Author's Note:

This is a new idea I've had.

I know that I have a number of other stories in varying stages of completion and I will probably update them shortly. I am changing jobs and I'm hoping to have more time to focus on my writing.

BTW I'm meeting with an editor this weekend and she is going to help me get my other stories – Non NCIS stories – E-published... Do you think people will be interested enough to buy my novels??

Disclaimer : Anyway, I do not own anything re NCIS... But I do love them...

Summary : Gruesome murders lead to NCIS and the FBI working together. Visions, Headaches, Attraction, Sexual tension and Emotions complicate matters. Pairings: Gibbs/Jasmine, Tiva, McAbby...


Silver hair...

Ice blue eyes...

Sensual lips...

She smiled as the vision unfolded.

Strong shoulders...

A broad chest...

Beautiful hands...

Her breath caught. He was strong and attractive, in a raw, sexual way ...

He reached out to her, a hunger in his eyes and a sexy smirk on his face...

"Ohh!" She moaned hugging her pillow, heat suffusing her body.

Wind ruffled his hair... dark clouds hide the sunlight of a moment ago...

Angry thunder broke the silence surrounding them...

Lightening, electric and terrifying, excited and terrified her at the same time...

The wind got stronger, forcing her thick, long, red hair loose and sending it whipping around her head, blocking her view of this beautiful man.

"No!" She complained, sexual frustration mounting.

The wind died done...

The lightening and thunder disappeared.

As she got her hair out of her eyes, she searched for him...

Where is he?

"Where are you?" She repeated. She wanted him.

Then she saw him.

"No." She sobbed.

He no longer reached out to her.

His body lay prone on the cold wet ground...

Dark, warm blood... trickled down the side of his face...

Creating a pool that just kept spreading...

"No!" She shouted, emerging from the vision.

Gulping to catch her breath, she rushed to her bathroom and proceeded to vomit.

No... Who is he?

What does this mean?

Oh God... Why do I have to be plagued by there damn premonitions!

I don't even know him!

How am I going to save him?

She asked these questions in a rapid monologue, as she pulled herself off the floor and stripped her damp night shirt off. Stepping into the shower she sighed as the hot water cascaded down her body.

"Calm down, Jasmine. Just calm down. You'll figure it out before it's too late."


Author's Note:

That's it for this chapter...

Let me know your thoughts...