator and reveals some shocking news that will be the basis of the first couple of chapters (and no shes not pregnant and she doenst tell him she loves Hiei, Kurama knew that without anyone telling him). i can also tell you that Hiei will make an appearance early on, but not in Kelly's life. He will still be in the Makai. hm... what else can i tell you... oh yeah it will be rated T but it will borderline on M, but its not complete M material so no worries there... Kurama will have a bigger role, some KuramaOC (not Kelly)... a lot more of Kel's house and family... okay i think that's everything i can tell you... yup thats it!

i just want to thank everyone whos reviewed, added me or my story to their faves, and everyone that's read this. It means so much to me, and you've all kept me going and i never dreamed i would get the response to this story as i did (over 130 reviews people! wow!) i love you all so much and thanks a bunch! wow my a/n was longer than my epilogue lol