
Albus Potter gets set backwards in time in an accident to just before his father's first year in school.

Chapter 1

"He's coming around." Madam Pomfrey said as Albus Potter started to wake up. The boy had appeared in the headmaster Professor Dumbledore's fireplace unconscious a few hours earlier

Albus blinked a couple of times. "Where am I?" he asked confused.

"You're in Hogwarts' Hospital Wing. If Madam Pomfrey doesn't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions." Professor Dumbledore said.

Madam Pomfrey didn't say anything and that was all that Dumbledore needed to know he could go ahead with asking questions.

"First of all, who are you? You remind me of one of my students that I had years ago." Dumbledore asked.

"Albus Potter. I was on the train and my brother James pointed his wand at the window to see if he could turn it yellow. What ever spell he did, it bounced off the window and hit me professor." Albus said.

Dumbledore looked Albus in the eyes and looked rather puzzled.

"Curious. I never heard of anything like that happening but everyday leads to a new discovery. The last time you checked, what year is it?" Dumbledore asked, the normal twinkle in his eyes absent.

"Its 2017." Albus said worried that he may have been lying in the hospital wing for years.

"Its 1991. June 13th if you want to know the date." Dumbledore replied. "It appears that you were sent backwards in time by a spell that went wrong. You arrived a few hours ago in my office. I thought you came in threw the Floo Network as that you came out of my fireplace."

"What? This is some kind of prank?" Albus panicked.

"I assure that this is not a prank. I'm not an expert in time travel and I'm going to talk with the Unspeakables at the Department of the Mysteries to see if we can get you returned to when you belong. In the mean time, I suggest you stay here in the Hospital Wing as school hasn't let out for the summer. I'll be back as soon as I can." Dumbledore calmly said. Dumbledore left the hospital wing leaving Albus wondering what would happen to him.

A few hours had passed. By the light coming threw the windows in the hospital wing, Albus figured it was getting close to sunset. He couldn't believe his luck. His mom, aunt and uncles always compared him to his father. All ways saying how trouble found him just like his father. No matter how careful he was, he seemed to always get into a bad situation. Like how he got locked into a room with a five foot tall spider that his older brother enlarged. Or finding himself on the roof when his cousins wouldn't leave him alone. Now here he was 26 years in the past... He wouldn't be born for 15 years. He just hoped he could get back to his own time. Just then, Dumbledore came back with a strange man who Albus figured was an Unspeakable.

"Mr. Potter, this is Terrance Smith. He works in the time research division of the Department of the Mysteries. I'm afraid he has some rather bad news." Dumbledore said concerned.

"I'm afraid we can't send you forwards in time. You being sent into the past has caused a serious divergence our sensors picked up. Most of the time when we pick up a divergence, its because someone went backwards in time with a time tuner an hour or two and its nothing too serious. However, you went backwards in time before you were born. If you return to the future, even if you made no significant changes during your stay now, you would find that when you go back, you would have never existed. Any older brothers and sisters you may have will exist, just not you and possible any younger brothers and sisters. Its due to that fact that the Realm of the Living remembers every single soul that has existed in it and will not allow a soul to enter it twice, no matter from where that soul is coming from. That's one of the reasons why you can never truly bring back the dead. Its hard to explain but needless to say, you would be a total stranger to everyone when you get back. Not only that but people you may know may be different because you never existed. Ministry laws about Time Travel say we can't send you back because of these kinds of changes. Some people who found themselves in those kinds of situations tried to re-create the relationships they had in the original time with others, only to find themselves being charged with harassing others. The Ministry didn't want to go through all of that again so outlawed the practice." Terrance Smith said.

"Just my luck... What's going to happen to me then?" Albus asked.

"Well, after much talking with people in my department, we decided its best that you pretend to be your father's twin brother. The two of you are both 11 and are close enough in age for it to work." Terrance Smith explained.

"What? You mean I have to live with the Dursleys? I met my dad's uncle once last summer and he was so rude. I hate him..." Albus shrieked.

"Well, unless there was someone else who your grandparents wanted your father to go live with that is available that is willing to take you and your father in, you have no choice but to stay with them." Dumbledore said annoyed.

"On the bright side, since you are from the future, you may have some knowledge that could come in handy. Since you have already altered history, we don't see any harm in you making anymore changes." Terrance Smith said.

"Well, there's one change I would like to make right now. Sir, didn't you say that classes haven't let out yet?" Albus inquired.

"Yes." Dumbledore said with a worried tone in his voice.

"Well, my uncle Percy Weasley, he had or has a pet rat only its not a rat. Its a Death Eater named Pettigrew or something like that..." Albus continued nervously before being interrupted.

"Are you sure? The Ministry proclaimed Petter Pettigrew was dead and Sirius Black was a Death Eater who killed him." Dumbledore said shocked.

"I'm sure. I've heard my parents and uncle's talk about it enough times. Sirius didn't kill Pettigrew or those muggles. It was Pettigrew. After Pettigrew blew up the street, he turned into a rat a left Sirius at the scene making it look like Sirius did it. The Ministry threw Sirius into Azkaban without a trial and didn't find out he was innocent until after he died in some fight with the Death Eaters when my dad was in his fifth year." Albus said.

"You want Sirius Black to be released from Azkaban so that you and your father can live with him?" Dumbledore said annoyed.

"Yes." Albus said nervously.

"Your father has lived with his aunt and uncle for nine and a half years. I don't think he would want to go live with a total stranger. Not to mention there are protections that keep your father safe where your aunt and uncle live..." Dumbledore remarked before being interrupted.

"He would. My dad said he hated living with the Dursleys. They didn't start being nice to him until after the second war with Voldemort started. After Sirius escaped from Azkaban and my dad found out he was innocent, Sirius asked my dad if he wanted to go live with him and he said yes. Unfortunately something happened and Pettigrew got away before anyone from the Ministry could see him and Sirius had to hide from the Ministry for two years until he died." Albus interrupted.

"I see... But the protections..." Dumbledore said before being interrupted by Terrance Smith.

"You are forgetting who you are talking to Mr. Dumbledore. Harry Potter will get blood protection from living with any person related to his mother by blood that isn't more distant then third cousin if I recall from some experiment my coworker did."

"Alright. I'll think of someway to capture Pettigrew that isn't too suspicious. But even if I turn in Pettigrew and Sirius Black is released from Azkaban, it maybe a week or two before Sirius can take you and your father in. He's been in Azkaban for over nine years, going on ten. He will need time to recover in a hospital. Nobody has stayed in Azkaban for that long without having health issues. So I'm afraid you'll have to deal with the Dursleys in the mean time. One of my friends, Mrs. Figg lives not too far away them. I'll tell her to have her pet cats spy on the Dursleys so if things get out of hand, we'll come and get you and your father." Dumbledore said.

Albus groaned. At least on the bright side, he got a chance to meet one of the two people he was named after though he wasn't sure of what to make of him. Having cats spy on the Dursleys? Even if they were part Kneazle, what kind of protection is that?? What kind of person would come up with a crazy plan like that Albus thought.

After few minutes of discussion, Dumbledore and Terrance Smith left. Albus had dinner in the hospital wing and decided to sleep.