Title: Private School
Author: Wereleopard
Rating: PG at the moment
Pairing: Jack/Ianto,
Spoilers: Ummm all of Torchwood because you need to know the characters and the film St Trinian's
Summary: Ianto gets a call from someone called Kelly, whom he loves. Why doesn't the rest of Torchwood know about her, especially Jack?
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood, or St Trinian's. I wish.
N/B This story is going to lead on to Something Supernatural and Second Coming. There is going to be another story after this one that will bring it up to Something Supernatural. It is going to be a series of stories called The Seeds You Sow
Chapter Five
The lips touched in a soft kiss, Jack placed his hand gently on her face.
The shrill ringing of Jack's made the jump back and looked around the room guiltily in case someone had come in and seen them.
Jack coughed nervously and picked up his phone. Gwen stood and watched him, devoured him with her eyes as he spoke on the phone.
"It was Kelly, they have contacted her. It's time to go." Jack moved away, he grabbed his long military coat. He paused and turned back to her. "This uhhh, we shouldn't have, we were all worried about Ianto."
Gwen nodded in agreement even if she didn't believe it truly and neither really did he they had been working up to this point since they had first met. If only she wasn't with Rhys, if only he hadn't left, if only his and Ianto's relationship hadn't changed and then became stronger. There were so many what if's, maybe too many.
Kelly sat in the SUV looking around. "Nice bit of kit." She muttered. "Can I get one?"
Owen turned to her and smirked. The only person not with them was Tosh; she was keeping an eye on them from the hub just in case they needed back up like the police. How embarrassing would that be?
They parked the SUV a little way away and slowly walked towards a black van. Standing there was a big man.
"Hello honey." He said with a smile that made her shudder.
"Where's Uncle Ianto?" She asked glad that her voice sounded strong.
His eyes glittered with anger. "You're my daughter, I haven't seen you for years you should be asking how I have been, what I have been up too."
Kelly eyed him coolly. "Where is Uncle Ianto?" She repeated.
He growled opened the van door and pulled out Ianto throwing him to the ground. He had no suit jacket, his shirt was ripped and when he raised his head his face was so badly bruised you could hardly see it was him.
All of them gasped at the sight of Ianto, their Ianto. Jack growled and made a step forward.
Ritchie pulled out a gun and held it towards Ianto's head. "One more step and he dies. Jack's heart froze at the thought of losing Ianto.
"If he dies you will find out what really suffering is like." Jack growled.
Ritchie laughed. "I think little Ianto's time is over anyway."
Before Ritchie could do anything one of his friends screamed. As he turned Jack aimed his gun and fired.
"Weevil." Owen muttered seeing the creature heading towards Ianto; they didn't have a chance to do anything as the frightened men were stampeding towards them.
A large war chant echoed around them and suddenly wherever you looked there were schoolgirls of all ages carrying hockey sticks and charging the weevil. They managed to keep their distance but still hitting it with the sticks. The weevil was getting angrier and angrier. Jack, Owen and Gwen took down the men.
"Gwen get to Ianto, Owen you're with me." Jack looked at Kelly. "Get them out of the way."
"Girls." Kelly called out; they turned to look at her and went to stand where she was.
Jack and Owen ran at the weevil shooting it, as it went down Jack pulled the spray from his pocket and aimed it for the weevil's face, knocking it out.
Jack turned and saw Ianto lying on the floor with Kelly by his side. He went over to them; he glanced at Gwen who stared back.
Kelly looked up and noticed the two of them, her face tightened she was not going to let Uncle Ianto get hurt.
Jack went down to one knee and stroked Ianto's face. Leaning forward he kissed him gently.
"Ianto." He whispered.
Ianto smiled lovingly back at him. Jack looked up and noticed the glare that Kelly gave him, he frowned in confusion.
Ianto slowly made his way around the hub, his body aching. Kelly and the girls had gotten back home safely and now she was no longer in danger. He walked over and looked at the CCTV footage and there while he was missing was an image of Jack and Gwen kissing. His heart broke. What had happened? How long had this been going on? He had to know.
The End
The next story in this series is Everything Changes which will be coming soon.