" Pay! What am I supposed to wear tonight? Troy said to get dressed up but he won't tell me where we are going! I need help!" Gabriella Montez exclaimed to her best friend Sharpsy over the phone. Tonight Gabi had a date with her boyfriend of seven years and she was so nervous. Although she wasn't exactly sure why, she just had a feeling that tonight was going to be very special. Now if only she knew what to wear!

" Calm down boo. What time is your date with Troy?" Shar questioned her friend. " Umm it's at 7 and it is now 10 in the morning." she replied. Shar smirked into the phone. " Perfect! I'll be right over and then we will go shopping!" Secretly Sharpay knew all about the date already. When Troy had enlisted Sharpay and Ryan Evans to help him plan the engagement Sharpay had naturally told agreed, this was her best friend they were talking about! Now all she had to do was find Gabi the perfect dress.

Ten minutes later Shar was over at Gabi's apartment. Using the key that Gabi had given her the day that she moved in Sharpay let herself in. " Boo I'm here! Are you ready to go?" Sharpay called and when she heard a faint yes from the bedroom she followed the voice.

" Hey Pay. I'm ready to go just let me grab my.."

" Not uh Boo, my treat!" Sharpay cut Gabi off before she could finish. Sharpay knew that the one thing that would stop Gabriella from getting the perfect dress was the price. Therefore Sharpay was happy to take that obstacle right out of the way. Her best friend and her ' baby sister' was getting engaged tonight for crying out loud! She had to look drop dead gorgeous.

" Pay are you sure?" Gabi asked hesitantly " Boo I'm positive."

" OK..." Gabriella said uncertainly but decided to let the matter drop since she knew she was never going to win the battle.

At the mall the girls went into five stores without finding one thing. On the last store before the girls were going to give up and head back to Sharpay's house and rummage through her enormous closet they found the perfect dress. It was a beautiful red dress that went down to about her knee. It was a deep v- neck halter dress that was made out of silk and underneath the bust it was accented with a rhinestone belt. Gabriella was drop dead gorgeous in the dress and Sharpay knew Troy would be speechless when he saw her.

Purchasing the dress they went to the food court and ate lunch. After lunch they went to go look for jewelry and shoes.

After the girls long day of shopping they decided to head back to Gabriella's Apartment to get ready for the date. Sharpay smiled inside knowing that today the amazing girl next to her was going to be engaged! Now all she needed to do was call Troy and make sure everything was ready as he and Ryan were supposed to be doing.

When they got back to Gabriella's Apartment, Gabi went to go get a shower. This gave Sharpay the perfect opportunity to call Troy and see how everythings was coming along. Grabbing her pink jeweled sidekick (what else?) she dialed Troy's number. After the fourth ring he finally picked up the phone.

" Hey Troy, how is everything going? I'm with Boo now." " It's all set up Shar, all we need is Gabriella and that should be taken care of in a couple hours." Troy said over the phone. " How are you holding up Bolton?" " I'm nervous but I figure we have been going out for seven years, if she didn't want to marry me eventually she would have already dumped me by now." Sharpay smiled into the phone. Troy was so much in love with Gabriella that he would probably die if something ever happened to her. Sharpay smiled when she remebered their Senior Prom. Troy was speachless when Gabriella walked downstairs with the rest of the girls. Come to think about that was the night Troy first told Gabriella that he loved her. Sharpay knew that they both thought of that night often. " Your absolutely right Troy, well I gotta go Gabi is out of the shower and now it is time to make her even more beautiful if thats even possible. Go home and take a nap or something T, I know you didn't get any sleep last night. When you next see me you will be engaged! See ya Troy!" Sharpay said as she hung up the phone just in time.

Gabriella walked into the kitchen with her bathrobe on and her hair slightly damp and in waves from the shower. " Ready to work some magic Pay?" Gabi asked with a twinkle in her eye. " You know it Boo!" The two girls laughed and ran off into Gabriella's bathroom. " First lets do your make-up, Troy always says your to beautiful to wear make-up but I think just a little bit of mae-up on the eye and a gloss will make you shine." Sharpay said in her element. Fashion was what she loved. After applying mascara, eye liner, and a clear shimmery lip gloss onto Gabriella's beautiful face, they started on her hair. " I think that we should put your hair up Boo because of the back of your dress, you want to show off that design." Gabriella of course agreed with Sharpay and half and hour later Gabriella's hair was piled ontop of her head in a elegant updo with two natural curls cascading around her face and onto her shoulders. " Oh my gosh Boo! You look drop dead gorgeous!" Sharpay squeled. Gabriella had just emerged from the bathroom with her dress on and she was biting her lip nervously waiting for Shar's reaction. When she heard this her face broke out into a smile that could light up a room. " You really think so Pay?" All Sharpay could do was nod as she was still breathless from looking at her 'little sister'.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Sharpay squeled again and rushed to answer the door telling Gabi to stay there until she called her. Fidgeting nervoulsy with her hands she heard Troy and Sharpay talking in the hall. " Boo your date's hear!" Shar called in a sing song voice. Taking a deep breath Gabriella walked out of her bedroom and into the hall where she saw Troy staring at her open mouthed. She giggled soflty. " You know Wildcat it's not polite to stare." She teased. Snapping out of it Troy just smirked at her and said " Well then I'm sorry but I'm going to be very rude tonight cause I can't take my eyes off you." Gabi blussed before walking up to her boyfriend and kissing him on the cheek. " It's ok, I dont mind." Sharpay pretended to gag " Guys I'm still here you know?" The couple started laughing. " Sorry Shar." they said together. " It's ok, well you two had better get going. Have fun tonight!" She opened the door for the two of them and before she closed it shut again she winked quickley at Troy. " And so tonight begins" Shar wispered to herself.

So...whatd you think? I really think this is going to be an amazing story and hopefully you will to! Review please and tell me how YOU would like the proposal to go. I am open for anything

Love Kase