Fire And Vengeance

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews guys, so to explain my long absence. Frankly I haven't been that motivated to continue writing the story, though recently I have begun reading the fanfic "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" by Varigos D. Vastitas. So that got me to push through this chap. So just a heads up this will probably the last update for a while once again, I will be concentrating on rewriting this entire story from the ground up. Adding more Grimdark to this bright little galaxy. So this chap is gonna be a little crazy…

The trip to the Onslaught was unexpectedly boring, as Lucien muse standing behind the pilot's seat taking in the view of the abyss. The pirate fleet has temporarily withdrawn from combat, no doubt licking its wounds from the latest clash with the Clone Fleet. The General's gaze was soon transfixed at the awesome splendor that was The Onslaught. It's massive size easily dwarfing all other ships within the Fleet, like the gleaming jewel of a royal crown. But even with this mighty ship, the Clone Fleet did not escape unscathed. He could see dozens of support freighters patrol about unleashing clouds of repair droids upon each warships welding new hull plating into place. Ammo-laden transports making runs to the other ships from the Onslaught escorted by squadrons of fighters.

'Well at least morale seems high' Lucien thought looking at a pair of fighters conducting several theatrical maneuvers dangerously close to his shuttle, much to the chagrin of the shuttle pilot.

"Maintain discipline in the airspace! We're transporting the general!" the shuttle pilot called over the comm. link.

"Roger, welcome back general." The fighters fell in front of the shuttle, tilted their wings in salute before breaking away.

A series of harsh cough broke his admiring gaze from the dreadnaught outside.

Looking at his companion, shame and guilt washed over Lucien. Senior Commander Bane, leader of the 5th Legion, was a shadow of his former self. Much of his body was gone, lost when he made his last stand at the main gates of Eluthan. Surrounded, Bane used the last of his strength and will and collapsed the gates down on himself. Taking with him countless enemies and sealing the breach the Pirates had made. It took three days to shift through the ruins and when the troops found what they thought were his remains, they were shocked to see him still breathed. Due to the extent of his injuries, the medi-droids were forced to amputate some of his extremities.

The transport shook lightly, announcing its landing within the dreadnaught. A team of medic rushed up the landing ramp and hauled the injured commander away.

As Lucien stepped out of the shuttle, a contingent of clone honor guard awaited him forming two disciplined columns at each side of the shuttle ramp. Glancing at their steel grey armor he noticed their insignia. A simple black column, a stylized letter 'I' as he recalled, learning much of Earth during his time with the original Harry, with a skull affixed above it, a sense of dread pervaded over him. These were Knights, the elite arm of the First Legion if there were such a thing in an already elite unit who answers to only two individuals in the army, Harry and the armored female smiling serenely at him.

'Great... This certainly doesn't bold well' he thought sourly giving a half hearted smile to the woman before saluting her. "Inquisitor Nyx, it is a pleasure to see you again. No doubt you have come to collect my personal testimonies regarding the siege?"

"At your earliest convenience general."

The inquisitor's expression did not change. It was times like these that Lucien dread, give him all the horrors of war and he would gladly face it down with relish over the scrutiny of Nyx's mismatched eyes.

The inquisitor never shared her stories of how she lost her left eye. Only Harry knows the full details of the event that forever made her stand out among her sisters. The optical cybernetic replacement gleamed sapphire blue as it seems to record and judge his every action he made before her.

"Excellent! Then we shall discuss this over drinks at the officer's mess." Lucien managed to retain his smile, swiftly walking past the Inquisitor "I do hope no one cleaned out those Seikoshan liquor yet, I just survived another battle! Time to celebrate."

Nyx silently followed him, her eyes never leaving his person even as he relished his first hot meal and stiff drink in months. Lucien, feeling wholly revitalized and emboldened by several glass of liquor, finally deem to speak to the patient Inquisitor.

"Where would you like start my tale? The ambush or the siege itself?"

"The Ambush would be a good starting point; I was surprised when we received your distress signal only when your forces were stranded planetside. Why did you not send out a distress call sooner? Or the better question would be, how did you allow yourself to be caught in an ambush of such severity?" Her accusatory gaze never left his, Lucien felt his courage shook a little under her baleful look.

"I was impetuous; we had just crushed a fleet at the edge of the Red Twins system and put them to flight. In my haste I had forgotten about the atmospheric storm near Acherin and we jumped right in the middle of it, it scrambled our sensors and communications array within seconds. Then the pirates tore us to shreds the moment we tried to break out." Lucien hung his head in shame and guilt cling to his shoulders, heavier than any of the chains his captors had inflicted upon him. He could still hear the scrambled cries for help of the many doomed ships that never managed to escape.

"Forgive me, if only I had heeded Bane. I will place myself to the judgment of the military council, and accept all consequences for my actions."

Nyx's expression never softened, she was tasked to investigate this disaster for elements of espionage within the fleet. The clones' loyalty was unquestionable, but the auxilia was not clones. Men can always be bought so long as the amount was high enough or given the right incentives. But before her lay the cause for this meaningless slaughter, one man's folly cost a near annihilation of an entire legion and forced them to reveal their trump card. Had it been her decision, she would have ejected him from an airlock the moment he finished his meal. But it was not her decision, Harry's orders were clear: Lucien lives to lead the charge in this new offensive. A fool he may be, but the general have in depth knowledge about his home planet's defenses.

"That will not be necessary general, by the Supreme Commander's decree: You shall not stand trial" a wave of her hand silenced Lucien's reply "Instead you shall take command of the Auxilia forces under the Third Legion. With it, you shall aid in the capture of Sood as penance."

Lucien felt numb, not many would have given him a chance to redeem himself such as this. Fewer still would even have him lead ever again. With renewed determination he rose from his seat. "I will not fail the Supreme Commander, as he wills it I will see it done."

Nyx gave him an unnerving smile, "you might have a spark of ability in you yet. Of course, know that should you fail I will personally preside over your fate."

She rose and electric blue eyes meet stoic brown "Fail and I will grant you the most beautiful of your planet, as you burn up in its atmosphere."

A chirp from her ear made the Inquisitor break her gaze and soften her smile. "Excellent, send him in."

Nyx began to walk to the entrance of the Mess hall "To aid you in your offensive, Senior Commander Bane shall accompany you as well. After all you are not the only one that needs penance."

Again Lucien is stunned, "That is not possible, and Bane is in no shape to fight! In almost every sense he is as good as dead."

The Inquisitor smile grew a little wider as the door slid open, and before her was an armored giant towering above their forms. Encased in thick Katarn-class plate armor, Bane looked at his artificial limbs and flexed his cybernetic fingers slowly. He spared a glance at Nyx before settling his helmeted gaze at Lucien.

"Even in death, I still serve."

Observation Post 'Basilisk'

Like fists of angry gods, artillery shells shriek through the air, pummeling the entrenched occupiers of the 'Basilisk'. The screams of the defenders drowned out by their defensive cannons answering the attacker's volley. Pirate Fighters duel with their Clone counterparts, denying each other of air supremacy high above. Soodese Gunboats trade blows Clone Gunships trying to bypass each other to pummel the ground units below.

Captain Bruc Weston looks over dispassionately at the holo screen. The clones have already pushed through the defenses on the outlying plateaus to the south and the west. Sensors detected enemy movements to the north and east, battling the entrenched defenders in an attempt to encircle 'Basilisk'.

"Have the Soodese mountaineers reinforce our position in the East Quadrant. They are not to break out from our defensive position! Keep those clone ilk occupied there" Bruc ordered scrutinizing the battlefield "Send the Storm Fists and Krayt Fangs to North Quadrant for a counter attack. They are overextended we'll cut their eastern forces off and let our reinforcements deal with them."

"Yes captain,"

"Captain Weston, reinforcements from Sood is en route as we speak. ETA 4 hours!"

Bruc formed a crude smile, with the reinforcement coming from the East; those clones would be trapped and slaughtered. He had no doubt those clones would give them hell; they were a zealous and cunning bunch. But no matter how fierce they were, his army's number will grind them down.


Silver grey eyes glowed at him, taunting him. The scent of blood and burning flesh filled his nostril; she danced around him in the dark battlefield that was his mind, her pale blonde hair brushing against his armor. She was always close, whispering madness and granting visions of possibilities, but never close enough to catch. She was his curse, his brothers', the curse of the Raven's Claw. No one knows how or why, but every trooper assigned to his legion suffers such dreams. It begins with whispers in dark corners of their minds, of warnings and secrets. But eventually she appears, The Woman, luminous and with an elfin look, always dancing tantalizingly close. She would answer none of his queries only ever whispering what she thought he needed to know. It was hard to wake from these dreams, and only through the concerted efforts of multiple brothers can they be able to view the visions she imparts sanely and with absolute clarity. For she imparts visions naught be death and war, many brothers have been lost because of her. No matter how strong they were, the time arrives when they would not wake from their dreams, content to chase after The Woman.

For Knowledge is Power and her whispers were powerful indeed, filled with promises of the future battles and past secrets. But this particular dream was different; he saw a winged giant locked in mortal combat with a blood soaked beast among a field of gore as a city burn before them. The screams of the wounded intermingled with the wail of broken families pierced the night sky providing a dark symphony for malignant entities that watched from above. Suddenly the dream changed, He saw a white stag standing over a fox and a bird, its antlers warding off the carrions that seek to carry them off into the night. The thrusts of its antlers struck true and for every carrion killed, it glowed a little brighter like the first light of dawn. It was a harsh light, piercing through veils of darkness, until even he was forced to avert his gaze.

A solid strike to the head awoke him from his dream, grounding him back to reality. Firenze looked at his attacker and nodded in gratitude, Captain Cato. A relatively new member of the legion, whose exposure to The Lady was still in its infancy.

"10 minutes."

Looking out of the transport he could pick out the cave his engineers have excavated at the base of the plateau, the entrance guarded by several of auxiliary squads. Below his transport, their payload shook slightly as the craft slowly descend upon the landing zone. Glancing at the

Activating his comm. link, "brothers make ready, we are going into the belly of the beast. Our auxiliaries have created a way for us to end this battle, time is of the essence. Our mission, deliver and protect the fusion device. The chief engineer estimates 5 hours before the device will be in place and ready for remote detonation. The security detail shall withdraw by battalion every hour. We will be the last to withdraw; you have all seen the visions. This will not be our end, take comfort in our father's blessing and we will avenge our fallen brothers a thousand fold! Knowledge is Power!"

"Guard it Well!"

Eastern Front

It was times like these Captain Ronan envied the enemy soldier; they know not what the future brought. Hope strengthens their minds and steels their resolve. The hope for home, with their family safe and living in an age of peace and plenty. If only he was blessed with such willful ignorance. No, war is upon them and war is cruelty. Their leaders had brought them here to die, a desperate push to stay the inevitable march of his Father's will. The thoughts of his Progenitor filled him with something better than Hope, Purpose. He was not as naïve as some of his brethren, groveling at the sight and words of his father. Worshipping him as if he was a god among men, he knew better. His father is human, a wizard thrust into a world not his own, desperate to return home to battle a great enemy. But his sense of duty shackles him here, fighting enemies not his own. Unable to abandon the suffering of innocents to the darkness of this galaxy, so he fights. Thus Ronan too will fight, not for the innocents or the good. But for his father, so one day he too will be able return home and bring peace to his world. When that day arrives and his children are no longer needed, they will die. Content in the thoughts of their purpose fulfilled.

'But not today,' Ronan gazed impassively at the forces arrayed against him, fresh Soodese gunships disembarking multitudes of troops. Then rising over the mass of infantry and armor to provide air support, heedless of the dangers to their troops should they crash. 'It seems arrogance is strong in these lots.'

As per their battle plans, the majority of the Third Legion are arrayed here. Commander Firenze took only a regiment to ensure the package delivery, leaving the remaining three quarters under the command of Ronan. His mission was simple, keep the Basilisk encircled and stop all reinforcements. To ensure the blockade's success he left 2 regiments to fortify the eastern route out of the plateau as he struck out to intercept the reinforcements. With the Auxilia forces bogged down in the other fronts, no aid could be afforded to them, as if they were needed. No, it was better this way, no unnecessary friendly fire when the Legion really let loose.

Closing his eyes, Ronan allowed The Force to flow through him. His brethren formed up shoulder to shoulder, following his lead. The Soodese forces confused at the thin line of men before them charged forth, intent on trampling the paltry clones in a tide of bodies. Their gunships sped ahead, readying their heavy blasters to shred their opponents.

As the Gunships reached their weapons range, in unison the clones thrust out the hands and as one the gunships was forced still. Ronan gritted his teeth, beads of sweat started to form on his forehead as focused on his next task. With a great metallic shriek, the gunships imploded into a ball of scrap. The fortunate died swiftly and those were less so screamed, mangled and trapped within. With a great roar, the clones flung the wrecks careening down on the stunned men. The boulders reaped a bloody harvest, crushing over men and tanks alike turning a once thick mass formation into a field of writhing bodies.

The clone regiment ignited their lightsabers, its crimson hue reflective of the bloodied ground before them. With a mighty cry Ronan led the charge.

"Knowledge is Power!"

"Guard it well!" His brethren howled their replies, racing after their captain. The Force empowering them, their will to bring victory for their Father left no doubts in their mind as they closed in on their bedraggled foes. To their credit, the surviving soodese soldier did not break and flee. Instead they attempted to form a firing line and regroup, confident that even now they still outnumber their enemy. After all, the mad fools were making a last suicidal charge at their position. Surely that feat of jedi sorcery has drained them, right?

The Raven's Claw fell upon them before the soldiers could take aim. Limbs and bodies flew as the Clones swept over their foes, those that stood their ground watched in horror as their bodies were bisected. Their last image was their lower half still standing its ground. Men who stayed is groups or cover found the Clones' sorcery was far from depleted as their own tanks lifted from the ground and crushed them beneath it. At the center of the slaughter stood Ronan, blood drenched his armor from head to toe as he pressed forward mauling any unfortunate soul that got in his way. Shocked and horrified the splinters of the Soodese force ran, the surviving men fled back to their city a gibbering wreck recounting stories of bloodthirsty demons and their terrible powers.

'War is cruelty; let them wallow in that knowledge'

Ronan watched on as the remnants slink away, all around him the clones continued in their bloody work. Mercifully killing any unfortunately wounded that survived the engagement. Had their legion fought these men with a secure rear camp, these men might have been prisoners. But now is not a time for such generous mercies. The reinforcements might have been defeated, Basilisks still stands and with it much of the pirate bands' leadership on this world. He sat against a wrecked tank and called to his subordinates, "how many brothers did we lose?"

The subordinates looked at one another before replying "None Captain, All squads and battalions are accounted for! I daresay this is a first!"

Ronan reveled at the news for a few moments 'small mercies'

"Father must be watching over us this day." One of the subordinates smiled "Let these Soodese quake at the thought of fighting a god!"

Ronan gave him a sharp look "Our words are 'Knowledge is Power', and yet you weaken yourself with such ridiculous belief. Had he heard you say those words; our Father would have spell your voice away."

Properly chastised, the Clone lowered his head in shame as Ronan addressed the remainder "Never forget the purpose of your creation, Earth! Home of our Father. Once this cursed war is over we will scour this galaxy in search of that distant home. There we will be the sword to cleanse the dark filth known as Voldemort!"

After receiving affirm nods from them, Ronan led the regiment march back to their lines and to battle.


"Bloody Hell!" he used the curse so much; they might as well be actual spells. When he led his legion west in search of the disturbance in The Force he felt, Harry never thought it would be through volcanic caves that were the as tall as skyscrapers and as wide as Hogwarts Castle grounds. "They can fit 3 Hogwarts here!"

The Entirety of the First Legion marched into the caves, complete with armor and a logistic train. Only a small contingent of Knights joined Harry though much to Nyx's chagrin, she was and the main contingent was assigned to guard Onslaught in case of boarders. His better judgment pointed him to the battlefront against Sood. But something is calling him here, like ringing bells at the back of his mind. He had planned to only take the contingent of Knights and the pair of Jedi for his protection, but Amirah would have none of it. She scolded him on such a move, had the Pirates ever learned of such a move they would have overwhelmed his paltry escort before the closest help could arrive. Even Nyx, normally supportive of some of his insane schemes, agreed with Amirah. Although she preferred to go in his stead with the might of the Knights and bring back the object causing the disturbance.

In the end he was glad he brought the legion along, the cave systems was vast. It would have taken years if not decades to find the disturbance alone. The Legion built their forward base the entrance of the cave and assigned a regiment to ensure no attacker may break through without warning. The remaining regiments were broken down into Companies to comb the massive cave networks for anything out of the ordinary, living or otherwise. As Harry trudged through what seems to be miles of tunnels, he felt the ringing quicken growing ever louder. His company pushed forward, relaying to the other companies to converge on their location. When finally they stood before a seal doorway, covered in arcane runes he could not recognize. The ringing now grows deafening, pulsing through his head slowly forcing him to his knees. 'Merlin's Beard! This is worse than the bloody scar!'

Alarmed, Amirah shouted something he could not hear and he was dragged away from the door. Three Heavy Troopers came forward and in unison took aim and fired a salvo of missiles at the entrance. Whatever the runes were, their creator clearly did not expect such force to be used against it. The doorway exploded and the clones stormed the entrance intent on neutralizing whoever or whatever was harming their Progenitor. Who they found were a pair of humans, one armed with a sword and the other's with a staff that coursed with power. Regaining his footing Harry walked in, two knights followed closely behind him lightsabers drawn.

Looking at them as the dust settled, he can see a female wearing a loose looking shirt and corset. Deep green eyes under her ashen blond tracked his movement wearily. There was fierceness in her eyes, as if looking in the mirror of himself. The other was a man, cloaked in heavy robes, his eyes golden eyes were veiled with wariness as well as shock. He was not expecting their protections to be overcome so easily. But what caught Harry's attention were his ears. Pointed Ears. He was reminded of the elves he saw on the telly during Christmas.

"Elf?" his words startled the strangers, who are more alert now than ever. Sensing this standoff would only end in violence, he ordered "stand down all of you, we mean you no harm. I promise"

Grudgingly his legion lowered their weapons, and the pair to do the same.

"How do you know of my kind in this world human?" The Elf questioned, "Have there been more of my kind wandering about?"

Harry almost forgot to answer him, distracted as he was with the elf's female companion "What? No, I just recognized your ears as something elves have in the myths of my world."

"Your world? Is this not your world?" The woman enquired, "And how did you managed to destroy the barrier? It should at least give you some resistance."

"It did" Amirah spoke up, clearly still considering the pair as a threat "It caused a disturbance in the Force and our leader decided to investigate. Your spell was resonating something that causing him pain, our sisters decided to destroy before he was harmed further. Now how about you tell us why you need to ward yourself with such protections. Are you Force-Sensitives that fled here to avoid the war?"

"No! This was magic! We have not used the Force" The woman retorted

"Enough, it would seem my concealment spells had the reverse effect in this world." The elf cut in, turning towards Harry "Now it would seem my companion and I have you unforeseen pain, for that I… apologize"

Harry could hear the sneer in his voice, clearly this is a person who thought quite highly of himself and to apologize was far below his station. He bit back his retort.

Instead, he introduced himself "What's done is done; let us start with a clean slate. My name is Harry Potter; I am the Commander of the group you see before you."

The female spoke first "My name is Ciri, a Witcher and this is Avallac'h, a Elven Sage."

A/N: There it is folks! Surprised you guys with the last part didn't I! I spent like 6 hours writing this up, now at the end of this chap I don't know if I should continue with this surprise xover or just stick with the 2-3ish xover I'm already mixing this story with. Besides, what (God)Emperor would Harry be without an amazing Empress ;P. Also to clarify, there is such thing as The Force in The Witcher universe. The Force in their world is basically primordial chaos, so it's extremely volatile to use, I was kinda surprised when I found during my research. If you see any mistakes please Message me! I just let inspiration hit me and rolled with it, unfortunately inspiration came with bad grammar too. I hope this is a better chapter I have written than my previous one. I will attempt to rewrite it one by one, so make sure to check up on it once in a while because it might change (quite significantly). Oh right! Before you guys say anything about the Raven's Claw being too OP and wielding red lightsabers. By this time the Third Legion is not a fresh off the VAT legion, they already served in campaigns in other fronts before being recalled. Also, the other colored lightsabers are from crystals that developed naturally. Red is synthetically created crystals, the clones have yet to fine a cache of naturally occurring crystals to mine yet, so they had to make due. The ones who have a different color, are the lucky few gifted to by Harry from the cache he found from Derem City.